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Hampshire Telegraph

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY i'RIVATE CONTRACT. A Neac modern-bu'ilt ROUSE, fituat6 in Green Ak Road, near (jr~lhfea, within a few minutes Walk of tbie Thwns of Peoruinouth and Portfea; confifting of four parlours, four bed cijambers, -a kitchen and cellar; wafli- libufvead fable tached, withba largeG:rden. The Land c Tax is redeemed. The Premifes are Frtehoid, and com- Y mand extenfive land and lea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tjj~,,'a? . vtitce~ Mat'tyn WREL'`12 D -ifthis !tion.-r at tens o'dock in t&,.forcnoon,'~Wf heFP~ D to- &YU a tle .Pry.Offir-e, inl iis h1ejsr Yar, rer Pvrssex-sa,, fcvural Lots of OLD STORE$ Ct j s~r4(lid Coiswvr l ~pr t~f l O U.RP maFA .vt C:PS liOh P i aersz.T ricGgpj *1 ~ J~;:riii~,&Fc. st'bett a,~y Persolis uriffljl to 6 F brorA j i~~t 'vrrr thersn tre 'working t-r ll b daj -I' %z e; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T :ESE are to give notice, that on Monrday the .. !Sd ir~Jlane, Ccxt o'dlork in the fore no I2 fiul be riady, at my 0ftc, to receive Tenders (fealed up) from and tredt 'w.b fiab Perfens as are %Whiling to fiupplv bit Mfajeflyr Steoes, at tbis Port, on a ft.nding Contrafl, -witb COPPER, POWDER, amd STOREROOM LANTHERNS, of difl~rent Dimen- .foons; patterns of coDicb, may, be jeirn at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH- OF BILLEIGHEURST, Sssar.!. W, ANTI.ED insmediately, a fober, fteastvi7 and i m tindultrieuas MAN and his WI FE, (not havi,g nd more tfa~l two cnilidren, but more agreeable without an. ) * to fuperintend the managemuellnt of the Family in the Poor- ts houreu. 3or particular. aubly to Mr. John Towfe, Over- tle ieer of the laid Pari h.-'dirirnghtirft, Sept 2.4, 1So3. of LL Perfons having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... his TO. BE SOLD BY PIRIVA'rE CONTRACT, And, LARGE LOG of fine HCONDURAS M.A- d HOGANY, now lying on.Mr. March's Q>ay.-Di- mennio'ns-13 ficet-27. inches-- feet 4-Contents Si9 1is feet Broker's mcafure. Enquire as above. Cofport, June iS, rSo3. ain . _ ,' !. irn- SIJRPRISING EXHIBITION.. ,id, BHE INCOMPREHENSIBLE CYLINDER m- .L and 1NVISIBLE LADY,. which has excited she aftonihlment and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h 0IG oie Security - C fu ' * XNone' are genuine, without lsving SA Liverpool,' engraved in the Ramp: aiid Ten P - cRwdrd, for every bottle fold 'withoutn a 4lanb t S paid one corivicoli° under Aa of Paiart4imen th' Geo. Ill. ClI. i6. before any Jultice of the Peace heP f Dr. SOLOMON's FORDIAL BALM OF GI -fE .invraluasble reftckrative ftas'beirt admitn0; T .,, . ipvate praIgice, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEAl FENCIBLES. HE Sum which ,has been iiberafly 'alotted out it- oftIe onIty Sublrsptior, fO th4 purpofe of fiupply- 9.g thec Sea Fencibiesiqnder the mornrAd of Ca:prain O'Hryen, with a jacket Pud Trowfers, being found infuf- fcient, it is'earnetly lboped tihat locaJ8 0u3Fcriptions will ifupply fuch defiden cy! in order that thcfe gallant feliows whio have fo laudably coane forth at this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tt, O be Sold, a' near CHAR[ f-. .-Apply t6 :h -T Mrs. Temple, Fration, near Pordfe'. n PORTSMOUTH ASSEMBLIES will be held at the' Crovwn Inn, ' Ori Thhurfllay . Novemher,24a I.So3- Thurfdaay .e.ember S. eThurfday.; .. Dece,,berl2:., Thurfday . , 1. >oary A , AM AS LIES, will-be held at trht .A Londay. . . . , t- -ve r. N j Mo .d . .. . .. z6thk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T SE are to give notice, that on 1VEuATF$5DA Y t -ie f. tbis mnetb, at ten s'ldok in the forcnon, Ilhali S tttaly, Ct ,y Office, to receive Tenders, zcaled up,fro, and PR g,,a;Sh,. suthb Persons as are coviniig to srpply bis AIcjsty's Bor ?erdi r:) 5n a stand irg contrabl, voitb STAMSHAW CLAY. foni ,;it fajesry s Ta7d, near Psrtsmousb, this gtb ofduguit, in F 2803. C. SAXTON. int talc ,ujT N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rs -t e- ' 14rSubscril iohfoi t wJJ'_ r inntVuIe Sirp the a he W ~I? tthe ioderfineed, feeling that in tt.e pre- indi .idual i~te~zielr0 this44ation- depeuida on A cindividual exertion, and that etery'facrifice wv may be h cedon* of toiaiakc,, is but the ,price we'a for the gre'erva .h tibn~ of our, t:6oiuaitltion And Propez'ty'j ifdjrous alfft by )n every means- in 'ur podwer to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALMNS- - r6, BOR.OUGP OF'PORTESMOUTH. ce ALL ALIENS Seftdin'g iri the faid Borough afid Al Liberties thereof, are hereby iiredled to be at-the ne Guildhaii of the faid Borough, on WrE DNES RAIYnexr at a o'clock, in the .mo-ning, to enter ifieir names andeimak a. a true reit -of: their places of aboue-ther 14a1tpraiciual as rcfidence beifoetheir airivaltn Eilgland-owo Iss r .: - in this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . . .~ -BSH'a.t~rWA4;1gAfK - T. 614AS d? W6LJN t .- ,, tbtni for the very: di ilhefapport he bbeerN .honored -with at the WWHITE HARhT, ard aflbts his- Friends that he will ever retaiq a due fenfe of the ame- the fituation of the bHotife, theexitnfMi Jtabibi.anii determination to givC every -atisfa*on in hicp wer t GACntieaen, Travellers -and Families, and 'tothife whs ae ple&fcd to honor. him ...