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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... TO THDt,2 a t - I I E L w :Dsbli','2,dth 4i. 1803. Sti,-. Your, statement, ir your .ppbr of the 27th of Angu~sr, of the ,ransactljcns which took place.bere on'the 23d of-July, was received with satisfactiob, by many re'al friends of their King and country. t'ph were glad tofind' hat thieaffairs of Ireland had: attracted your notice. Thoogh your paper is sent to,. and read by many here,7;t has ...

Correct Copy of the RESOLUTIONS moved by LORD MEADOWBANK, at the late Meeting of the County of Edinburgh, on ..

... Carect Cotpv of the RESOLUTIONS ?? by LaRD, MZAOWRAAk, at the late Meefirg of the Codllny of. Edinburgbh, on,4ke.A4t in- stant;, and a/o of the Resoltion moved by the Lord Chief Barono and, qferwiards adopted by the. eeting. [See preceding sheet, p. 554, et seq.)] RESOLVED,-I. That it is without doubt proper that the chief part of the regular forces of the country should be destined -for the ...


... IA, -PBLI P APE RS GCnwst'on seettrAhia, vce,0 eand Rwsia, 'tdjr at 2'ar iss * the 46ih Dct. 0 i .: i s Mfajesty t mpern, Kisng of Hungary and ~B~qhmia, havi ign~r~hath could niii cousi- ~? ~ 1~tieo 1; he~ trt of Luevlea far ai it r )lS~ishia K~ovsl HighniBticrh did Jsrand -rauke of Tusesn6 asuf- 4 ,j he planoof Thdemnitics~agrecd >o b Q)iptat qof the Bmpiry;and~ j as he g~6sn miorc,at heart ...


... I - SiiMU'OFPLt CS Iti'yo~ F.* 0&^ ~he Motoiog Post tf ?? last, ;fxrdn ,when~eit has beed ¢,opied~itot~i,Okl~Ct ?? the par. its nahtiIte,, ,a it Iais ip~o*1ai ii it~s issue, a041 ?? *hich ,,u~ ;peessari~y e jrom :it; -e -aihid to the prahdi- tkfn ~i de, at khe desire ot :uonwp$tT,, td ]L4ots XVI}IL u:a nsxter. .Althoagi :hbat has ~ppvpry lb iX ?? is not 4Jtro2Fthe c~reet, it i:, er c, Ynde4 f ...


... Copy of a note ds;'vered to tie Marsis ?? 17t~, 5803, by) lDetenent.Generi ?? Catheat. It is in the contemplation of his Majesty's Go- vernment to provide the most effecual meanda for securing the Metropolis from the incursion of iat Enemy, who, favoured by extraordinary fortune of War, might not only have eluded the dispositions made by land and sea to resist invasion, but beiig lauded in ...


... Extracted from tbe 111orning Cbronicle of the Soth Decenber, 1803.-(See the preceding par, p. 938.) We have shewn with how little grace the present administration of shreds and patches can accuse their superiors in talents and character for a coalition, were any coali. tion to be formed. It may be worth while to inquire whvt right they bave to call upon the public for unanimity, and to ...


... tO TAB RT. RON. LORD RAWI-ESBURT. They shall seek peace, and there shall be none. Mischief shall come upon ;.mischief, and ramour shall beiupon rumour. The law shall perish front is the priest, and the council from the 4' ancients. Thc king shall mourn, and Whepince shall be clothed ,ithfo- .. solation, and the hands of the -pele f : bthe land shl be tioubled,- ..EIKIRL, C. vii. V. ...


... LETTER V. VROM A CONTINENTAL OBSERVER. Hamburgh, Nov. 10, IS03. S1Rt,7WVhen yoU read My last letter, you mav, perhaps, -have supposed that some of the reflections which it contained, bore the marks of an influence foreign from that which I profess. In this, however, you would have been totally mistaken. I have no ronnexion, wbatever, either direct or indi- rect, with those who are tmost ...


... . PRINCE OF WALEs.-In two former numbers ofthe presentvolume t, we thought it our duty to remonstrate against the con- duct of ministers, with regard to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales; and, we derive no small satisfaction from .perceiv- ing, that there are very few persons, who do not, on this subject, entirely concur in our sentiments. To rcfuse the Prince a com- mand, while the rest ...


... TO THE EARL OF SUFFOLr. MY LoRD,--At a crisis so important, so momentous as the present, every noble- man should follow the praise-worthy exam- ple set by your Lordship, in recommending, to our Gracious Sovereignl, measures best calculated to defeat the intentions, and ren- der abortive the attempts of our presump- tuous and enterprising enemy. The plan, which has been recommended by your Lord ...


... -JVOMESTIC OFFICIAL PAPER. (a lat ?? P. 500.] Pay a the .rate of 6s. per diem may be allow- .es uponspecial application, through the Lord Lieutefiant, anid upon a consideration of all the eirunuintasscesaof the Corps, for an Adjutant (who baa served at least. , years as a Qommis- ;iosied Oficer :in the Regulars, embodied Militia, Feoci tles, or East India Company's Serice)O-to re- giments of ...


... SUMMAIt OF I POLITICS. 0 E1IGRAMTsON.-A reportbhas beenwnadeto the House: of ComnObhs from the cbmwittee appoijitdto c-iamine ito the tir4bt of -,I coasts, &c. of Scotland, reid tingitoemlgrationJ and, npen the authority of ihis report, the following resolutions wire,-on the 17th .nst, Tmoved by Mr Hawkins BrOw-n' That persons emigyating from diff&rntparts of r the. United Kingdom to hiS ...