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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... BY PERMISSION OF The ReB . the Vice-Cbanrellor and the Woijbipful the Mayor. EDMUND CAREY, THE CELEBRATED THEATRICAL CHILD, ONLY ELEVEN YEARS OF AGE, Who has had the Honour of performing before their Ma- jefrics and the Royal Family, and whofe altonihfing Powers have excited the Admiration of ail Ranks of People, begs Leave to inform ?? and Gentlemen of the UJni- verfity and City, that he will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W~7 ANTED. as COACHMAN,-A ?? W MAN, who can ride and drive, and will undertake the Care of Five florfes; he muof be welx verfed in the Management of the fame, and make himfelf ufeful on a (mail Farm.-No one need apply unlefs he is well ac- quainted with the Bufinefs, very cleanly, and his Cha. racter will bear the ftrilefl Enquiry. Apply to Mr. French, Druggift and Chymiai, Market Place, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCH PREFERMENT. Clergyman in Poffeffion of a Vicarage about A I2 iiles North Weffrom Lo and 40 from Bath, produciog about i~ol. per Annum, but improveable, ad(l fnaving a good Vicarage Houie in a very pleafant Vil- lage, wilhes to exchange the fame for any Church Prefer. ment of equal Value, or nearly fo, tenable with a Living, in the 'Neighhouuhood of Bilhop Stortford. Rerts. For further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY O1C OXFORD. rrO he S O L by h A U C TI O N, I',B Mcf~rs. EATON and SON Mmiiv the . ii Dty vof December, 0ot, at the ' I c 'n in-, in Otfori, betwixt the Hours of Six and j q ro i the Evening, uwder fuch Conditions of Sale as ih = .hen prodticAd,-A BENEFICIAL LEASE tOr40 Yc s, c:,mrneijcing fern o ?? Michatinias, of all that Mef jfn e n' Tenement, Biec Buildings, and Premifles, firuate ir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oxfordftbire G enzeral .teurarter 8//iryns of the Peace. ;OTICE is hereby given, That the next 1Nhe General Qaater S'ffiens of the Peace' of this County will begin to be holden on Tu-fday the izth Day of January next, precifely at Ten ?? in the Fore- noon; that the Chief Confiables, Bailiffs, and other Officers of the Court, will -e immediately called over, the Grand Jury impannelled and fworn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACLASSICAL ASSISTANT will be want- A ing by the End of January next, in a School near I London; Salary 501. per Annum, witz Board, but not I Lodging. He muai be well vexfed in Greek and Latin, and quick in correcfing Exercifes, Themes', and Verfes. No Attendance is required but in School Hours and at Church, and to walk out with the Pupils twice in the Month.-Apply for further Particulars at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... So Dr. GARDIVER, Long A4cre, Londou. DEAR SIRR, Y Daughter, five Years old, was afflied M two Years with a Phlegmatic Cou ,h, which occa- fioned Fits of Vomiting every Morning, and affeaed her Nerves, and entire Lofs of Appetite, and fixed Pain in her Side. One Box of Pills, k-c. (with God's Afliftance) I am happy to inform you, has perfealy reftored her, and fhe continues in good Health and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? and lWantage' Thrnpike Roed. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next eeting of the Trulces of the Iaid Road will be held at the Lamb Inn, in Wallingford, on Monday the 4th Day of January next; when it is intended to confider how far the propofed new Turnpike Road from Culham, in the County of Oxford. to Streatley, in the County-of Berks, may affed the above-mentioned Road. By Order of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iles, EFor the TEETH and GUMIS. race .Vzto'sRjiret;-T.iie Tolat/ P0o-uter,. P of PA;OoNIZED AND tLJSFD BYr ilty Qjd N F ML. 11 of THEQE N AND R(YL ANILY s1ty. ~ .RS. JONIES, at the Printingo Offce, in C MV the High Streer, Oxford, has juoE r'tc itli anotlsei C I5tC- large Supply of the above CL wgant 'ooth Powder, pi ?? ed 1C Cy from the or~ginai anal orly Rcc~ipt of' that great asd a~ble t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In O!re Cowfli nf af r14pu Dlar r The Heads of Mir. BURTON's SPEIXCHES IN THE THOUSE OF COMIMGON-S, Onl Fridatry rke trik, andi~ Mecda thle a4s I;fta.nt, ON THE PETITION pre-fented by toe CITY of OXFORD, pra ~g a y:nrinxuanice oG the Prohibition agai.'. ri . din[illo-g Spirits from Grain; together with fomce Ob- . trvationS thereupon.- - ADaRIESsED TO 'THE FREEMEN OF THE CITY. A, PrintiD/!1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BER KS.JAT a Meeting of the Conmmittee for the INTERNAL DEFENCE of the A ' Country, held ot A;;INGDON the 7th Day of Odubor, iSoa, P B1 S E IN T, The E.ol of RADNOR, I EDWARD TH-TORNHILL, Efq. GLORGE VANSITTART, Efq. AND CIHARLFCS DUNDAS, EFq. The Rev. GEORGE WATTS, IP oaes rtjvezd a TshaJly, T. at tile Stare ot the Funds L made up to the loth of November, aSol, and pubo Hiised in th: fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE FREEMEN OF Hrl F. - CITY. OF OXFORD. GENT t. MC NI T Should' bev wanting, in Gratitude if I omitied to leturn vou, and tfbile 42 1 of ?? £rivndAs in par- t6cular ivho did me the l-,nvur to sote for mrc, my warimeil Thanks f~r the Support which I This Day ex- perienced at the Huffings; and alhuouh ycur kind In- t; irins were not crowned wv:h Succefs, ye, the very great Nurnbers which ...