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... Treaty of Peace concluded at L&nfsti/lla on February lot, ISOl, bet-ween the Frentit Republic, auzdl I/e Lmypror, ,adthc Germanic Body. [The preamble to this Treaty, which is concluded in the usual form, has been here omilted, as it would have occupied too great a portion of room it is, how- ever, necessary to state, that his imperial Majesty siim- puaates inmtleame oflhe wiso UGermanxc Body; ...


... DOMESTIC OCCUXRV ECES. Hi's Majesty's visits to Windsor for the renainder of the winter, till Lent, will be on FridaVs; he will return to town on the Monday following.. The following notice '.was issued by his RoyalHighness Monsieur, upon his arrival wn the I st instant, at Holyrood House. ,His Royal Highness Monsieur, solici- Itous to -express thiose sentiments of sadis- faction, which he ...


... . 11 , 1. . i.l , i K v aeiewn-in my Wai that, if'the county rates of i668 amounted to the difference between the ex-. p- nces of maintaining the fame number of paupers at, that period and in i So, the paupers of i-688 did notamount to more than 237,615, or one-fifteenth of their prefent inumber, 3,564,744, as demonftrated in my preceding letter. It would not, however, be either candid or ...

Published: Friday 01 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2286 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... PROCEEDINGs OF THE FRENCH GoVERNMENT. The E xpedition fiom Brest.' Since the -signing of the . preliiinaril.s of peace, we have entered on a scene entirely new. Before this event took place, we surround& our ebemy in every direction. His squadrons, blocked up by our own, rotted quietly in their ports. Solely occupied with the means of his own dice, and threat- Portugal toFrance, in their last ...


... AMENT.* Tuesday, October.29, 1801. This day His Majesty opened the Session with the following most Gracious Speech from the Throne: My Lords and Gentlemen, I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that the important Negotiations in which I was engaged at the close of the last Session of Parliament, are brought to a favourable conclusion. The differences with the Nor- thern Powers have been ...


... 'T MOH Gk R PORT.' The froft, during fome part 'of the prefent trlonth, has lbeen extrrrecly intenfe; but we do 'not beliceve that much injury has been done to' thle young whc'ats, cither'by 'it;,`or the gentle thaw that-has fucceeded. Ingeheral thefe criys look h'althy an4prO* roifing. The bulinefs of -ploughitng is t pfent, in molo lt an'irdts, 7 far advanced as is urual at this feafon', ...

Published: Friday 01 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1338 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... to iba i.DPTOR yf itsZ MOR.'NG CHT2'OCACzL, XAtOB OF I'HE CARNATIC. At a moitient when the ptzblic mind; paufing Oret the calamnities of recent war, looks' forward with in- creafing anxiety to the- completion of a treaty, as the fource whence thle blellngs of peace are to flowtr, and by which the enjoyment of trenquillity is to be fecured, the communication conveyed through the medium of Vour ...

Published: Friday 01 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1731 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... I O e [ 0 t 0 t lORf~EMG; 4 NTiLLGENCE - I Pn'2,1 December 24-The resignations of Xsevera1 bishops havebeea `eceived, amongst fOtlhers, of the &,iCadinaArchbishop of Afa- lnsX, the Bishop' of Toi~i,0 Ferdinand Prince de tohah, Guein 'e 'Archbishop of Cam, bray, .a'n'd Clement V nceslaus de Saxe, Prince Royal of Polandl ArchbshopEkctoi, of `reves, J3hhop and Priice gu the Bishops of Ypres, of ...


... TIHE MORING CHRONICLE. L ONDON: FRIDA2r, ?? X. We are extremely happy to find that the letters from Portfmouth concur. in flating the fleet under Sir AN- DREW MITCHELL to be in a flate of perfect difcipline. Thofe who have been guilty of mutiny will be tried by a Court Martial at Portfmouth. IThe return of the fleet in a Rtate of entire fubordina- tion, affords the beft reafons for fuppofing ...

Published: Friday 01 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 736 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... * .m . b- W ?? _LE. S IR, W g. -December 2!, 80o1.. Permit an Old Corc-fpondedt to trouble you with a fcw thoughts on' a fibje& of great 'importance in this, commercial country; your- wonted readinefs to infert any thing Iuggefted modeftly for the general good of the commanity, emboldens me to lay this. befoe you: an d a great commercial nation, famous .for their philan-i thropy and ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2403 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FRANCt. PARIS, 6 NIVOSE, DEC. 7. The Magifirates compofing the Tribunal of Appeal at Turin have prefented the following Addrefs to the Firft Conful of the French Republic CITIZEN FIRST CONSUL, W we have the ?? to prefent you the Proces Verbal of our Inftallation. This ad, which is at once the depofit of our engagements towards the Government to which we owe our ex- iftence, and the pledgc of ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1133 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TIE MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: tl - SATURDAr, Y4,vUAAr 2. ti 7- ?? 'We yesterday received Paris Journals to the 27th in- a clufve. We do nbt find from thefe papers that BON A- tl PAiTE has quitted Paris to go to Lyons, though it was faid that he had Let out on the 27th. It may be for-_ n That he intends 'going there is no doubt, and he is not 'h a man to be frightened by the miferable arts of ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2720 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News