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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... -VNISO 'FEAST POSTPONED. B URFORD Annual VENISON VEAST' IJ will be held at the Town Hall, Burford, on TuE s- DAY the :Sth Day of Julf, eSor, with an additional Back as ufual. Din er will be on the Table at Two ?? 5 and a Ball in the Evening at the King's Arms. GENTLEZMN's Tickets 3s.-LADIEs, 2s. Burford, 7ay , 1801.o; 7o the Nobiliy, and ¶Travetlers in general. 'tT E whofe Nanies are hereunto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN APPRENT-ICE WANTED by a Linen and ff-oollen Draper, aberdajer, &c. For furthet Particulars apply at the Printing Office, High Street, Oxford. None but Perfons of refpeflability need apply. BELL INN, FARINCDON. LL Perfons having any Claims or Demands Awhatfoever on the Eftate of Mrs. ELIZABETH TOOL, late of Faringdon, deceafed, in RefpcE of any Debts owing from her or her late Huiband, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND JUNCTION tANAL. ALL Perfons intereted in this Un;dertaking. A nd rropofiigr to dine with the Committee on the torh Inftant, the Day of opening the Canal-to Paddington for- Trade, are rezuefted to apply for Tickets at Mr. Burgefs's, at the Yorkfhire Stingo, Liffon Green, Pad- dington, on or before the Sth Inft. 2d July, x&ox. Dinner on Table at Five ?? sos.6d.each. WARWICK RACES. (On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN HALL; OXFORfl7' iperm qon of tke Rever end the Vice-Chancedot and . , ?? tbe Myeor. - YgR CROSS refpedfully infornis his Friends VJL and the ?? in general, that his: - BgNEFIT CONCERT Will be on FitiDAY the 24th Of jUIY, rSor. Aifter tbe.Conccer a Ball. b Doors to be * pened at Seven, and Oeg;n precifely at Ha f part Scven o'Clock. kIts, 3s. Gd. each, and Bills of the Concmrt, to be had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. HOLIDAY, 9n ?? STOCK, and bther EFFECTSq of Mr. TnoMAs Bus ay, of Beckley, comprifing Horfes, Cows, Waggon, Cart, Plough, Harrows, and Harnefs for four Horfes; Hou~oid Furniture, .Dairy Usenlils, &c. Catalogues may be had in due Time at Je Inns in the neighbouring Towns, and of the Auocioneir, Wheatley. George -Paeunqcefot Cqoke's Creditors, THERCreditors of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUESDAY next, 0-h 2'i' Of JvhA - ivi11 be ariii fcr on PIdRT -3AI DOW, near Oxfo4d, the TOWN PLATE 6f FiFTy'TPOUNIS for ?? Hones, &C. ?? 7o 7ib.five pirolds 8R. 41b1, flx Vcsr olds 8ft. iflb. andi aged 911, Ab.- `3 e-rX' one tilate tince the' atl of January S,2 so, car- ryin5 31b. and of two, 5b. extra. Winners of three Plates linen the ilf of January Jail will not be allot~ed to flart. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A C A D E M Y, AIBIRGDON, BERKS. B1Y WILLIAM CURTiS AND ASSISTANTS, Will be opened again, after the Midfummer Vacation, . IOn MON)bAr next, yuly 0o. HENLEY, JULY 20, Igo0. fRS. TREACHER, late of WadiNgtopz, : h&ang removed to a very co odious Hioufe, I lately occupied by Mrs. NICHOLL as a Boarding School, in New Street, Henley upon Mianes, begs thofe -Friends Ivbo have hithertt, favoured her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tiXFORX , JuLY fihd Y11i z~oz. MtJSIC RO1OM, rfHE next and ]aft Cotciert in the prefentf T Szbjlcription will be in the RACE WEEK, Wednef- 1, u thle .zd the PartiCUl4rs of which will appear` J, due 1'ie. Sdbfcribers aX ofuaI. Nvo-Subfcribibtr Three Shillings and SirpencC. BEAR INN, OXFORD. f 0 be SOL) by PRIVATE CONTRACT,- a~d rmay be etered on immediately,-A commodious. art of the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' JOTrCE is hereby given, 'rhat the hext G Ceneral 'Quarter SefTIons of the 'Peace for the a Cunty of Warwickawill be held On Mondrlay the. Thirteenth Day ofr 7y next, at Nrine ?? in the Forenoon, when the Chief Conitables, Baliffs and-other Officers of the r Court, will be imm'ediately called'over, the Grand Jury impannelled and fworn, and the ordinary Bufinefa ot' the Court gone through, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFSORD, JULY 17th, e8m Mv2USIC ROOM. HE next and Taft Concert in the ptei'-dt T Sobfcription will be on NVEDNESDAY next the ;17. ir.Llant; the Partictlars of which will dipear in Bills. Sktaribers35 ufval. un-.Suhfcribers ,s. Cid. - TOWN HALt, VXPV1.D. - y. Permffi:F rf afde Reverrnd rbe Vic.Chaere/!er *nd di i .AoYikjipful the Mayrr. A. C ROSS refpeafully informs his Friends an] the Public ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURBIDGE TOLL GATE. Meeting of 0tal Truflees pf the Turnpike A Road leading .from Galley HUil, near Witney, to ClatDfield Cro0s, will beheld at the Town Hall, in Witney, Oxon, on Monday the 3d Day of Auguit next, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon, when the' Tolls of the Gate between Curbtidge I-ieatb and Lew Heath will be LETT by AUCTION, to the beft Bidder.-The Tolls of thel raid Gate were lett ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'fO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, I In a remarkably healthy and pleafant Village, fitu- ate in the County of Oxford, and within five Miles of the Univerfity, on a dry Candy Soil, Surrounded by fine Springs, A neac and convenient DWE&LING HOUSE, Stone- built and Slated, coataining on the Ground Flopr an ex- cellent Parlour, with large China'Clofet adjoining, a good Kitchen, with Pantry, Brew ...