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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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Public Tags

Advertisements & Notices

... Frec.di Meado'w Lonad, ?? Oor,1. be SOLD by PRIVATE COrNTIACT,- Two CLOSES of rich FREEHOLD MEADOW S , called Co!d Harbour and Eigbft Acres, and a Lp^.e Ham thereto adjoining, fituate in St. Aldate's, ar oxford, containing together about Seventeen Acres, ?? JOHN DANBc, as Tenant from nd Tax on which has been re- a View of the Preyniffes apply to the Tenants and fr further Particulars, or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD, J.\N. rI, 5803. Tm be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HALSE, At the King's Arms, Holyvell, on Tuefday the 25th Day of January, 1803,-A, good fubftantial DWEL- LING HOUSE, with large)Garden, and a Building ait the further Side of the Garden originally intended for a Carpenter's Shop .together.with a WV.afh-Houfe and, Work-Shop oppofite the Dwelling Houfe,. late in the Occupation of Mrs. ANN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Solomon'e, jrflhly Cebrardd GJU ID-E TO HRALT,_. I o O Aftee to hot/ Srx ?? A NEW EDITION, PRICt! 3* THIS intereffing PulJlicatioi f( ver d ly. concerns tlofe to wilsorn by Its.ate, Iis 4 1't) addlefifed,' that it 'is hoped rwone, enltrufted -i ?? I iI important as the Morals, Hclth, and L ' If)( rifing Generation, will omit to give it a dil I ; Thii truly intereffing Work has bcen the Lag 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itO t.COTJCiIS, O7AIENES~S &R G RENOU[lGH' of fe ufly-celeibratcd for theirfpro O~fi T6 ' imnidjatelv removing all Coughs, Ho cotaff - ir. ,.Throats. Shortoefs of0 13eath, Defiusl50 Lungs, Sorenelaiof the llreaft, &c. Ands Upon TWOV TIN1CTUR ES; the orne fo l- srs Prefervingilhe T h E and 'effeluit3u Clly r d Scurvy in the Gusms, preventuagn the Teeth ?? .Decay, and lendering-0the BCreds Detde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kire1o nto l Deddinogn Trtr-plp kz- R1 a dl a . \TOT'ICE is hereby given, That .a Meeting, 1 Y f tle 'rr.laees of the above Turnpike Road will be. held, by Adjournment, at the Fox 'and Crown, in North Afton, ill the County of Oxford, on Priday the 4th Day of February nsext, at Eleven ?? In the Forenoon ; vfhen new Trlfees will be elerted in the Stead of tlhofe vho are dead or refufe to adI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To. be SOLD -by AUCTION . . .BY JOHN ?? * e Premiffes, at Durford, in the County of O1p on .Mondayp anuary the, 3fiand Tue(day,. or ' ay th it6 , 10- A OQuantity of HOU3E. ebru teURNlTURE, the Property of a Perfoni ~,ng no iewe that Part of the Country; ca Iprifing rpof& Bed(teads, with Cotton, Marachefer, Plaid,. ao~dother Purniture~fine feafone4 FeatherBeds, Blank- Qui lts, and Cotton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A N ASSITA Ttwanted atanACADFt.UT, near Worcefter, who is perfecfly qualified to teach the Latin Language. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Hill, at the Crofs, ,W orcefter. WJAN TED, Eight Terfowand Pounds for W : the ad of February, or at the fartheft, by the %sth of March next, on Mortgage of a very good KFree- hold. Eltate ofcompeternt Value, in the Vale. of, Eve-. iham} and County of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. TIF SARAH ARTHU' who eft Rereford' * *about' fifteen Years ag6o and was ir Biceier about _fo~r -Years fuice, i'till a'ive, fhe will hear-of fomething greatly to;her Advaitage by applying to the Printer bf the. Goucefter'Herald; or, if fhe is dead, any Per~on maidng:E~nquiry,' and giving fiufficient Information to that pBffefl5 fthalI be very handfbwrely rewarded, iasid every Expence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... One Hundred ;Guzxes R~ward. 7 HEREAS on FRIDAY 1aft, the- 24th' /V Y Inftant, about Three ?? in the Afterioon,! at the Bottom of Fleet Street, London, one of the Clbrlts- belonging to the Houfe ds Meffis. -H-A2IMr2S.L±'s and Co. Bankers, Pall Mall, London,' was violently affaulted by a Gang of Villains, and robbed of a &fnall PAPER PARCEL, dirseaed to - , ' ' ' ' Meffrs. FLETCHBER and PARSONS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tie chedpe/0 A1at.etfor. Pkigep Teas & T 4E Ptice of Tea being advanced at h l I Seotember Sale mult be a Matter of eat regret the principal Cdrrfwaers of that ?? of hold Expence- L. WINTERS HUGHES, and Co. Proprietors of the oldel'c Tea Eftablifmv in No. i5, Newgate Street, therefore refp-dfullyi aC 1, their Caflomers and the Public that qurull acsi- thogh , lit liberally at the taft jssne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ig RS. DtJRY ifpeafuloil informs her and thie ?? LtC,' ?? herSCHOOL 215 1a; afttr tle Chriiinlas Recefs, oil MONDAY I Pe err'enth Inusant. L-Hi'.Y WELL, iOXF4JIW. rRO be STLD by PRV ATE oNTrA CT,- ESSUo GL br 'NIENEMLE,NT chiefily Stone 'Ietsv ithi a large; \d, Gorder,, Pig Stye, 3nd Appultr- ccer in', thve fe-vr~l Oc~¶cpations OCf iCBtAR D FLLAR ?? 1l MOeoor,, ?? at Will, and three stnJ at ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD ANURL 1-INN o (L 'zctey *cupoied y M- r. C. S 7-.4 DS C UENRY CH-ARkLTON & ¾ TI fornal his Friends andth e rereafll he has taken and entered upo0e aboo eri% t he hopes, by his ?? wh Continance of the Patronaa.* of te 'r SavoueS, and of thofe GCnteen T les h favoured the Houfe; at the ?? n they will 'meet witi tile greatell moft comfortable Accomninodataors 'iad t N. B. H. CHARLTON ...