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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... * ?? I' Mrs. OtNVE, No. j45, Old Strdet, tdndon, in 1799 had the Dropfy to a violent d& gore, fh that her hrad, body, and limbse were ready to b .rit; a d her figit to tar gone that no objea appea;ed in its prop r lhape. Even in this ,tate of debility1 two boxes ot GARDNER'S PILLS have rclorcki her to perfeet health. But this ouglit to b? en- quired after, like all the other excraordinary crf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THAMES NAVIGATrIoN. T HIS is to give Notice, IThat the next T Gneral Meeting of the, tommiffioners appointed for putting into Execution the feveral Affs of Parliament made for improving and tomcleting the Navigation of the Rivers Thames anld lfis, from the Jurifdi.tion of the City of London, near Stanes, in the County of Middlef-x, to the Town of Cricklade, in the County of Wilts, will be held ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be SOLD by AUCTION' TOn Monday the 16th Day of November, xSoy, be-) tween the Hours of Three and Five ?? in the After- noon, at the Lion Inn, Heyford at Bridge, Oxfordlhire,- A MESSUAGE, FARM HOUSE, Barn, and Out- Houfes, and Half a Yard Lapd, in Heyford aforesaid, and Two Yard Lands in Calcot, Parcel of the Cultomary Lands of the Manor of Heyford at Bridge now held for two l.ives and a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |7 ?? ;'Vot'ny Freiemen for Tr7Er CITY' OF OXFORD. GOZNTL EMEN, PTJ ON my Return to Town, to attend the j D~i~uties of :he important ttuft with which you havc repeatedly honoured me, 1 am informed of the Succels of a Canvafs ?? rtaken, during my Abfcnce, by a numerous Body of my Feliow Citizens. The R-fult being ftich as to lease ?? of the Continuancc of your Favour, or of the ]fl'ue of any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J L 7 , ; hvirs of AVe Oxford orir l. CENT TLEMEN) 'Ti Bakcrs of Oxford have for a ,, , tine cotn; laioed that the Univerfity Officer5, who fet t 'iTiz, of B3-e ad, ex cife their powter in that refpedt e nrper-lis -mjnner, of tvh:ch mavy inftances roi5 h: ; bat thi; con-ent themne'vus iucr the pre- f;;:cxdln5, to puuic view the under-menticned :L .te.DPent :- S. G*. i.;e real average price of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7o ike ?? Freemen OF THE CITY OF OXFORD. GENTLEMEN, TT PON my Return to Town, to attend the ?? Duties of the ?? with which you have repeatedly honoured me, I am informed of the Succels of a Canvafs generoully undertaken, during my Abfence, by a numerous Body of my Fellow Citizens. The Refult being fuch as to leave no poffible Duubt of the Continuance of your Favour, or of the ?? of any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Prefer~ving and beautifying he eethJ and Gums, and rendering the Breatbfweet and pleafant. RS. JONES, at the Printing Office, High MVA. Street, Oxford, has ju(t received of Mr. SiGMoN D, Surgeon Deneti), Bath, a Supply of his univerfally approved BRITISH IMPERIAL DENTRIFICE and LOTION, for preserving the TEErT and GuMs, and giving them that Permanency and Beauty fa desirable to every Perfon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! 7XANTEDi to FtRCHRASEtrom rzk t V %/ to ten breerdng Hutch or Tame RABBITS i Colours, black, or black intermixed with Silveri Hairs, with no other ?? from fix to ten Ditto, entirely white; with a like Number of entirely grey, in v good Health aand Breeding, with a Buck Rabbit to each . f the above Colours.-Any P. rfon having fuch to difpofe _ of may hear of a Puichaler, if approved of, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TISt DAY iPISJ!D, :fat Evltrc~Us, of the Septudgint Verfon, .Aswi. -YariOtiS Readings of Manufcripts, Editions, 1*;8 Verfoonsdnd Fathers, By ROBELs Hoftsks,' D. D. Canon of Chril' Church. - Sold -by Cooke; EHanwell and Parker; -Oxford: Payne; 'a White i Payne, late Elmfly; London. Where may be e. had Genefis, and Exodus. bY -THIS DAY IS pUBLIStED, d HIandgfomeey printed on a fine -woven Paper, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORDIAL BA1LM OF G'ILEAD. T HE Preferver and Reftorer of Health to the tVeak, the Sickly, and'the Infirm, is that truly valuable Medicine the Cosrdial l3alm of Gilead. Its warm and renovating Quality indifputably renders it the bell Medicine for Rcla-ations, Debility, Laffitude, Tremors, Sinking of the Spirits, and all thofe Nervous Affedions which harrals and opprefs the Weak, Sedentary, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANITE D *ediatey,-A JOURNEY- W MhN rlTMPLATE WoRaIER. A ifeady Man, and a good Workmran) may have confiant Employ by ap- ?? to S. H. Brown, Smith, Ironmonger, and Til Plate Worker, Oxford. m 0 be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACTS I with inmediate Poffeffion,-A- ?? FREE_ HOLD Brick and (flhed DWELLING HOuSE, re- .ceatly built, and molft eligibly fituated at Dorcheer, Oxon, near tlie Turnpike Road from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '10 SH-IOEMAKERS. N V ANTED ?? journey- W men, (f the Men's'Branch, good Workmen they muft be regular to Bufinefs, as conitant Employment and good Wages will be given. No others need apply. Enquire of Mr. Edward Rufbridge, Boot and Shoe- maker, Oxford. T0 be SOLD- by AUCTION, 1 ByA Mr. FOLKER, On Wednefday the' zd Day of DeceInber, iSot, at the Three Cups Inn, in the City of Oxford, between ...