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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... I In the Regifter, page 298, we gave an account of the Dzfcriminating Duties, im- pofed in ?? States of America. We Thall now give an account of the countervail- ing duties laid on in Great-Britain. WVehave received a report,which has lately been made, on this fubje&, to the American Congrefs, and which is fo miuh better than any th ing that we ourfelves could have drawn up, that we gladly ...


... PROCEEDINQGS .;N PARLIAMENT. On Thursday (June 17) no debate of consequence took place in 'thel-House of Lords. - After some business before the House had been ?? through, the order of the day -for their lordships to go into a eommittee on the Debtors' Relief Bill was read. The bill was opposed by LordAl. 'vanley, who thought it highly objedion. able, as it would -go to place an unfortunate ...


... AMENT.* Tuesday, October.29, 1801. This day His Majesty opened the Session with the following most Gracious Speech from the Throne: My Lords and Gentlemen, I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that the important Negotiations in which I was engaged at the close of the last Session of Parliament, are brought to a favourable conclusion. The differences with the Nor- thern Powers have been ...


... ?? ' lfadrid, Januwry 12, J1802. cifrcular Lvette to Ae Ministeric] Fincrce, and, the Directors of ustms. His Majesty having ordered that in Ithe Roval Custbm-Hobte, Merchandizes, being the manufacture of the Nerth and ?? the Pas de Calais, shall not be acknow- ' ledged as such, unless accompanied by an original certificate, signed by the Commissary of Foreign Commerce in the .Al said ...


... Gxx 7rade. Sir, I have read vour anfwer to mv letter of the 6th of May (Regifler, p. 4.S) vwith that attention which it deferves; and, having weighed it, find no caufe to alter the opi- nion therein expreffied. Referring to thlat I wrote (4aflily I confefs, but I truft not io- accurately) you will find, that on the quef- tion concerning the fuppofed abrogation of all treaties prior to that, ...


... WASHINGTON -AND LA FAYETTE. y Every thing tending to ascertain the real characters of these men, who, however trifling their intrinsic greatness, have, by reason-of the transactions in which they have been concerned, attained to a consi- derable importance in the world, merits the'attention of the politician. Underthis persuasion it is, that I am now induced to notice .a letter, respecting ...


... TO THE SDITOR. Sir,-Mf you think the following, can af- ford any amusement to your numerous I We do not know to whom we are to attribute the favour of the preceding letter, butt the writer certainly seems to be well ac- quainted with the subject. Of the new cir- cumstance, which he mentions, we can our.' selves confirm the truth; that -n anthem on -the peace was really selected, instead of a ...


... O .. I . I . !. . :T.O.T.HZ IDITOI ?? - 1 . Sir, Ftrom your pattiotic sentimeints,'thege neral tenour of your writingss ania the laud- able zeal with which you have so successfuily laboured to developthl dishonourable nature and 'ruinous tendency of the -peace, which bas been made with Budonaparte, I certainly. expeaed that you ?? -ot merely point our danger, but that you -would, atf the same ...


... -I In pursuance of the first article of the Convention, made on the 8th of January last. (See Register p. 57) with the Arne- ?? States, the following Notice has been issued. WHBEREAS by the first article of the Convention concluded at London, on the St day of January last, between his Ma- jesty and the United States of America, the said United States, in satisfaction and dis- charge of the ...


... FoRErGN INTELLIGENCE. Berne, Aug. 22--The following represen- tation has been addressed by the LesserCan- tons to the-FirstConsul, on the subject of the .evacuation of Helvetia. Citizen First Consul, . The three Cantons of l-, Schis, and Underwald, have been aporised, by pullic report, of your resolution-to withdraw the French troops from Switzerland.. They see in such a measure the most ...


... -SU4MAXtY OF POITICSt I The Visst week of peace has, as was -ex eed, produced a ?? in the tund, to -which, however, the stagnation of commerce, and the consequent inactivity of capital, have'largely contributed. The seta causes have materially favoured the bargain for the loan of 24,000,0004; which has been concluded on terms full as advantageous to the public as could have been expected. The ...


... PROCEEDINGS iN PARLIAMENT. . On Tuesday (June 22d), in a commitiee on the Alien Bill, Lord Hollaed expressed' his disapprobation of some of the leadiirg clauses and provisions of the bill, -and of aso much of the principle of the measure as was conneted with the same. He would avoid touching upon the general principle, as he despaired of convincing.their lord; ships upon that head. With resped ...