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Advertisements & Notices

... T I C KI'E TOBY31~ ?? V - L COVER MARES this Season, at B~u' a t- 5Vhail, Bccr~Nviel:;slire, at One Guinea and Hall-a-1 Grass, &c. for Mares. I ,covER MA l' this fleif~:'a ('.no~asi 2.nd a Crown ; -alt other Ml'S! itt ir 1'r Giii ?? i and a Crown. 'Fhst n-oi- y to U) 1. 3ai tiL tlj it' in l 00 c- ercing. M,%iler Robert. jsas cot lIv% coa, 'ti ins by Yountil iverh, out of M,\r Hi-,to to4 a - h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... von isrcun ay d iniet -ivbe publifhed, in T vols. royal adtave, price Five C uineas, in boards arid dery paper, price Three Pounds in bo.:rls, a new and fplendid edition of T'_HlE ARABIAN NIGHTS. Tranflated by J- tl-e Rev. EDWARD FORSTER. 'fthis Wrl; is emhbellih:d and illultrated by a feries of twenty- fouw very fine high finifled engravings in the line manner, from pic'ures paiv ted on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUBNEY' OAK TIMBER, Belonging to Mafqdalen College, Oxford. 0 be SOLD by AUCTION, ILT O'nWedncday the 14th Day of April, zgoz, ?? Cheflerman's, the White Hait, near Tubney Wood,_ Ten Letters of fine MAIDEN OAK TIMBER, with the Tops, Lop, and Bark, now growing in Collier's Cop- pice, in Tubney W51ood, within three Miles of Abingdon and Kingfton Inn, which are all now lettered and numbered with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW POREST.. -IEi Ce i7;i~oners, autiz.7rrzed b His jey'cys t.i THCsys.r jjianto carry into cxeerutin an ?? in the 'birty-. - anh s! Fcrh,-byeqrs of His jefltys Reij7, infituled0 44- An ,e ga f~r tzhe Lctter Prcfrrvaticrn ef.7 her in tbe Ait'V Fore,/l in ri the Cu.-V cf S' ?.smptsn, arrefor tcerltkiing tbe Boundaries ?? Jiii Fcrf/, and -f tbe Lards of the Cr.own ;within . re jusn-,' d booety ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONLY TEN I;AYS TO DRAW. EXTRAORDINARY RICH STATE OF THE WHEEL. Prizes of £rzoo0o - 2,000 3 - 1,000 ,4 - soo &C . lob &-c. &C. VNE-RSONS in the country will be fupplied with 1. Tickets or Shares, WARRANTED UNDRAWN, the Came as if prefent, by fending Pott-ofl~ceOrders, good Bills, cah, or Bank Notes, toany LICENSED LOTT1:RY PRICE, A7RIL 2. Tickets - - zl. fOS. Malf 1 3 5 ° Eighth 3 S . Qnarter 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KING rHE~rtr. gADAME HtLLIGSBELRG mon~fterpeertnflvy acquaints. the Nobility an Centry. Subfcnabert to the Opera, andthe Public, thatiher P-hF.~TIIT ifixedfor~u 7 RSit- PAY thle 8th of April , whenl a S.RsOUS OPFRA will be per- formed;- with (for thle ftnr'e tinie this feallon) the favourite Scotch B~allet of. PEGGY's LOVE, andi the Granid Ballet of PAUL et VIRGlINIAt, with new feones, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEA SIDE QltASS. El .V E Inchlofutrcs sof rich Fafture Grals, will be 1 rouped for the keafbn, at BRACO PARK, parifl c t !'irflgo, on Monday 19th current. 'I li roup to GRASS PARKS TO LET; ' 'sE Girafl Parks at l'ERSI.EY BLEACH- 11PILD are to be let for the feafon, by public rssop, tn Monday the 2,6th curt. at I I o'clock forenoon. GRASS PARKS OF KINSTEARY.- T1, bh rmuped at Kiillearv, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOLDEN SPIRITS OF SCURVY GRASS. HE Proprietors advertife the Genuine Prepara- T `tion of the JUICE Or SCURVY GRASS only to prevent the Public from being imnpofed upon by the many Noflrums, fold under the Name. None are Original but Dr. BLAGRAVE's GOLDEN SPIRIT: which have J. JOHNSON wrote on the Stamp This is the Innocent and truly Efficacious Extra& of the Herb, which is admitted by all, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - No. d. Ni~h fie of P-lil)-firect, B rhleely-f'quare. TIS- Ir-1rCHRISTIiE it hisl Great Room, in Pall Mall,TIf 'DAY, at onle o'clotk, Nl elegant LEASEHOLD HOUSE, with At.~ ?? Fo our Hone~s, Double Coach-houfe, fuitablc Ataced ?? Detached 0lihces (II every deficrilltion failed to a Thiidclirably fituate NO. , onl the Narth liderof Hili-ftrccr, =Bet eiey~-Sqarc-, arc hecld by Leilec fir 43 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C O C K I N G.. T 0 be fought at Mr. Stephen Eaton's Cock- It pit, Haly`veli, Oxford, on Thurfday next the zgth Inflanr,-A WELCH MAIN, to confift of fixteen CocLks, (no Cock to exceed 41. zooz.) for a GOLD WATCH, of fixteen Guineas Valhe.-Togg to pit at Tzelve o'Clock. A good ORDINSAHY will be ?? on the Table at Half pail One o'Clock. ST. GILES's, OXFORD. rf MUNDAY returns his molt grateful Ac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W@ ANTED, as an APPRENTICE to -a W . GUN MAKER,-A YOUTH of good Morals and refoeaable Parents.-For further Particulars apply to James Sykes, Gun Maker, High Street, Oxford. PARISH POOR. X~sTANTED,-A Perfon to FARM the V POOR of the Parilh of HEADINGTON, in the County of Oxford.-Any Perfon willing to undertake the fame 'is dtfired to deliver in Propofals on or before Eafter Monday, the T9th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A POIN3TTER DOG LO ST. . APOINTER MOG, of a large size, smooth skin, i te greater pare of him is whchie, he has brass i eares., a i arge brow's spot on his back, and part of his tail is brow n, rathcr iong bodied, answers to tse name ot C., in. AnF persnin woo n-f]11 bring thie Dog to Mr Telex- on'os, Sadltr, North Bridge. svill rceive a GUINEA rwe ard e rd no quc estirns aIsked. If hz is ...