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Hampshire Telegraph


... I4fR tof PRIZ'tWGIo. PrbfeforoObierlinbiof the Central SchlooloJ the department of the 'Lower :-Rhine, ati Strai.brh has lately .publithed a work,. entir'ed, A 'Public Exercife of Bibliography, oponpofed as an hiftori. ,cal thefis, in Frenqhl agteeably'- to-'the'e' initiet academic, forms. The fubje& of it is-higily~in, -terefting?,as it relates to Guttenburg, the rear founder of printing with ...


... -Happy relief- for I wvas dreaming of- ftorms and thipwreck, Of following ills-hard ttruggling for life, Which if preferv'cl-perhaps not to be wifhed For on a Dafert or unfri-ntly Coaft There mcrn, and ah ! my darling Son, are o'oom'd To cherifnihope, or alk a h:rlher fate. Diltafte for life is wrong-prefumptioUs.. Arguing againfl the All-wil'e decree. Yet palliatc the ill, adjudge their mind: ...


... . ON THE INFLUENCE 0F INDIFFRENCE. Ser.e-4 y .oW; j-, cais erxjog P¢ff' oiis wilno~re'ol,,& S , Myitd, lut ebolly I attenl T ,eyry wordOhis, tongu amayfpe4e, Without gay hope or ?? : I no more feel the glowing';hee4,1,,.,_. ?? The lengthen'd Si'ghi.-the gu hing tear Nowhe may prait 'eachtfav'rite fair, On'ev'ry charmi Withs~itireudwell- ' Etoteir the t ath ,irj:i d ai-' r,. . And- they have ik ...


... BY FANNY HOLCROFT. Oh, ftranger! heed thie farillhed debtor's prayer, Let gentle pity fnatch him frorin dcfpuiir: 'Tiho' h irdni'd gui It and folly revel here, The guiitlefs aft' ,hed many a bitter tear. And inany a wrong in filence they devour, And frel the iron hand of ruthilfs pow'r I n vain mv woos, my wants, cry loud for aid, 5'ct laws fevere with rigour are obey'd. What tho' for life lie ...


... ior the HIAM1PSHIRTB 2ELEGRAPH. TO A BALT PAYMASTER. V ?? your refpecs with lo voir-nng a grace, Your politenefs fil e favour begets; rour attentionsayupay with fo fmiling a face- bl fhort,youpay all bai your debti! A CREDITOR. ...

On LAUNCHING the GRAMPUS, of 50 Guns, MARCH 20, 1802

... On LAUNeHING'lie GRAMPUS, ot. C Glns; AIRC H. 2 . ?? ?? I go .. ' - I ?? C~srze ciher) rp sa La; d c a. On her ivalls ?? of Wdorl let old Englanid rely9 And her foeS insy ?? fo4 ever defy - I-ter fearren are Lal1v, Iser f 'maen 're brave, Anid ?? Bti*sh fas r'safin of the wav; Be this thought in outcairs then, ehefe words on our lips, They ahvays are reasdi To their King ever fteady, Here's ...

Cabinet of Apollo

... taotlnet Jr-4ApiUO. ODE - FOR THE NEVWYEAR. . 20o! from BZLLONA's crimfon cart At length the pint.arg Steeds unbound; At length the Thunder of tde War * - In feftive fhouts of Peace is0'rown'd'- Yet, as -around her Monwrch's 'rnow yBNTAtINIA twinessthe 0lt1e Bough, .old as-ber Eaglefeye is-caft On hours of recent Tempeft paft, Thro' -te r'sde wave ani adverfe gale When free the fpread-her ...


... L Z PI E S tiY G. S. C AttY, (ifl TitE DEta-T or WSH WZC, WO j DIED) SU'TD-XNLV IN CHILAO-IEU.. Say, ghafty, I ait. and rrtidtefs Deslh, ?? at flop'd Mny SARAU's ?? ?? That Role the rofcs f;or Itecrc-eek; That clos'k rchore cyts \ht*; £c!c.rn'A t? ?? 'that hulh'd The: mufic of hjrxonp'uc, ->n which %uch olLttS Seaphic bur'g.; S iv, whvy fo (:irtial conld'1 It th:iu het Al; why not fend tcly ...


... * X;t WOUNmitb )USSA8. , . . .~ _ . . , i, I , . . AJ~,ne Vto ebtik; of tbe dattt-r Uing Dbanube -l air A~da~dthied when the hitle was o6er: Vi whither} i~t eicd, haft thou wandered my lovet; Or here dde(l thou Weiter, ajnd' bteed on the flior; What voict did I hear ? Swm~as my Henry that.figlhd All mournful the haftened, nor wanderid ihe fsri When bleeding' and low, on thr hearh (he ...


... THE HELVETIAN'S F,4RE\VELI. TO HIS COUNTRY. - mr. MLY V1 L.IN : tOKISYC LL TO HIS CO U NTRY. Oh lovely FrLedosm, in thefe happy bow'rs Exulting o-ti trac'd thy fportio'e flight, Anti few thy fatl hand frewinfg tiagranit flowlrs Along the vale, andi on my native height. Thy very thade iskfed-no more I fec hrie form that c::%:rnt'd rie, or the fmile that firld A fair but fatal fpirit chafes thee ...


... SOXJG. !*02 CLoT TA? )eoi'BD at IX SzACt. ir waiout zitothat weather'd the Storm, V oftiur juftice and gratitude ccaie, ?? ri~,~t 6f :he harboi? sor hearts fail to warm ? is to the Pilot thatz woer'i uas in -PW ^e I FEr ,it exf nesiiasr A tbeion ?? ^a# Pally~hftilkles 4-five to xe;tly To W~f',tbgtl*atiooiot Nxon~ct$tie, ThX-birbutt-'x f hicafi:ohftiy -due. ?? BraoU d4 B ~ X 'revere, Wt,- is ...


... a ( a Freyb Paper t~ct~rf~a¢C MiV'4 4,1t? are bright, NVheni p)f-on 12ors actrurt the liglir, Witen gl3narin s n; ftu 11 Of corn, The Temple'sth'6Mhuld toil'd and worn, Orars growilg wlwre :hc Lawyers tilk When Butchers tide, alld Dfutors wdk- *Then ar:~ there many, y~unr and old, And Sratefinetn well the State uphold. C-s. ...