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... THlE MORNING CHIRONICLE. , in LONDON: .p W'D.^N.DnYr. MARCH 23. ei tary d ten. ~We yeflerday received Paris Journals of the i~th. - hat, h our Govetnment and the French Minifter, we vith underfland, received advices fro Paris, but nothing is Par, yet known on the Subjed of the pending difjputes. It jl ' was faid yellerdav, however, that ten more ihips of ut ihe line were to be put in. ...

Published: Wednesday 23 March 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1480 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TH; AiwMORNIN, (ZRHOA'>iUv i. .-.LONDONZ as WAEDN.ASDA2' ?? 30.-: ; M The Stock Exchange, and -heaCity' in. :ftera!, yef of fe terday exhibited a fcene of exttardinaryE bzftle and. tw' a. agitation.' The mrn.rket opened .fPfc oi.abjutP the the price'of tlie preccding dayv. but; in the courfe of the . fai 'e forenoon, a fudden' panic feizedz the hou(e, 'and -a rapid fail of upwards of threte ...

Published: Wednesday 30 March 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2483 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... 71E- AfORVING CI-IRONYCLE F ' LONDON: ,tHURSDAY, MA1PCH 31. The apprehenflon of war, which en Tuefday pro- ducd fo fudden and fo confiderable a f1 in the price of Stocks, fliRUcontinued' yefler&L'. In the mornifg : theyi ivf* riither bighger, but towards noon they de- r dclined, ancd the reafol was, that peoule believed tile fides inade by the 'Frenien connetcions to proceed upo0 . omeaclual ...

Published: Thursday 31 March 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 677 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... THBE MORNING CHR'AVICLE. ' ' LONDON-. . , , ., . ?? ,'3cUL 29 Yefterday about two o'clock his MiESTY arrived at the Qu EN'N Ioufe om Widfor. A Couucii was held at ,Lord P tH. iM s'office, attended by.all birlet Miniflers, the refult of whichl was'.JAid before his' 'jrsTy by the Right Honourable the. CkANcELLot of the E ct-xtouER; afler which his MAJESTY left town for Win'dfor at a quarter ...

Published: Friday 29 July 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2178 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... YAEN MORNING CH7tRONICL,. .LON~DON: * TziuRSDsr, APrIL 7. The extraordinary maanifeflo pf the FiRqr CONSUL, of which we yefferday inferted-an accurate tranfla; ,r,, .continues to be the fubjecI of converf tion. Its efetf' on the funds, howevler, does not feem to have been very' coafiderable. They were at one time 63, but left off at 62. It'is not very eafy to determine how far the -peevilh ...

Published: Thursday 07 April 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1981 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... I CR M p , -M H H h W ,2Xt,-P - The ?? m rtile s iii ?? de(re.-. : For Come months a war, of .Nesrpapers and of the Ptef6',s' beitvkept up betweeb Franceand England Thisemedi Y the dying e ernls of anteatnuimed eon'igration -'th disild c- folation of a delpcrate~party';' thefod df rome lOW pa fl ns'ao4 a few hung'r ftrizhlcir m The .French Governnaedt W'.a ft- attaehingimpbrtance o ...

Published: Wednesday 06 April 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1536 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I MPi RMAL PARLIIELNT OF ' GREAT BRI TA I2V ARN'D IRELAVD. MfOUSE OF LORDS, APRIL 26. MrERSYSINEaandMr.Wooo were heard in the Appeal Caufe, The Kigs. tlhe County ot Cunmberland. After the arguments of the Learned Counrel were concluded, the decifion of the Lower Court was affirmed. Mr. Ai.zxi ateltR, acco-lpanivdby feveral other Gentlemen, brought up from the Horfc of Common. the Sugar ...

Published: Wednesday 27 April 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1982 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MORNING CHRQNICLE. a; LONDON: MOiNDAr2, RUNE 57. On Safurday Three Hanmburgh mails arrived. French and Dutch papers were likewife received. The fets of the Moniturs are irre gular, the Iatex is ofthe23d,which care yefterday. The accounts fromnathe Continent re- fpecting the plaps ?? in the North, now that they are in poufeflon of Hanover, a % not yet afcertained. They have not yet ofered ...

Published: Monday 27 June 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2265 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... THIE MURNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: ap MONDAr, OCTQO3ER I4. - fr By the jamaita and the American Papers, which' ti have been received fince our aflt, we have ac-. it counts of feveral captures by our fquadron cruizing off -IV St. Domingo. It is ifated in letters frown Kingflon, w that two French fail of the line, which had attempted b1 -to make their efcape from the Cape, had been met by a re ...

Published: Monday 24 October 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2938 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I:LaVt:h DukLIN, AU.6.24 l;. . . . IP~I!AL cOMMtisSON. This day '\he 'iSpecial' Comibiffion for trial of per. n foisnow in ctitody, charged with high treafon, waw n opeied by 'the Hon. Jddges Downes, Finucane, and .. ?? ,. . ,G ?? .- -_ rr- Daly. Lord ?? gaisd.arom Geoig& are a fo e named in the Comminifn, butwere not prefent. . Judge Downes' delivered an eicellent char e, oa . which, in ...

Published: Tuesday 30 August 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2496 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Aug. 9. 1803

... bromt6 - ONDU GA. - 13.4 Jf romn tdi L(9NDUN GdZL f ?? Asg. 9, I18°3. Admiraty-Offiee, Aug. 9, [903. Cchy af Lettlsrfrom Capin Samuel Sutton, Commander tf(is Ma- Jil 5 Sb ipory, to Sir Evaan Nepan, Bart. dattd of Gi'alt J eenr, 1803. Sir,-I s'to requett you wvill lay before my Lords Commif- fioncrs of ehc .Admiralty, the inlofd copy of a letinr I have this da.v written to' ?? Lord Nelfon, ...

Published: Wednesday 10 August 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 696 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Aug. 30, 1803

... From thez L:DC GAAZETTE, Au*jg. 3Ai 18A3. Copy-of is Lsf':r from tbe Ho Cr n ole ( Boit;ruy D lc., - si Sb iy AA cfiy'. Sivp Rihe 8'a Heof', to Sitw &i~iviA >eJiean, Bart. &,*d offtbe Bioios, the z!th Sir, - beg yoti will acquaint thle Lords Commir- Iioners of thle Admiralty. tbavt his Ma~cl~y's flpop waf'p, Gn the ieth) by fignal, chrt'd, and wasv fortu- nate in thc capture of aI French ...

Published: Wednesday 31 August 1803
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 588 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News