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Derby Mercury



Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury


... MARKET RH1HALD. r. . n r Comr-Exchangc, London, Monday, Dec. 5,1803. y Wle 1Iavp very confiderablearrivals 'of all Grain to-day. r Wheats, of the o rdiunry kind, colitimle on the decline; but the ffile nearlv kIeep 'laft -Monday's prices. Barley is a liikilh further depreflcd by the large infddx; and Alalt, S of courle, falls with it; Peafe, of both forts, are alfu a trifle cieaper; but BcIans ...

Published: Thursday 08 December 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1428 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... i ETI-NG VE I!NKElk $ |' I. . l C,-.A~ o .t rnonp 'rlnwL a meet- Il r,,,,4iA9PMY -l:7 o- . sw* _*-*eL. . to ,.\iefdqay ittonn, ttt,.ne ci4ikt a meet- ,. ng .~ . , bld >,itA:h!t~ llXotJ . cix',$3 ere of the el- Utsrch ants, Bankc~ .,s,>ip Owvnerxs &- to. .,, h~ .sprls hei £eitkizjtai~ ii- lpoz L o.;fiheiiKQK .s jgnAt~ corfiiutioit, titd tlat b~onouz id~intPen-; .n . . encec af their. otlsttyy ...

Published: Thursday 04 August 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1268 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... A2ARKET HERALD. CORN EXCHANGL, I/oNDnAY, Jan. 24, iaoj *SAs we have but few frelh arrivals of Wheiat, an n Milloers in want of thit article, fine famples are 2,4 quarter deairer thai~anlad Monday. B~arly and A~t hk~ewif'e fcarce, and fotoething dearer. OWvingtoI O freth foreign arrivals, Oats are cheaper. Peajoe of t, for-ts are in plenty, but remain, as do Beans, withoutt 1. material ...

Published: Thursday 27 January 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1208 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... MApK WJtR:4LD.`. pen .., P1Yz ' ' Corn-Exchlinge, London, MNindayM'ay SO,-;t03.B ink' Our tappliesot'Grein t-dayare but moderate, vet Wheat . n '(except fdr'me fevv very .prime fihmplea which obtu'rm top .pri- ces) bave felt a depreffioii of FvLL Two SUNLLiNq6 per 7' ...

Published: Thursday 02 June 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 676 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... M ARAKET HERDAL.D. Cornichange, Landoni, Moniday, 'Ma;31,,2 1803. Our fupply ofWbe6t fur this ,dtys i bejng but inconflderabie, in.e buyersorttheT nuineirois.that ao. tiele'advanced ful ' js per quarter for the beli .mealing ibm ples.-Though-eliad nso *reitdemilsd'foF~rlrey & Maft,'y~t-li iah. etre ha Is. to 2s. pet quiltter deaTer. :3PoaIk.and B.rfl liJei~eon ethll rd, I Oats, and pars ...

Published: Thursday 26 May 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 751 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MTARKIEY 7' BRALD. I I Corn-Exchange ;Iondon, Monday, Nov.. 14, 180S. Our fspply of wasabut moderate as to quiuoitily; in quality and price,. very fine old famples oh- tained 'rather nore than our higheft quotation, hut tlie. siiiddling and .ordinary forts'i Iere heawsyfde. Barley, ,owing to a very, liort tuply, is fil S. por quarter higher than thi day te 'night. M1alt is ilewit ...

Published: Thursday 17 November 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1468 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... jzleiA4RKET HE RLD, CO}1N EXC CHIANGL, aIOa.NY, Jan.17, 13,03 Tte 3!;Navigation ottbie River being flopped h) the 1l,, and no arri tabs of XX beat, hi0 b prices fir that artic were afled ; there, neverthelefs, was hiut ittie done, lid that ai no contfiderable advance. Barley and Afalt lik^%,if obtained rat her highier prices. Outs are ilob dearer,' Is. perquarter. tn othr I articlesnotie ...

Published: Thursday 20 January 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1404 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... MA.iA IT 1-P2RALPD = . . .,. F id, it nd ste it he of he ed ras hel ceC hat ,yd to on ere ag, th, for fly the eir the ing ten M. ion 'he :er- leir the he Nas rer uld he ion I e. ties nas ra- me d1ly nee on- illy for ore rinn nto iinn Im- I of rid. fa. Lve as re- edd 'af- mdd ,en lij em- ips renl ed, heF ta-m 'Ire ied nfi- eat liti bs,, for ed, :b's ith Ing 'he mng ith ite ia on on A ng Mne. ...

Published: Thursday 07 April 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1628 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... M2I-RKET H1.&RALD:'~ Z-- d C. d I- 0 it n 1. I Corn-Eichauge, Loudon odfhndey, Ma 16, anOS. .-In confequence of ititejipiraefs, anld the profipe rtt an inmnmediate war, we had a puthber of buaiera to-day. At firftof the ruaTket, lsighl piees~ere aiked for Vlheat, but Jeer, cven of the: bsefaimpl-esrwere talien off at mnore than:. au udvance ojf 2s. apd~h. ~er qrtaner; evers' other article of ...

Published: Thursday 19 May 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1142 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... JiA]U7RFT HE RALD. ts Corn-Ea.chahig , Loidonir, Monday, Aug. '22, 1803. in 'Our Markect was bat tililly flipplied with Grain to-day. le In Wheatt there is anl advance of price from 2s. 'to 5s. per ~equarter fince lvAdMonday. Baricy and Malt remaio witlh 1kw tales, and without variation. Oats. are dull and rather cbcalper, as are Peafe of both forts; but Beans ate i' ratl er dearer. Flour is ...

Published: Thursday 25 August 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1301 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... Aij-IJk1pTIfrf.APk . 1 COIN EXCHAXLG),;Lrt5Dow, D itdsida, J3,h1 Si'8i3. Frorn a prufpet ouf le froft notleing l9otiguetltiattldcoe we had this day a very hlack marke, and Vet' iittle done.R 1-Hence the price of Graiin n~ay be quoted at near lafb Moss- day's prices, wish ihe exceptioni; howver, of Cats, andI .both ibrts-df Peafe and Beans, whiCclare britker. On board Ship. as under- Whect 465 ...

Published: Thursday 03 February 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1329 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAIRKET HERALD. t Corn-Exchange, London, Monday, Sept. 5, 1803. s In the A;rticle of Wheat, to-day, our Market was but mo- derately fupplied; a few fine famples obtained even higher prices than ftated in our currency below ; but the general Odes were at 2s. and 3s. per quarter cheaper than laft Monday. Rye bears nearly the fame price as laft week. sBarley and Malt tise fame, with dull Gales. ...

Published: Thursday 08 September 1803
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 995 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce