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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... :: - - PUBLIfC PAPE. RS-. . .i i Rxploanatsry Note-4J c wism mf t& C . Note -ofthe;isrhof. t-h Z Bremen, June 6. -The General: i *Chief eor-- manding th-e French' Army in Hanover,,relying on the amircable dispoilti'ons of the City of ~rmest towards the Frenh -Republic, tdncives he may place implicit eonfidepce-in ?? 'for, the execulion. of the following dispositions .-He de- ai-ands:_ - . That ...


... DMESTIC --WA/tekatlf, Ap-ilt r9.-.'rhe ig. Ilisbeenpteasc4 tpo grant uxo. rh Righte 1orolut 1e RichardrI of Cavan, Major-General of Ils$ MajestW, Forccs, Ris ya,.. Licatise and Ier sslia eay receive and swr 'tte Bafe brd* °f ,*e Criscent, taritpted to lns Loudship by trbE Grand-Scignipr :-Ad also, cmd thtj ' gjeitvy's ,concsiop and dcaitionrdthe wjthrhe je1tifi geients; wa; -h Len.$n *ipoc ,; ...


... ?- ??l S 11 ?? 1? ? , , , ? ?? ? ?A ? *VI call .LI% I ?? ?? ? ?? ? 'I i .. ?* ? ii? ? I Tt was our intentif to ?? id&6reed the public, far the lasetiimie-,¢.6* ject; but, -having bhearf.44 1 t ;h6i` Iyal Highness the- Comman ?? it in contemplation to -afible 4e ward on LUTz, we tn It -rithto wait till we are mote fully otn on th1ai point. In the mean tune we iiserthere, .for the perusal of our ...


... THE GENEALOGY OF BRUTUS ALT, NAPO- LEONE BUONAPARTE. From a pamphlet much circulated in France in 1800, called, The Genealogy of tie Corsican Successor to the French Bourbons, mritten in La Vend&e, and printed in the Temple, by a Chouas, the followirg is an extract i I I . I I After the disgrace of Theodore King of Cor- sica, the.Republic of Genoa published an official paper to make him ...


... TO X. B. SRERIDAW, ES Z. SrR,-1 am one of those who think that the publishing of parliamentary debates is a violation of the spirit of the English go- vernment; but, as long as the publication| of these debates is tolerated, they appear. to be a fair subject of mommeimt, through the same channel that conveys them- to. the world; otherwise, matter calculated torde infinite injury, not only to ...


... es To produce this favourite ueanimity in delusion, and to, prevent all possibilttv of a retutn to our ancient happy state, arzuments for our continuance in this course, are cdrawn from the ?? situation itself, into =hich we bave been betrayed. It is said, thar, whatever our pen5orneucs ' may have been before, all the policy we have lett, is to strengthen the hands of goveinment. . ODt the ...


... * on xE PORTElR AND B1S BATTLE .. ,OF LODI. ; MR. COBBETT,-As we seem to be upon the point of another contest with our inve- terale foe, it is -of some consequence to brave the dispositions which our country- men bring with them to it. On former occasions, an attachment to our countryr, and a spirit of proud defiance to the enemy, have been cultivated in all popular ways, as necessary ...


... ST. DOMTNGo.-In reading the several accounts, which have, for a year past, been published, from time to time, under this head, one would think, that there must be two islands named St. Domingo; for the ac- counts to which we allude, though agreeing in dates, have constantly disagreed in every other particular. Within this fortnight, the public has, for the third time, been in- formed, through ...


... TO T:IIE WtTOR;. -iE .g _ ?? a~ 0 kin- . : a ndon,. De 13 1503.- - :am:a constant .reader ot you R legister, and have :alwrays ~perfecdy AC-, qtiiesced fin your remarkis and observations on rhF Volunteers, though.t myself halvcs tb^.e :o~nur of belonging to ~such a corps. * we By - Tbe debates of last night Are now, be- fore me, and'I can with. satety corroborate Mr. Windhanm's assertions ...


... SU ?? O ., SUMMGARY OF POLITICS. I Pi Ess-GANGS.-At, and in the neigh bourhood of Newcastle, some very serious disturbances have taken place in conse- quence of the impress service. The mis- chief appears to have arisen, chiefly, from an advertisement, inserted by some of the 5;Ai-omwers, in a papers the editor of which has long been famedfor his disloyalty. These persons admit the xecessity ...


... SUMMA -Y-OF I , .;ICS I I I I I: f r tace 'Iie -A-tds , n 'r y witi6 .baelarn ~iug~ ariuooteichnn~s between Mr. Ad4inton a Mr. Pitt, has been.completely verie4; and that. wlhat- ever otlir parts ot. Pitts. recent oduct they may have to. amenelt, tigeofol - tary debasement is, not to. be added .a to e P ?? negotation, as it. has been called, for a.partial change in the ministry, never, we ...


... ' E S 2 . . GEN. MORTiR, With is 4-umy5f still eontinues fn the-ljeft-banak b-f t:. fRhine, and it is said, willinot, ft th-e p'eeni' pass i he frontiers of the ,orate of fanover. 4-XEGr. DissGLIES is 5carryig on the most. vigorous orgonizatiok of ;the army of teserve, of which he, is t o have thelxim- rnand . It is to be a lssebilt edat w whither French and Batavian ?? are I daily marcbing ...