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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... RADCLIFFE INFIRMARY, APRIL 14, 1SO2 Special General Court will be held on A Thurfday the 13th Day of May, r8oz, at Eleven o'Clock, for the ELECTION of a SURGEON to the INFIRMARY. V1EWS OF OXFORD. T HE Subfcribers to Mr. MALTON's v PICTURESQUE VIEWS of OXFORD are refpeafully informed, the firfm Number is now published, and ready for deliverv at R. SMIrTCs Printehop. J. COLGROVE, CARPESNTRR and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUBNEY' OAK TIMBER, Belonging to Mafqdalen College, Oxford. 0 be SOLD by AUCTION, ILT O'nWedncday the 14th Day of April, zgoz, ?? Cheflerman's, the White Hait, near Tubney Wood,_ Ten Letters of fine MAIDEN OAK TIMBER, with the Tops, Lop, and Bark, now growing in Collier's Cop- pice, in Tubney W51ood, within three Miles of Abingdon and Kingfton Inn, which are all now lettered and numbered with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C O C K I N G.. T 0 be fought at Mr. Stephen Eaton's Cock- It pit, Haly`veli, Oxford, on Thurfday next the zgth Inflanr,-A WELCH MAIN, to confift of fixteen CocLks, (no Cock to exceed 41. zooz.) for a GOLD WATCH, of fixteen Guineas Valhe.-Togg to pit at Tzelve o'Clock. A good ORDINSAHY will be ?? on the Table at Half pail One o'Clock. ST. GILES's, OXFORD. rf MUNDAY returns his molt grateful Ac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W@ ANTED, as an APPRENTICE to -a W . GUN MAKER,-A YOUTH of good Morals and refoeaable Parents.-For further Particulars apply to James Sykes, Gun Maker, High Street, Oxford. PARISH POOR. X~sTANTED,-A Perfon to FARM the V POOR of the Parilh of HEADINGTON, in the County of Oxford.-Any Perfon willing to undertake the fame 'is dtfired to deliver in Propofals on or before Eafter Monday, the T9th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RItVER THAME. fotjICE is hereby given, Thak the nexI iN Ccort of Stwers for the ievel of the River Thame, ;, cth Couatics of Oxford and Bucks, will be holden at ti Retd Lion Inn, i Tiharn, on Moiiday the .6th Day of .Al',i 1nijiac, at Eieven ?? in the Fotenonnn. ql'bawre, By Ort:br of the Commiflioners, .f Iprl iSOz. tJOHlN HOLLIER, Clerk. 7jonureymen Campepters and 79iners. NIED feveral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No, 49,30, A Prize or TWENSy -THOUSAND ,POUNDS, The Thirty-ninth Day of Drawing, Was fold in a Whole T! cket, and regiflered by RicKa RDr- SON, GoonLoCru, and Co. on the zgth of March laft, w-ho have alfo 1oId, in the prefent Lottery, No. 49,75±, a Prize of TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, in two Fourth, two Eighth, and four Sixteenth Shares.-No. 39,471, a Prize of 5,oool.-No, -96,o5, t,ooo.-No. 2,936, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Az Opportanily worth Obfervation. N0 Expence or Pains having been fpared in procuring a moft valuable Affortment of prime Teas, a great Part of which were purchased at the prefent March Sale, WINTER, HUGHES, and Co. No. 5i, Newgate Street, oppolite St. Martin's le Grand, think it a Duty incumbent on them to acquaint Families with this Cir- cumrfance, especially as this profeffional ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F4(rSq .D ~FURNITUP F. ExreJ!g Bf-ds, elegart Carpets) &c. &c. O be S C L 1) y A UCI O By Mr. W. WISE, 'g;orfda; next, April 15, t~o-, at his RspnlitorY, ) Broc~ ,-dStreet,-A large and general Affortineit ,good and iufeful DOMESTIC ARTICLES, mnine 'I :N YS -. a fw l)AINTINGS, &c. petaloges mav be had and the Goods viewed on the , eced th' Sale, which will commence precifely glj P nsClrock. 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P E A C E. TEHE Card and Dancing Affembly in Honour JL of the DEFJNITIVE TREATY will be held at the Town Hall, on Thurfday the 5th of April next. RICKFORD and ROSE, Stewards. .4y/lejry, 3otb AAlarcb, 12oz. N. B. Tickets to be had at the George Inn, on fending an Addrefs to the Stewards. OXFORDSHIRE MILITIA. '\OTICE is hereby given, That a General MI Meeting of the Deputy Lieutenants of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARWICKSHIRE, To WIT. ;E. the High Sheriff and Grand Jury of V this Countk, af'embled at the Affizes holden at Warwick on the 23d Day of March, ISoz, taking into Confideeatinri the Reducrion in the Prices of Hay and Corn, dre of opinion, that the Prices of Poll Horfes per Mile ought to be reduced, and that the Charge for Corn and Hay at the Inns in this County is exorbitant, and i3ould be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O be SOLD, in the Month of, before JoHN SilhlEoN, Efq. one of the Maaters of the Caurt of Chancery, at the public Sale Room in South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane} London, purfuant to a Decree of the faid Court, made in a Caufe of KEN- WVORTHY againftBATE,-A FREEHOLD ESTATE, fituate in the Parifhes of Rufcomnb and Hurif, in the Counties of Berks and Wilts; confid'ing of'a Roufe ...