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Hull Packet

Advertisements & Notices

... H-olmpton Inclofure. ; lyHIE autendance of the Pro,,rieors cf Llana'S ad Tithes afe&cd hy this sp%1dure, is particulatly requetted at the Horfe j yockey, iu Hedon, on ?? next, ,et .en the hours of Iwelve and ;onec0'l dedermine tipos wehat further flepsjialt he' 15eJ with refpeg to the prefit f'late of ,clqofure, and the proceedings againi .the )Yoner. FARDINANDO & PICARD. l7ull 5 tb Aga04 -1 i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL INFfItMARY. SPECIAL GEANERR1, BOARD CAvwill be held herte on Th-buray nexi,. ,t twdqele o'cloci, to take into conofderation' tke propriety of ,efltahlh/ing a Fever Ward in ti/e .Irm niary . Ry, brdei',. ?? - LAMBERT TATE. ,>1z tsav 27.1803.: Nosrth' .Cdingham Inclofure, ,: - Oti.c' '¢bi H i~XT 'i Ce,''e,'appoinee~l for. - carrying into exectuion an A4 of Parlia- ment paffied in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Land-Tax 'R edepion.t TI IS Majeily's'. .C oer fori thr fl Affairs of Taeser, RHrelb G. V.E No 1TiC.Fi s on._the..zy4i day of 7IUL -iIaEt, the ?PR'EFEREv;,_4n Ihe *REDE MPTIONof LATD4r4x given by the tzd Geo. 111. cap. -I i6. to Proprie. tors and others, ba aing an. sntere in .EjgateC wilt epire; 4-fter that period, 9bc Land-Tax remaining unredeemed, 'Wil ?? to any perfon Toffinrrg to pur e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEACE OR WAR. THls impornant queffion has. recently been the general topic of converfation; but,.while, we confider our general happinefs as a people, do not let us forget the perfonal fafetybf thofe who are unfortunrtely flretched on the bed of ficknefs, and who-may not know where to apply for the recovery of healt!. The fuccefs that has attended the admi. nifiration of Dr. BtoDuu's NERVOUS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Greenland Whale Oil. TO BE SOLD: Y AUCTION, .. BrB£LL i HENpRY, pt the EXCHANGI.. in HULL, On ?? Aug~~/ISO, 1803, at one O'clock, :.BOl~ Twenty Tont i'df GftE L8. Vwm1AL.E OiL; (three Tons in a 610 ' ' firli ,,,t wil, be 'pcreroptorzly fold, ,qnd the >dCiralifo, if the pri~ce m~eetvs the apptobatiott of NSfdlcn - ?? . American l'imober. Bv BELL & I1E>'DRy, Ml Ellif'in, Parker, and Brown's Yard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ihe TRUS TE E S of the, HU L L GENERAlL INFIR MARr. LADIFS AND GENTLEMeN, AM this morning arrived from London, for the purpofe of foiiciting your fupport at the enfuing Eltition of a HOUSi APCuTiECARY and SECRETARY to your highly honourable and very nfeful Irloitution. Allow men again to refer you to my credentials, and to add, that thould I be fo fortunate as to be the objefl of your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUNDELL's improved Balfam of JfOney; A RADICAL CURE QF CGUGHSCOLDS, ASqTHMAS, & COTVSUMPt TIONS, e DIFFICULTY OF BREATHiNG, &c. M, lfR. CUNID ELL, the role Proprietor of n VL this medicinre,ias sth ?? to announce, that it has been the 611eans of. relieving many perfons in a moft precaridus llate of health. - ~~I-N CThIMGN COl.DS 'this medicine:pr,6 F's fo falutary a perfpiratmon, that they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. 'GADNER's PILLS, ,For the Goat, Scurvy, Rkeumatidfm, Nervous Cox- piaeints, ic. &c. , 0 t . PR. GARDNER,' No. 75 Laour~g-Acre, apd 5i, Weft-Smithfield, :UAS made fome ureful difcoveries, as fet JLI forth in his bill. Moreoiver his Pills and Plaifler bring Ch'alk.'from Ulcers, in Scrofula, bad LongsAtcre. The'chalk (tones may be feen at 75, Ln-cre. - -. Thefe Medicines being laid before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .orlbit~i;a, Cbefisre, Jly 7,3d, I So, To Mr. LIGNUAT. EA R SR,-I, at the particular requel rf Mr.:and Mrs. Buckley, of-this place, rss mit the following account of tle woinderful ffe6 your invaluable Aantytorbrutic Drops have had on dau gh ter of their's: She is now betwixt ninc antd tr yeats of age, has been feverely affi!i}ed with a iuveterate rcorbutic eruption, v illel plervaded ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HU~L. - -s , VefAs Laid O)n; frr Sqae, &c. Fsr LIXSJUR' 1, L-UB ECK, and KONINAGSBERG, N? ; JosIu S !1FR'u`Wo, comnmander, ?? fail t it i. firlt Cooyn'y after the:f prclte one; ?? half of the cargo is already engaged. For particulars inlqure -a the Captain on boarid, or at his houfle in Welttflfeet; ?? Hull, Ofl. 2o. 1903. . W. HEN'IG. For STETTIN TOWN , The *9 VS PILGER. JOACHIM. liUBNER, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &- The Proprietor of ?? Papelr, in eomliance 6.1ii . the -vgoes f mrany: FriendsX4 and n- coaneqqace of StCIkeAO. lNCONVENi.SNCE5 attendant on its pjbji- ratieir on tte tufakes the lb' t oi¢f e. qsintg hisg S4i Jlsrtbrrs, nnr t Pubrlic, :hoat it i his bitsntcntiM, on-daed.qf/icr tbe 3d of 7nuaerY, .f804. to P tjh trhe HULL PIACKET every - .TUESDAY MORNING. *U .Ap!he,hc-, leyose v¢ts ?? Tbhe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORTUNE may ?? LUXURIES, But they cannot he enjoyed without GOOD 'TEETH,GUMS, WaSWE.lTBREATH. Amboyna Lotion. THE AMBOYNA LOTION 6s prepared from a Druffgsthe produce of a far foreign country, and im port-ed by a Gentlem/N of Fortune, who having experi- erced its wonderful eftefts arnd balfamic qualities, introduces it-as the only article that infiantly deffhoys the Scsrvy, heals the Gums, ...