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... ?lXECVUT3ION o2f Alet ?? Portrilutb, Jan. r . This morning the yellow flags, the bfual fignals for * ,jihiifhment, wvere hoifled on board thle Terneraire, Formnidable, and Majeffic, and the following prifoners, Odrviwied by a Court-Mattial of Mutihy, and fletenced to die, were brought out to fuffer d&ath :-Chefter- mnan, Collins, Hilfier, and Fitzgerald, on board the Tremeraire; Ward on board ...

Published: Monday 18 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2827 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Iauto. VIT. My lakwt a, W 8,ted tlc z' lit, ?? then nothing wor- thy of notice 'has occurred, excepting that ihe Ci- DtmIaois have been mocll ch caoineadasdh fqpjoint1 ?? within thcfe few days, rcfleling a play perforoted her!' about four nights; ago, at the Tijeaire 1'r~irfafce, called, Eudcuard es Jrcj/'e' The plot is founlled upon the ?? of young Edward the Pretender of England, in the year ...

Published: Tuesday 02 March 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1761 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE WORNING CHR ONICLE. LONDON: FRIDAr, MARCH I2. The critical (late of the negociation HIll continues to occupy the attention of every one. Nothing further, however, has tranf'pired on the fubje&t. No doubt is entertained that Miniflers have authorired Marquis CORNWALLIS to bring the matter to a fpeedy iffue, fo that peace or war will very foon be announced. In the mean time the acivity of ...

Published: Friday 12 March 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 696 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TsHE' MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: Pt' r~r. WEDNESDIAY, AUGUST 7w5. A ,By our letters' from France by yeflterday's Mail we .trt find that the French Government has 'put a ftop to of the circulation of Englilh Newfpapers in France, as pt. was flated fonme days ago. Laft Wednefday all tlie Libraries, Salons ad7 Cabinets Licteraires were f- vifited, and the owners forbidden any more to _ receive or ...

Published: Wednesday 25 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2217 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LONDON: TRUASDlr, AUGUST 26. The very cu rious intelligence froih France refpeiing the Journals, made a fenrfible impreffio n on the funds, and it is probable that the meafure was altogether cal- culated for the meridian of our Stock Exchange. It is a faa worthy of remark that thefe burfis of fpleen in the official Journal of the CHIEF CONOML of France have uiniformly made their appearance, fo ...

Published: Thursday 26 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 944 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MORN1NG-CHRONICLE. LONDON'.A SATvRDAr, ?? l. The popular fpirit which has (hewn itfelf in the try proves, whit wt have coriltantly afteried, that the fyllem purfuied by the late Miniflers, and to -a de. gree adopt(d by their fucceffors, made a deep imprefion on the -uic. niina, anddifpofcd t. het to a moil vigor. bus exertion for their owin deliverance. Had the am- bition of individuahs ...

Published: Saturday 10 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1185 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ?? ' lfadrid, Januwry 12, J1802. cifrcular Lvette to Ae Ministeric] Fincrce, and, the Directors of ustms. His Majesty having ordered that in Ithe Roval Custbm-Hobte, Merchandizes, being the manufacture of the Nerth and ?? the Pas de Calais, shall not be acknow- ' ledged as such, unless accompanied by an original certificate, signed by the Commissary of Foreign Commerce in the .Al said ...


... I In the Regifter, page 298, we gave an account of the Dzfcriminating Duties, im- pofed in ?? States of America. We Thall now give an account of the countervail- ing duties laid on in Great-Britain. WVehave received a report,which has lately been made, on this fubje&, to the American Congrefs, and which is fo miuh better than any th ing that we ourfelves could have drawn up, that we gladly ...


... AMENT.* Tuesday, October.29, 1801. This day His Majesty opened the Session with the following most Gracious Speech from the Throne: My Lords and Gentlemen, I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that the important Negotiations in which I was engaged at the close of the last Session of Parliament, are brought to a favourable conclusion. The differences with the Nor- thern Powers have been ...


... PROCEEDINQGS .;N PARLIAMENT. On Thursday (June 17) no debate of consequence took place in 'thel-House of Lords. - After some business before the House had been ?? through, the order of the day -for their lordships to go into a eommittee on the Debtors' Relief Bill was read. The bill was opposed by LordAl. 'vanley, who thought it highly objedion. able, as it would -go to place an unfortunate ...


... THE CENtRAL BLIECT1ION . I 1. ; . I ! ?? SOUTIAWARKMEETING. ' . Yeferday, at eleven o'clock, purfuant to public g notice, a General meeting. of the Electors of South-: a wark affiembled at the Town Hall, JOHN'TowNSSND, Efq. Deputy Bailif, in the Chair. After the Chairman had opened the burinefs ?? Meeting, by Lhti,.g, tlat tile Kin,;!s W-fTit ll tving been received to elec9 two Burg.eis to ...

Published: Saturday 03 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3803 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDONc TVCIESDAV, AUGUST 3t. We ?? received the .kouieur of the 26th, uaaccompartied by any of the other Paris Journals. It appears thiat the tew Governmebi of the Ligurian Republic has bee jtitifledat Genoa with 'all faitable Solemnity. Not even the FIRST CONSUL of France, when initiated into the dignity of CONSUL for life, could expe&t more ceremony to attend hi's inauguration, than the DoE ...

Published: Tuesday 31 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1847 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News