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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO~j TNHlEi5 AND CLAZIERS. W ANX A 1 E1) irnmediately,-A Journeyman VV I'L;-U Kl3R anid GLAZIER. - AZfber &eady- 1 ~Aan may rnert .ithinl*F ,sa't Emrxloynnejt, anc' Encosrage- ,nen[ due to his .Mrit, by applying to Mr. ,. Hick3 rans piuhber and Giazier, High Strert, Oxford. (OXFORD, MAY 10 I 803. Y OST, fupofed to he taken by Mi44ake, L frorn ?? of the Stttr Inn, in this City, no 'lhi1rfdSY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I T C H, D>E it ever fo inveterate, perfectly cured in 24 Hours, by an Ointment called TYCE 's OINTMEN T, which is agreeable in Smell, does not contain a Particle of Mercury, or any pernicious Ingredient, but is fo innocent that it may be uted with the greateft Safety on Perfons of the molt delicate Conrifitution, pregnant Women, and Children at the Breaft. This Ointment has been long ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THvhh~' I Jf oo0 ,rtt Oxfon j ?? T HE Aflize of bread fet in and fi, t1, . Hundred, to take Place on Monday the d D May, 1Soz, and to continue iq5 Fo;ce f 3d of Days, is as IfIluws _ feunt 1b. a4 dr. kolt The Penny Standard Wheatrn 6 d. Loaf Houffiold S 2 Two-penny Stamndard Wheaten I1r4 1 Loat H iutlal.ld 4 2 The Peck Standard Wheaten 17 b J - I Loaf ?? I' 61 I_ ;!4 The Half 5 Standard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BERKSHIRE. 01-iDING to the Requeft of tlhe Ma- A ,tidrates aTfrnI J-d at the Qgarter Seflians at New- ?? aod 'f other G3enrlemen of this County, I appoint a M trir to be held at the Town HIll, a- Readin., on 'jIhu. tay next tne 6:ht of Mqy, at Eleven o'Ctock, for th^ ?? of preparing a d tiful Addrefs of Congratula- con to prcfent to his Majt>ly on the R!!fturarijn of Peace. THOMAS WINDSOR, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is ?ijr.' Price iI. 1 Ti.A 6Q8. in Boar.Rs, T'H E SIVII RES of becinus. Junius Jure. I nalis, tranflated into Nt;LI5SH VERS£. By WILLIAM GIFFORD, Efq. With No-rys and ILLUSTgATIOSS. Sold by G. and V. Nicol, and R. Evans, Pali Mall, Lnndnr anld hv T. Conke, Oxford. OXFORD, MAY 7, }SO2. M R. WILLIAM TRE DWELL, of this *VlCity, Taylor- having aifigrrd his Effeca1s for the BIent of' his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cr' f 44- , . rs- C1 p~ - * q PUBLIC ADVANTACE 1 WTINI'ER, HUGHES, d Co- rf flyacquaint their CutlomeadCOrpe that th* have Confiderably added to th-i -nrrth lh q A alort of prime Teas at the laP March Sm ab warrant them to be cheaper and better at C. 'an Pricesthan they are to be purchafed at any o j , , the Metropolis. Their Wareh,,u, -) Nother Nc;f. Street, oppofize St. Martirmn's GCr rd, IS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Soith SQUVARE, 4tril 3, iSC0. T a Meeting held at the Houfe of the PR r- A SIDENT OF THE RO-VAL SOCIETY, for the Pur- pofe of ?? the proper Means of collecting, as far as may be, to one Point, the Inclination manifefted by the Lovers of Agriculture, TO AEECT A MONUMENT IN HONOUR OF THE MEMORY OP THlE LATE DuKE OF BEDFORD, PRESENT, If s Grace thelue l ofGraftoso, Lord Carrington, The Earl of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIUSIC ROOM, OXFORD, - M-AY , t 802. I-IFE CHORAL MUSIC for this Term Tvsli be on Mnliday the 17 h Initant, and on Tuefilay .,le isrh there will be 3 GRAND MISCEW.LANEOUS CONCERT, which Mrs. MOUNTAIN and Mr. I)F-MNSA as principal Vocal Prformecrs, and Mr. M,1rTAIN, 'Or the Vialin, and Mr. W IPrPART, for ~Har, - ro ogegd. th XS t° be had at the princip3I Inns, Mufic Shops, and C}5;.e H~e; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P A R TN E R S HI I P. ID ARC4E, CARVER, GILDER, LooR. | IN\OEG GL.ASS and PICTURE FRAME MANeU- FACTURER, Higlh Street, Oxford, returns his grateful Thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, for the mvry ,Favours he hai experienced, and begs Pcrmi~vin to Iinfrm them that he has, owing to the Incteafe of Bufi- naf,; t.i k- into l'artncrihip his late Apprentice, Mr. JAMES WYATT, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC ROOM, OXFORD, *.t MAY 21,:I02 i. MN ?? REINAGLE refpeafully1 aequaints the Ladies and Geritlemen of ?? and City of Oxford, that the Stewards of the MuficRoom have fixed his BENEFIT for THuRSIDA:Y the 27th Inlo. Particulars of the Concert wiltbe announced in Bills, ROE, BUCK INK, OXFORD. .JOHN PROBAT I.R J[OSTrefpeafully acquaints the Gentlemen of the lUniverfity, and. the. Public,, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To thie JYortly Fireemen OF THE CITY OF OXFORD. GzNTLEMEN, T PON my Return to Town, to attend the Li Duties of the important Truft with which you have repeatedly honoured me, I am informed of the Succels of a Canvafs generoufly undertaken, during my Abfcnce, by a numerous Body of my Fellow Citizens. The Refult being fuch as to leave no poffible Doubt of the Continuance of your Favour, or of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OX FORD. LL Perfons to whom the late ARAB3ELLA CROSS, Spiantcr, ftood indebted at her Deceafe, are defired to deliver i n their Demands to Mefris. Taunton, at their Office, under the Town Hall;'with whom alfo all Perfons who are Debtors to her Ellate are required by her Executors to fettle their Accounts. WICHAELIS on the NEW TESTAMENT, complete, with the REV. H. MARSH's NOTES. Thbis Daj, is ...