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... , SATURDAY, APRIL 24. The death of Lord Palmerfiown makes a vacancy.. in Parliament'for this City.---The intereft' upon which his Lordihip came in upon was heretofore in Mr. Penton, whofe family' had been formerly re-- ',prefentaiives for that city, duting many fuccefve Parliaments. -On Mr. Penton retiring frown pub- lic bufinefs, he fold both his manfion houfe and, his eftate round this ...

Published: Monday 26 April 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 489 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... BE;EFICIAL LOVTI'Ry rICKETS. IR~ n\~_ TT. ?? _- - -- - L W - I 1 Ei rzIC KET s . en ST Dy-.N 59a5, al IPize Of 591. and fartlicr en t l t] I tO 7 w~f -.tyffi r if e 7 i l S Pc !nds, as fi.l}drawn * Nos. -,o6. , 2nd 29,224, 3001. cach ; Nos. 3755, 436, 5,52, , and 2o0,817, 501. cach. Sr i)F.D D~AY.-Nu. 4191, as firil drawn, Ten ?? nd N7-- 0 4C22, Ic0. 1No.) X; 5440 J TRE ASONZABLE S COS ACY.. ...

Published: Monday 06 December 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 378 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PORTSMOUTH. . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ' . + ?? . 4 - TrO tt 324DHAErI OF THE HAMPSHISRE TELEGRAPH. b So various and important, fo rapid and 'dubious have been E the recent affairs of Europe, and fo very fingular is the h fituation ira which the: row Parliament has cormmenced its o fittings, that the Proprietors of this Paper feel they would h have bpeen wantipg in duty and gratit ide .to the Public ...

Published: Monday 29 November 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 799 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... *s . ?? SATURDAY, AUGUST 14. In co ifeqtience of the angry Note in the Moni. N trr, and the unfettled ?? the Stock Market) e rifing from the large depofits of. the laft Loan at the Bank, and the difpolitioa fhewn by many opu- lent perfons not to buy, until the holders of the Om- nium are forced to redeem it, and; bring it to mar- ket, the Funds vefterday experienced a very fudden fall. The ...

Published: Monday 16 August 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1235 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? ?? _. - _ _ A ' _ For exempting from the Auaion Duty Efeates and Ef- fects bought in for the Owner, and Goods irnported in any Britilh Ship from any Britifh Colony in Amerisa, or from any part of the Uuitcd States for better colle6tiog and fecuring the Duties of Excif4 an Wine, Home- nade Spirits, Starch, Auctioneers, Rum fhopped as Stores, d on Goods or Merchandife chargeable with Dutio% ...

Published: Monday 23 August 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2744 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... . P NEW-Yorar, srg. 7.-Captain Bailey, of the Sloop Lively, arrived froin New Providence at New London, , iibrms that on the 14th of Jly there was brought into New Providence; a Pilot-boat Schooner, mounting a num- ber of fwivels, manned with -6 men, comtiiflioned by . General Bowles, who tommands the Indians to the South- ward. The following information the Governor of New Providence received ...

Published: Monday 20 September 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2805 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. Died, on Sunday laft, at her houfe on Ham Common, Mrs. Gardiner, widow of the late Col.- Gardiner, of Bell 1oufe. * On Saturday evening laft died, Mrs. Wheeler, wife of Mr. WV heeler, fpring maker, of St. Crofs, near this City. On Monday rmorning laft died, after a fhort ill. neris, Mrs. M~orey, of P'ar hrne t-ftreet, in this City.. On ruefday night laft a young man ...

Published: Monday 22 November 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 684 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... C SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. C Monday morning General Whitelocke, Com- f mander in Chief of the diftri~t, attended by Major Pritzler and Captain Brown his Aid du Camps, .ar_ rived here from Porrfinouth, when the 2d battalion .1 of the sth regt. was dilbanded. f On Wednelday about 3 o'clock, His Majefty ar- t rived here from Weymouth. He was met at the. entrance of the City, by General Whitelocke, ...

Published: Monday 06 September 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 618 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... el~~l't ttigaf~l~?ttgt,. - ;: -_ . . .. C HOtTSE OF COXMONSt FRIDA11 3oNt. Z;. 5..: . A Meffage from the Holife of tords anrwuice fi their. Lorthips' alrent to the Ecifeble Goodsr t Reftoration Bill, the -Writing, Paper Duty Rcpeal n Bill, the Poft EIorfe IDuty Pill, the Whale Oil Duty Repeal Bill, and the 5,Ooo,oool. Loan Bill. n The debate on the Finance Refolutions was. a then refumed by Mr ...

Published: Monday 28 June 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 908 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Public Occurrences

... ?? rcvren. . The EHonourab!c Evelyfi Pierepoint, with Mr. Hunter, juar. the Meffengor, cinbarkved- at Dover oil Wednefday siornibg at nitne o'ciock, with' his Matjeily's Radification of the Definitive Treaty of Pc~ace. REUucToIn or 3 iF APt.t-Y.-The following General Order has been iffued from. the War Oflice tothe Colonels of Militia Regimexts,. ?? to the intended redufion, which 7is to take ...

Published: Monday 19 April 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1489 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Imperial Parliament

... .i ll..: 5n pet V ued aid r t: HOUSE OF LORDS. THVURsDAYs JAX. 14. One ?? Bill being read a ilk time, and their totldhips, after waiting, as was ex('pead, for form important communication, adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. THURSDAY, JAN. 4. An account of the quantity of 'Grain, Meal, Flour, and Rice, nimported fince .Ooaber ,x, X 186o, to Otober i, I 8*i, was prefented fronm tie Cdf toms. The ...

Published: Monday 18 January 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 438 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Public Occurrences

... t sr_ _ Ms- - -f ?? ta ena as5 ltime to lhand tin l , -iv5. s Atouth5 :heC M4onitcur hl^es h-p ?? i, il K o.l vo;.tn.;l-l ' i frrendrr of .t'rttj _ ?? *. ?? it ktkl ill a p'itlid` d letter froln NV;7h;)1-:'1 J~tc 11,4 ' Crtlv Writlern inl Pavjs. I tnu : tile infults, whkih ?? 1 i i) thti o f e;e' t the tlifs, by ?? (cr, O 'tir C ,, art'' ?? I 'Or their ilavcry, t7';tiin'' tho iii. in ?? ...

Published: Monday 01 November 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5014 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News