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Midlothian, Scotland

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IMPORTS AND EXPORTS AT LETTH, The week ending August 1, 1801

... IMPORTS AND IXPORTS AT L-ErH, The week e4d4n1 AuguL I hi od Piafe ?? qra s, n 7enea I Ir -pieccc cs ?? redewin t6ape Oats J50 ars JAMAICA, . MatteH -. .oo -~ .2P.u . I63 pnnc Co-ri ?? 57S , .Ditto 2. calks Ocb plank ' '7 plieces Di:f. t I hh' Brandy 4 pieces Cotton 'wost 114oo0 ?? E'TER5EiR~w,7:.:C~i A~}fides 100 Old Iron ,6Ac,wt Brown and 3fur- D'A~tfto 4i8, ftons ' jaz20'fin.Vt r xX hhkd 3 ...

Published: Monday 17 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 496 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... foyNDON PRICES CUAt1Fuf~T, CONTAINING Thr PRICE OF THE PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF MERCHANDIZE. FRIDAV, AVG. 14. ALLxwmp.tonl. s. 1. er M~n p. Ct. .d.S. d. C Brifi/2 22 otoZ3 o41 Dutch 11Ero1p 9o otoliz.6 Roach~ p C. 3E oa G - Oibro 63, o-92 6C~ Gsmnen 30 0-S.90 ALMONDS P. CWt. lo 9o o-- x.6 0 Bairybe itter 7 20- 9 .0 myrn93 0-100 ~C - 'Jo veet uncertain; otS p b 0 -0 Yordan new 12 0- 0 o MATSp.I 00 ...

Published: Thursday 20 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1471 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

IMPORTS AND EXPORTS AT LEITH, The week ending August 8, 1801

... IMPORTS AND EXPORTS AT LEITH, The week ending Auguft 8, 180o. IMP OR TED 1/oJ0r flAMBUROHi, ?? 0:1:0 tVZbeai: 4 qrs Foreign cdrdasge 7:2:7 wt Oats 230 -qrs - OPORTO, rg4 I26 qrs Portugal red 'rins 92 pipes 2 eI t Ditfo 25 hhd Montto 50 Cork 1OOO grofs W0ooden clocks 36 To be bonded, I Fiddles 60 Porfugalred wine 420 pipes Un1lound kooks jo- DANTZICR, reigaconp6'rerI:T !0 t w ecatf 1362 qrs Di4 ...

Published: Thursday 13 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 481 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

IMPORTS AND EXPORTS AT LEITH, The week ending August 1, 1801

... IMPORTS AND EXPORTS AT LEiTHJ The week ending Auguftx i, i80o. 4zVV roR>; S a rrsfrom. 36 S perfxsfour 550. barrml to 60 inches 21:4:0 - ?? I7:2:0 wt xx2ECK, Indian corn 6g3 I bbh 'el 'ndrfoor : 20 tons t Indian corn meal 2240 I 1t i.i . A 40 Ditto 25 qri CHR~ISTIANA, u .55cc 571 CWt Deal: 34.3:9 be Barre1fiaves ?? Battens 15:1:0o Stave; net aboveD r; ,, 36 ineles 59:0°0 Deal ensar 52::0 Dials ...

Published: Thursday 06 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 929 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 1Mp~ORTS AND EXPORTS AT LEVIH, . 'T Ae w-cq ending Agigtu sgt18 . gI ba;M Ko JAD R O .& , ILEKIFORD, . ZANDALE, Deals :o:eo T';r inmber is5 pieCcs' . IDANT21CiC, > .:Balks I:3:I 5 eat 2230 qr, l end o:c9 Deals 30 'I1a edsp~o :: .A/Tatts II5 -I~a1fpihes ?? 0:114 :Sr ?? ^ Do zofee- ox z: GSOTTENiiuRGirt Dea l~ee~s 7:s:0 JAMAICA, ,4atOe' 4 :00 Browun and Mnf/es- - Wooden fn.Old. -T 'znadolnar' . ...

Published: Monday 24 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 290 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LOADON PRICES CURPRLA' ., CONTAINING T P1E PRICE OF THE PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF MERCHANDIZEz F'RIDAY, AVZG. 7 ALuTop.tonL S. 1. S' MADER p). et. S. A. S. d B22~~v 1 foZo3 0 1Dutchberroe go otoil2 6 Roach P C. I 1a- o o -Omv~ro 631 o-qz6 ALmzo-,r~s p. cwt. Gans,ne 30 0-55 0 Balbrybiytte, 7 16- 8 0 VO1.9 o- 6 0 Z -fwcevt uncertain RioSyn o o-.05 0 ?? 12 0- 0.'AT 0 h Os - 0 0 r bo' piaft8 8 OI er ...

Published: Thursday 13 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1715 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LOLVDON PIZ'UCZS R- ?? CON ?? T T OE PlCv OF THE PRINCiPAP AWTiCLES OF ' ERHAN1l~Zt, AtLOm p.tonl1. s. I s U~ 7oS oIr. P. Ct. S. 6.S. d. EHr4;19, 22 C~lo2. . uc r. o001 - g~~o wo-z6o BIrarvkil £ter 7 20- 8 Rootssmyrrw- 95 Q-25k 0 :_fwJ~b utiiertain A3~ S p h. 0 oO C0 s a-- n mt QL isC t fl1. q. 1. S. cfoalrtia beju xz - sroh MZo o 2200 4p,;ZEs pCI C. s. d. S. Laea ?? 2 I-4 0 Anmeric.PearZS6 9 ...

Published: Saturday 29 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1200 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... learn that the following extra fhips in the O~the Honourable Eall India Company c; eacd to be difpatched in three weeks, f ~ fhip Princeis Mary, Captain Andrew e. e, whth ftores for the ifland of SL Helena, c Gl after~vards to Bengal. The Northampton, t a tait Robert Barkier, and the Sovereign, Cap- t ,* Gilbert MS~itchell, for Bombay. The Ann, apa eander Sinclair.; the Monarch, Cap- t1in ...

Published: Thursday 06 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1012 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... C&tY.nD S14TIpPI4C. affenee A.St'.VAL$ AND.' i%1?0t5T5 Jury, July 23, ?? r~arrick, from Vigiia tii .56 1J Lay be p-ittcon and 6sg8 barrels TrifiAn Corn mcgl, 549p. bar- If the rels wheat four, 8oo busbels Indian corn, antI 5,800 ndeed ; stavee. - and it 24. John Scott, frdni Jamraica, with; .227 hlidl. 13 51 ~are. tiercest and 2S barrels sugar, 43 ptuneha' s ant1 4 Ihhds of any rum 314 bales ...

Published: Saturday 01 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1340 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAR K T S. On Monday in the London nuarket, wheat tl declined from 15s to eos. per quarter. On Tuefday wheat fell in the market at Hen- ?? 2Os- per quarter. The price was 88S. to 1205. t At Ringwood market, on Wednefday laft, the f befl old wheat fold at the reduced price of twen- ( ty pounds per load, and much was fold at that f price ; new wheat would not fetch more than r eighteen pounds, ...

Published: Thursday 20 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1437 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... EAST INDIA CONMPANY. , - ?? ~Aw L:U.IV±AiN Y. P The difpute between the Board oT ControUw C and the Court of DirecIors, on the quefon of r allowing India built Uhipping to bring hotrie pro- duce, has at laft produced an open rupture. Ivir 1D. Scott, Chairman of the Court of Direc5tors, a has always efpoufed the opiniorn of Governmernt on this fubeje .but, among hiz bretbern in the C direttion, ...

Published: Monday 31 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1835 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... . ARR1VA T.C h %T\CftRT5 ARRIVALS AND IMPORTS Aug. xS. Aurora, M'Kirdy, from Newfoundland,. -with 301 caflks feal and 30 caiks cod oil, I cafk blub- ber, 6177 feal kins, 6 cow and ox hides, 3j7 cwt. dried cod fith, and Yx deals. - Montezuma, Bovd, from St Lucia, with oS° ilhds. fugar, 131 bales cotton wool, and 3oo bags cof- fee. - Jane, Anderfon, from Halifax, with 25 tons birch and ano tons ...

Published: Saturday 22 August 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 752 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce