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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ord7. and ?? dt1QnlBE iS eb~iy j4,6 Th ts Meeting of ti t fhe ':ralt@z - ythe .rrvvT 1:itpia Roidb. wilt Ibe g~tejn tthe~R'cd.Lioh Inn, s'tanre, uA tMonday. the 3th or;t E1~vtn & in the Forenotin, %whens jt i~ti~t~n~eisi t;7X~ps0vI Trulica in the Romi oj hofe Ieonorare d o h;nt4. to ects and oi ot4e_ IHecial IW~sX.. ?? 3HN HIVLL1Jg, Clerk. f aae$ eSth~shFe2tr.7, z oz% ?? to P U C.H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RANDALL ,iscn Draper, Haberdi/t er; and Br` [tC;t STREET, OXF.ORD. ROMPT with Gratitude for the Favours P already conferred5 Ind relying on a generous Public .r a future Cottinuance, takes this .pportunity of in. forming them of bis having retrned fromn London with a choice Collecaion of Spring Ptints, entirely new, and winihes to offer to their NWotice a valuable Collekion of Black and White ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 be S w 0 L: C-TIOW' JIL ByDANIE .r St.. : Or, Tuefday next, Marcdi ?? sof falfowing Dy,-rA large.. and valuable' Ati'rtmcnt'of tc;t and n.oderiifOtrE. * HOLD FURNITURE, LINEN, CfINA, BOOK' FIRE-ARIMS, anti other valuable Effecs, principalfythe Property of two Perions, 'laely, deceafed, wbich, for Con-, veniency of Sale, wvill be remowed from the Country to~the King's Head, Ci~rnceffer.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. THE Creditors of MICHAEL PHIPPS, of T Great Tew, in the County of Oxford,, Vicualler, are hereby informed that he has asigned his Effe-t; and Debts tO Johns Bufby and John Barlow, both of Great Tc\v aforel'Jid, Yeoien, and John Kindoi,,of Chipping Norton, in the fjld Crlantv, Liqus'r Merchant, irs Truft for th-- B nrefit of fucl nr, his Cruditrs; who iha'l3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Br THE KWNG's PATENVT, SPILSBURY's ANTISCORBUTiC DROPS. ' Mrs. JixEsj at the Printing Office, High Street, a Oxford, begs leave to inform the public, that fhe has re- t ceived afreflh parcei of thefe CEIE2BRATZD DROPS from ( the Difpenfary in Soho Square, London, which are proved t by experience to be the fir(t Medicine now extant for the % radical cure of the fcurvy, gout, iheumatifm, evil, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be SOLD bv AUCTION, B3y Mr. F OLKEBR, On Monday next the 9th of Mach lnftant, igso, at the BEAR IN N, Oxfoid, indmdilaiey afrer the Sale cf tbefaid IYn-Two BONDS of aool. eaci, fecured on the Ox- ford Market and St. Ciemeint's Turnpike Gate. Intereft Four and a Half per Cent. and paid every Half Year. be SOLD bD AU CT'I I N5 By Meffrsa EATO'N and SON, Oi Wednefday the i8th of March, igoez at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOLLS TO BE IETT. . OTICE is hereby given, Afiat.flie Tolls N arifing at the Toi Ga~te called osfid GCaitr, in heb Parifi& of Kidlington, iu the County of O*ford, wil} be LETT by AUCTIE N, to the be bidaler' a-t thc Houfe of Bejtainfi Caiei, under the Town .Hal, in the Ciiy. o afortd, on Saturday the 4h Iay df15 pril t~qz-betwceo thc Hours of Eleveni in the Forenriof aiw' Twob in rlur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T° be ,SOLL by A-.TII0- . . By JOSEPH PRAT.T,:. ?? ' On Wednefday the sit Day of April1 aSos, on the Pre- rnimrs of, Mr. JOieIis UMpHRISs, at -Hazleton, near: Northleach, in the County of Gloycepfer, who is.leaving one of ?? of Nis capital F'AT and BREED- 1IqG STOCK. Tbe .Paarfic.ear; of ?? in next Week's Paper. . T° hep SOLD by AUC Tl.ON' , ..y JO5,EP`H E R ?? .. On AFriday and $aturdal tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i C TO DEBTORS AND7 CRED1TORS.- * LI. perf'.s who fliand indebted to the fi'ate oif the tola Slrh'I uw N Ift, C OW EN c D or f Fdruitderj ac dfrircd t ; pay their r'fccive Debts r jamin Chutckll, ?? IL )C.C. - 5 ~r-. And p yerfns tvh~o ! -r an Claimr or D mnanJ ,n thie Eflate of 7 faid decsafed A C dt&lred tl felnd te ftbC t1o either of 5w - r:'j be &fecharged. Thn STONE QJAiEtS at Headington, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MWt1C 100NT'- C'ORD. O -M~AWCH SO, 1809. liE 1aflt tbkription Concert in the A C prfe T Terin will be on) Monda-t next rhc ' d Iil3 n, fot ?? mrs. ASHfF.from Bath, is enppaed. Mr. ASHEL, s alfo kindly offered his AiIttanrc, and %viliplay a, CONCERTO on the FLUTE. subikxibetm.arc tequefted to produce theii Tlck- is at the' D othewife thy will be deemied Non-Subfuri ?? 0obe:>-SOLD by AUCTiONK .i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . £n~DIOESE 01? O-FOPD. T HE Lord BiOf1op uf COxford requefts the I Clergy of his Diocefe to, as joon as conve- , n t, to hi? Serrerary y, ,Rabtrt Morrell, at Oxford, ?? or Recurns S the fourth and fifth Qeitions in the ichektulc tntained in ;he AdI, intituled It An A& u tor taking an Acrount of the Population of Great Bri. * . taifa, and ot the Increa&e or Dimhinution thereof. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BURFORD ASSEMBLYj (The laj9fjr this Seafon) Will be holden on TuESDA Y, the z4th of March Inflant, AT THE lBULL INN. TJCtETS.-LADI1E 35. 6d. GENTLEMEN 5S. This Day is publiJIbed, Price One Shillin7g, ?HE Origin and Utility of Creeds confidered: lL With ?? of the ATHANASTAN CREED' in a SERMON preached before the Univerfity of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Sunday, 'November x6, 1800. By WILLIAM LORD ...