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Advertisements & Notices

... ord7. and ?? dt1QnlBE iS eb~iy j4,6 Th ts Meeting of ti t fhe ':ralt@z - ythe .rrvvT 1:itpia Roidb. wilt Ibe g~tejn tthe~R'cd.Lioh Inn, s'tanre, uA tMonday. the 3th or;t E1~vtn & in the Forenotin, %whens jt i~ti~t~n~eisi t;7X~ps0vI Trulica in the Romi oj hofe Ieonorare d o h;nt4. to ects and oi ot4e_ IHecial IW~sX.. ?? 3HN HIVLL1Jg, Clerk. f aae$ eSth~shFe2tr.7, z oz% ?? to P U C.H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7te. Glory oft Bitons, ,and thL- Et - y E a: Zdmiiadon of tbe whole U ?? i The following Magazincis earneftly recommended, Dot only to the whole Britilb Navy, and ever Individua' any ways connecfted therewith, but alfo to Merchants, Captains, Mates, Pbrfers, Midihip. men, Cadets, Supercargoe;,. Writers, Paf!engers, and all Perfons employed in the Hon. Eafr-lndia Company's ceivice, is wesll as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RANDALL ,iscn Draper, Haberdi/t er; and Br` [tC;t STREET, OXF.ORD. ROMPT with Gratitude for the Favours P already conferred5 Ind relying on a generous Public .r a future Cottinuance, takes this .pportunity of in. forming them of bis having retrned fromn London with a choice Collecaion of Spring Ptints, entirely new, and winihes to offer to their NWotice a valuable Collekion of Black and White ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BPr AWCTJON. PERPETTWgjJ RENT~CHARGE9S THI Iy MeItf1 S?IKNN1LR anrd DYNrE, DA-Y,~ at toneiR- 6'clock,ai Garcaway's, inz Clots,, Lot~AP.ERPETUAL. RIENT. CHARGE. ofoeanor f FIFTY POUNDS per Annumn, iffuinjh, 'et of th Manr 6fHiaritington, alias -H-uiltingdorr Eng-lifh, and. l-diiitiilgtoi, ~i'ida niunrtiigdon Welch Loctok, Batrton, and lnnin V' cooshny otilsieford.- Loitz-a A PllRt'JtUAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 be S w 0 L: C-TIOW' JIL ByDANIE .r St.. : Or, Tuefday next, Marcdi ?? sof falfowing Dy,-rA large.. and valuable' Ati'rtmcnt'of tc;t and n.oderiifOtrE. * HOLD FURNITURE, LINEN, CfINA, BOOK' FIRE-ARIMS, anti other valuable Effecs, principalfythe Property of two Perions, 'laely, deceafed, wbich, for Con-, veniency of Sale, wvill be remowed from the Country to~the King's Head, Ci~rnceffer.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAILE OF CATTLE, &c. ?? There is to be SoLt by pui'ic roup at RILL, in the'county ofCaithness, upon Thursday the xith or Jule next, A BOUT FIFTY TMILCII CO 8,, wtat thekr f3: ?? C ,VERS,alnd a cousidcrable Nurnber of ?? Sattle of various descriptosi, ,-Mto a FIw HORUSS atid }BRO0OD-IyMARES. 'lhe superior excellence of the Ackergill breed of Cattle is known and acknlow- t Ic'dgfedi by all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - WANTS A PLACE, , FOREssNER, 30 years of' age, who fpeaks the A I French apd Englhh Lanfiiages fluently, withes to &u gage hi ntreltivithl a Sinle1 G entleirila as a1 VAi t r, or in finmall Fan 'Iv 'i Butler and Valct: 'he can have a good charalder from his laxt place, ltere lhe lived ncar four years. Pleafe to'directfor W: H. No. 3, Haymarket; A CHILD Wanted to WET NURSE; a Per- Afon lies-in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANORAMA Ife-2q EDINBURGGHi LEITH, A N D) T HE FRITH OF FORTH. N Monday, March loth, will be exhibited in J~snames's Sqiuare, a PANORAMA OF EDIN-: -BURC H AND ITS ENVIRONS. The point of view is in the niost of the Shipping in Leith Roads, and inaepndarntly of the nunmerous Ships and VessSc' -of various descriptions, the Prospect includes an As- senlblage of Objects, acknowledged to be so picc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s4112973T Atvr7'JG,,v ?? Ai I U 'SET V PIP I URLS, BOOKS, ENI'IEL U (ADl vniH'ill] MIDDLESEX. L~ 1,Pit0lrs.SY'i)41 itid-DY\ 1'r On1 Wednel :lay ?? ile. or \jlril, .. nc folloxtrng tay; at rz riqgbok 1Onl ntlprrnis: l rder if the Execurtors, HEHOUN' HGLID' 1FRN1T TIRE ;a capital It'iifieti ( belt, y 'Elicolt ,alntrOoi ; Piano Forte; titcs iliteLteOrs,1reamib- ry oi B a' bo tovlue' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STAMPOFFICE, HULL. jgIR.pOWDER CERTIFICATES.. ?? Of o the County of York, and the Town and acovity of the ToNvn of Kingftonupon-Hull. fltrJCE is hereby given. that Certyfctes \1 ,fwa2etgr 1 80t,. commencing the 6sh >ilprentt& are ?? JJ ready to he .;uzted out at ijai , ;dire t alpiterfons: rejidene within the faid ji,,i 4 To'&n anid Couniy aforefaid, q who k..q ?? preioi~y- made the entry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N~ M, C;iIRTU IF, Adllis Gnat Ro i?,ii Palt-riial!,hffi tdi)eic6 anid follo-wng laya I~.o'clock, A ~ atf:Iecptr,;~ able and. gS'ti.- LA5 e i- ECT1104 of PIC'ITJRES~ tile prop-e~er oft`he Rig~itt Iu-l a i WM HANIALEION, I.- ii. rdrch:afed ;I11 wthl great t'lfte, 4MTO 'it a liber'l cxpecac,. fjfom fe'cral difftin. t'l *iI' Cabntsi ch rwritry,- and d~irinp, 37 vests r6 ien .a., I'iln lifdrP 'pt ...