Advertisements & Notices

... vmfv M : - -- - - U NDER the Patronag-c of her Gri.ce the DUCHESS U ' M lA\CHESTMR. there will hea BALL, at thi Cro n inin LOWESTOFT, on Monday the 2-,tb nst'. \P Tlckets Ss. td. each, to be had at the Bar, 5uppilcr and Mnsic incuded. TpsaTCH Fonwth Suhscription ASSENMBLY will bc i at rite Asseinblv-room. on Thuisdvy. Oct.7. Ad mlittance to Non-subscribtvs, not hviiig in Ipswi'h, or svithin 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOLD' 'u J. RAW-, 'Boksdke,' @c. BUTTER-JARKET, IPSIWICH. For COUGHS, CONSUMPTIONS, &c. PECTORAL ESSENCE of COLTSFOOT. 'I HE Herb Coltsfoot, called Tussilago by the An- cients, was distinguished by them, as its name sufficiently conveys, for its excellence ill the cure of cioughs and otherpulmonarycomplaints; and this es- sence has, in the course of a long practice, been found tile most safe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKES. THE next General Quartery Of th Tr tees for putting in execution an act, trtitled, 'in fo Act for more effectually repairing the Roads frorm St Ipswich to the Scole Inn Road, and other Roads in M the said act mentioned, vill be held by qdjonrl.' sa mentat the Crowvn In, Claydon, on Tuesdly the 1 elst May, 180'2, at Elcven o'clock i9 the forenoonm. T. GARRARD. Clerk to the Trustees, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T To GRAZ'FR-3 0 be. Shcnvri for SaltdIt, thle LYe lnh, Ilaulestoe on M(1ndiay thD I 1sF dy of orJanJ1S ltant, . goo ll rove of 013110way, S., 6l, Hecdet~rs iiHJii_ 0 O) ShevWi fbr SaIeh G tle k.A~rdinar~s Mq xion .T1 Iekrrcvoil ~nmuiday. tile I11th. iwlstnt A Csl Ppra Drove aliawav 5 ,cs andl Hebifus, ~ hrd. r Its ?? 360on for ynung ae5 {Rs. antd Difss OLA tpc'slrfrs m livd the' p\ublic1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLCI-1ESTEI{ AR ltl~lX. THE 4th Assuhbly wil! be atthe WVhite Hart Iun. oi 1 Monday, April 19, 180). BENJ. CR A VEN, Esq. Treasurer. JAMES BOGGIS. KLq. S PHiILIP -LAVENb, Esq. Stewards SUFFOLK SOCIETY of STiRGEG 1N . T HEIR Quartcily Meeting will be at the Golde. 1Lion, on Monday, the 19th instant. .4pilr }, ROBT. FITCH, Sacretary. 7o be SOLD at YOXFORD, ( STACKS of good UPLAND RAY, about I S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN PRICKETT3 Son of the late Mrs. J MARY PRICIETrT, of the Litchfield Arms Inn, in Enftone, in the County of Oxford, begs Leave to return his moft grateful Thanks to the Friends of his late Mother for their kind Favours and Support, and begs Leave to in- form them, that he means to continue the Bufsnefs on his own Account, and humbly hopes for their future Patronage and Support, which he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1' PIitt NI X .S R 1~f~ OEFFCfl,| Ltoizha reiStreet, ' L 0 N D 0 N. T H E firm Suppirt which the PT`H Nix T OFFICZ continues to receive from its numerous Friends (notwithiRanding every Effort of Competition) demands the Thanks of the Direftors. The Mode of infuring FAitMINO STOCK, pra&ifed by this Office, has been and will be found much better fuited to the Protection of that Kind of Property ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'E~a rom the ;Br?/iol Paper-i. For the Perufal of thofe affliced with Nervous Complaints ,I 1ienc you my Cafe, and hope to fee it publified. SIt tWO- Yeais a oI had-a Mifcarriage, . wkich cbnfined, Jhde to my Room for thce * Months.i I was attendfedfby'a 'Phyfician, who, after rnan Confulrations,'advifedfnde to-try the Briftol 'Hot Wells..r - Being then in Exeter, it was impoffible for me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. SWANCOT, Surgeon and Apothe- Mv]L cary, Burford, has jul'c received a frefh Supply of The Reflorative Meelicated mines (greatly improved and concentrated) Price Ss. the Bottle, duty included, and which is juftly confidered the be' Me- dicine now extant for Complaints peculiar to Females, as I well as every Diforder in either Sex arifing from a fluggifh and impoverifthed State of the Blood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANGEL INN, OXFORD. Royal Mail and Poft Coach Offce. POST COAC H to London every Morning A at Sight o'Clock, to the Old Bell, Holborn. A COACH every Morning at Half paft Six o'Clock, ?? and Slough, to the Bell Savage, Ludgate Hill. A POST COACH to London every Morning at Five o'Clock, to the George and Blue Boar, Hnlborn. A POST COACH to Birmingham every Morning at Seven o'Clock. A POST COACH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO~j TNHlEi5 AND CLAZIERS. W ANX A 1 E1) irnmediately,-A Journeyman VV I'L;-U Kl3R anid GLAZIER. - AZfber &eady- 1 ~Aan may rnert .ithinl*F ,sa't Emrxloynnejt, anc' Encosrage- ,nen[ due to his .Mrit, by applying to Mr. ,. Hick3 rans piuhber and Giazier, High Strert, Oxford. (OXFORD, MAY 10 I 803. Y OST, fupofed to he taken by Mi44ake, L frorn ?? of the Stttr Inn, in this City, no 'lhi1rfdSY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P O O R. 17; TANTED,-A Perfon to fuperintend and V provide for the Poor of the Parith of Bladon,,near Woodf'iock, in the County of Oxford, for one Year, at a certain Sum to be known by applying immediately to the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the faid Parilh. FREEHOLD ESTATE. 'T'O be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,_ 1 An eligible FREE HO LD ESTATE, fituate at KINTaURY, in the County of Berks. For ...