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... ?? EXC~FLrGR, L02(' J3DONfA, March en ..F -Iw. lll~it)v ~ . e : ..l. i , l , 1.E funply of ligli h Wheat being very i nail to-day, I td e 0';cet bII ' ileircay cleared ot file qualities, the ]r'j fine lf-s ard Kcnt-it ieat on fale abtained coubli- deral: l,-ityac pries ; but all other duecriptions were Inl s a lai, notcd- Ni rejil Sne Foreign on fale ; but fucI - ould obt- 'hg 1fCCS. g 'rlc ...

Published: Thursday 02 April 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 193 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ?? L . XT 11 X Tuefday, the following Noblemen and Gentle- men were unanimoutly chofen Governor, Depu- ty-Governor, and Directors of the Bank of Scot- land. . OV ERIN OR. The Right Hon. IiN R Y DUNO:DAS, of Melville. D E PU rY-GO V E k m O R. PATRICK MILLAR, Efq. of Dalf'Winton. ORDINARY DIRECTORS. Lauchlan Duff, Efq. Writer to the Signet. Thomas Hog of Newlifton, Efq. William Hoiieyman, Lord ...

Published: Thursday 02 April 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 604 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SSI 1P NE IIS. S PLYMeOUTM, MAtRCH 3x.-Sailed the Mars', of 74 guns, Rear Admniral 'rTornborough and Triunrnhe, Of 7 4 gns, Captain E. Y Harvey, tojoin the Chaunne Fleet-Sailed the St- lidrenzo, of a 40 guns, and Santa Margaritta, of 36 gulls, with the outward- bound Mediterranean Fl i:t under ?? Eafc.-Ar- rived thle Spitfire, of 2o gulls, eapfi c cfo ( u rfy and the Plymouth hired armed ...

Published: Friday 03 April 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 442 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... M A N U F A C TU R E S, ?? L- ?? no..- ft. . . - - 1LX -4 LM U LX tI - i fl SK .R, That the prefent (ate of the muflin and cot- ton manufaaures in and about Glafgow and Paifley, is truly lamentable and diftreffling, Mu .be acknowledged by every intelligent perfoyq .'-High prices of provifions, little work, and low wages, produce poverty, emigration, and beggary. Within thefe few weeks, it is ...

Published: Saturday 04 April 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1040 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... -MORON MATXt1. I ?? ORN MXA ANG Ir, MONDAY, MA5Cl As I.viga fhort f,)jply of Wheat at thla r-lsy's lcarl:t e fis cauledi 11at Of fine qualiry fo advance fol4. e tstr all fince tllis day lO'nnlight. Fins trunse from FKent and Effhcx Try went off from 174s. to 178s. 'and 'fine, bantetickc, f~rom'I C 19 to 170a. pet ?? continues tht fame as wei %ek.-To Arrival of 13~riey ?? pretty lagze has l cau ...

Published: Saturday 04 April 1801
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1889 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... .SEfP NEITS. ?? Aixrr; I.-Arrived the brir Pcreveraner of and from Sieldici, Andrew Elliott mlfter, ladenv with Lcoa, cap- ture; oEC Dover by the Flyhig ibh Frenlch lugger privearer of r- 14gtlns, lifd retakeln by. the Plyniouth.3hired araiad hlgger. 'The f fameprivateer alfo captered the brig INcggy and Pohly of Son- derland, laden with Coal3, and fent her into Ctiais.-Saijlr the S. Centaur ...

Published: Saturday 04 April 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1118 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

The Markets

... .0 ?? I-- - , !II., ; ? I , c M t - - :zb 4;l - ? , , w h ?- .1 I . I ? ?? ? ?- If ~~ ?? .\ ).i; ;^ Ftr tw **;A ,; ~~ ?? l , ?? a~tthis dlaA 's m~r1it, Qd ff# ?? t txnuea the iimcaswlai1weefl--¢h li;arrival of Ba;1¢=y.J~pir)g large, hlas &taffet tl~iai o~ia f;iddllng- qaalait~y t6'de'clrm~' #1lt. : 35.: per qutart-~Oats, -f irsfe rir qu. lity, are z#. ~peid quiar ter ?? lans: fromls . - Zs. ...

Published: Monday 06 April 1801
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 738 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... MURDErP AT BOMBAY. Two natives of Bombay Were lately tried there, and t convicled of the moft inhuman murder om the records Govind, and a girl named Stoney, flaves, had agreed to quit their fervice, and pafs over to the M3ahratta f. lbore, for which purpofe they hired a boat, and ?? . off in the evening with the priloners and two other . men, to row the boat after row-: ?? tiwhe tsh-y dropped ...

Published: Monday 06 April 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1485 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ' I ?? ,The following valuable captures have been officially announced fince our laft Captain Rogers, of the Mercury frigate, who captured xS fail of merchantmen from Cette bound for Marfeilles, on the 6th of January, as mentioned in cur laft, writes from Minorca, that on the aoth of the fame month, he fell in with and captured, after a chace of nine hours, the Sans Pareille Freach corveette, ...


... :SHIP PoaT5Otitrn A R _T. ?? Caftor Frigate 7ot under fail this morning for the tt, fadies, bsi brought to 5'gair. S il StER N E S, Ar IL 3.-His XMafj-lty's gun-veficls Attack 'ad Mete-or have cosse intr, the herhour from the littli Nore.- Tihe Plhmper gun-brig has gone out of harbour to the Little Is ore. SXTBACT 0 A LETTER, ?? pN e'ricpit ON BOARD ADMI- RAL DfClKSON's FLer.T ' Yarmnouth ...

Published: Monday 06 April 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1699 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN EXCHANGE—London, March 27

... CORN EXCHIANGE-Loodon, March 27. We had but a fhort fupply of all grain at thi- day's market. Fine Wheat fupported Monday's prices. The bel Eiltx and Suffolk runs went offfrom i6os. to r7g9. per quarter. In Rye no alteo ation. Barley being in demand for Ihipping that artiele goes off brifker than on Wednefday, but no dearcr. In Oats, Peafe, Beans, or other articles, little or no alterat'on. ...


... Mi2RK.-LANE, Mronday, lfarcls 30. We have hid but!ittle corn of any fpecies frelh' Lp Jera G: nee our lIAft; fblperfine dry wheat of our OWv1 growth advanced this mornming alsout S5. per quarter, and there were rome famplesof forekgn wheat fovery tiie in quality' as to fetch the fanne prices with tha Entilib ; but whatever fell Iholt in any degree as to colour or weight, was fo far from ...

Published: Tuesday 07 April 1801
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 396 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce