Wednesday & Thursday's Post

... ccon-ubat - ap'$ poQ. LD V N 0DVN, fiene 3. 'T'tY EIAY being the day appointed for a .1 Getieral Thankfgiving fot the retui1 Of Peace, the Lord Chancellor, attended by the Lord Chief Juflices ?? of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and feveral other lenporat Lords, alfo rile Archbiffiop of Canter- bury, the Bifhop of Rochefter, and a number of other Bifliops, attended Divine Service, in Weft- ...

Published: Saturday 05 June 1802
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1691 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post continued

... cuenarS o Poft contirnwv. FTlm. ir LONMON ;GAZETTE, .7une !9., THE King ha ,een .pfqafed;. tospoint the Right Holl. Lordi NWIhi'tworti, K.-13. to beJhis, Nliamty;' AuibafliAoriExtrauirdiiar'y and Pleni- petentiarrto tile Fr&l-ch kepublic.~-'he King has~al, a1 'een pleafed to appoint . Talbot, *Eq. to Je 1hisAMely's Secretary to that Eblubtry. BANXCRUVrT9.-Rcber W7iliam Felton La.broi other- ...

Published: Saturday 26 June 1802
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2077 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... ;b?11%11 lp tlno LrPofi. FtJ tb, FRA CB PAPlERS of TueJday. BERNE. COLONEI RAPP has traverfed Switzer- ;lJaod.-He has found the city and ?? a prey to thofe miferies whhich are tlhe fad of civil war. his pr-efence hlas let iM 1its tO relt. The concourfes of the people h~at b~eii eintiily ?? ift and 2d Lliseiic deini-bi igades are on their marchi to friti she oariibnt of this city. The arrival ...

Published: Saturday 30 October 1802
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2091 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Friday's Post

... frulw' P)o 0!t. L ORD Witwoith Will be- aeconlipanlied by tlhe L iol2wiaig genule:ie Mlr. I a Secretav, i!of Legation ; r. 1w:ijalield, Private Sieretry to. 0hAsnjbassador; l r. Hudson, Chai~ilaill to tlie: Enibassv ; Mr. Madaclatirin, Phvsisa ?? Prillce 8illiai of Cloucester's' narri.age, it is - srid, was to take place at St. Petersburgh the )at- st~vs edl of last inonth. '1i l ?? is 1 ...

Published: Saturday 18 September 1802
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1014 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

The Country Curate's Sunday Morning's [ill] On being forced to deny himself the indulgence of a Hack

... The Country Curate's SXunday Al,'orting's Solilopiya On zbhsgjiroce Io dley hhnsci ZeiuindIdgevc ofa1-aac k . Thc Sabbath to me ever sacred has been, Ever pleasing thc Church-guing bell, WVhich Ltaught me from varth my afiections to wean, W'here Candonr and Peace cannot dwell. Shall AdversityIs e-iiztes 6iy fortitude shake, And o'erwheln me in moody despair ! No, let me from this gloomy torper ...

Published: Saturday 30 January 1802
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 796 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Imperial Parliament

... ^3 i vilal 12tavriaarne t. [rr 4Yn4,j',s 5 ard.. Tziefitt's prcceedh:'s i7S the ?? of Lore, aind Comnims, fie dr e lf,- Page.] HOUSE OF LORDS. WF.DNESDAY, DECENtPFR 15. The order of the day that the Houe ?? go into a Co-nrnittee on the Malt Bill was moved l'a Lo.O PELHAMi-The LORD CHANCELLOR Put Iht qkicllion. EARS, SPrENCFR re*. aald, aftera fhort iniro- ki;&ion, flid he ?? reduce what he had ...

Published: Monday 20 December 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2586 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... SATURDAY, JULY 10. Recent priiate l.ettcrs from Paris uniformly fet for:h, that Bonaparte is at the eve of being r4luted .Ep. peror of the Gaezil! TOWNs tLrCTIONS. VCD..- ,kTH D.AY. The numbers on the Poll at thrce oclock were- C0NwyE - 290o TRAVrR - tz66 1RiCE - - z?6J. .LEW.S - 547 CURTIS - - 255$ LUoHINGSTON 104 Tle Prublc Crier then terrainated the bafiners of t!e day with the ufual ...

Published: Monday 12 July 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 249 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Copy of a letter from Evan Nepean, Esq. Secretary to the Admiralty, to the Commander in Chief

... PORTSMOUTH. SATURDAY, MNAY, 1. , - - - - - - - -_ Copy of a letter from Evan Nepean, Eq. Secre- tary to the Admiralty, to the Commaiider in Chief ?? - I Do r lo - _ r . ?? at the Port of Portfmouth, Plymoouth, Sheernefs, and Chatham, dated the 20th of April, x o0z. SIaR, AdmiralyOffice, April 26, iSuz. I am commanded by my LordL Commiffioners of the Admiralty to ignify their direaior..tovyou ...

Published: Monday 03 May 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2231 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I . . . _ : n - P OR 2TSMQUtg; coU s4ARTI.-L. On hMonday, on board the Gladiator, on Serjeant Charles Cubitt, of the Trufty, for druhkei nefsand negledl of duty. The.chargesawere fllly F roVed,; but, in confider- atioa of his very good charaicer, and particularly fot his condu&t in the mutiny, of the. Nore,: it) fupplying the officers with arms, &c. he was only adjudged to be feverely ?? ...

Published: Monday 29 March 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 836 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... On the evening the Afrizes at Maidifone ter- minated, feveral of the King's Counkl and Ser- jearits retired to dinner at the Star Inn, and in- dulged themselves in the pleafures of the table till towards -twelve o'clock at night. At this time Mr. Serjeant Beft quitted the company, in order to call upon his relation, Mr. Knapp, to arrange their going to town in the morning., As he was walking ...

Published: Monday 29 March 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 482 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

CONSPIRACY TO MURDER.—A plot was lately difcovered which had for its object the murder of Baba Khan,

... ?? MuP.DuZ-A plot was latelj'.djf-t COvered which haclfo'itS6 objedthei xnurder ?? IKn, I L; -rv. rn of Perfia'.1and which. involvine nianv I the prefenlt Sovreign of Perfia`,!and which, involving many of .tre molt ddiffflnguiihed Officers of the .Statei ,jis/e$cited tle ftrongeft fenfation throughout the V nmpire. An Offlqer wvho had been, iftnrunmental in advancing the Priiice to' the. ...

Published: Monday 04 January 1802
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2293 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 

HOUSE OF COMMONS, Monday, Feb. 15

... HOUSE OF COMMONS, Mfiond'ay, Feb. 15. HIGH PRICE OF PAPER. Mr.ShazeoLefevre prefented a petition, which, he faid, was figned by upwards of 2eo perfons concerned in the ?? and printing bufinefs in this Metropolis, Rating, that in confequence of a late A& of Parliament, impofing an additional duty upon paper and mill-board, their interefts were n;aterially affecaed; that the duty fell diredtly ...

Published: Saturday 20 February 1802
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1291 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News