Advertisements & Notices

... TAX QN PROPERTY. A VJilR Commiltoners for executing the Property Tax. T `j A& tor the lundred of' Mureftion and Litchurch, in thle county of Derbg; being informed by thc feeral Af- fleffors that there are great doubts in what manner the re- e turns are to'be miadie, think it their duty to inform tile Af. feffias and Itmhabitalrts in geileral of the faid -lurdred, j tthat tei belt mariler of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONVTRA CT, Te WT O TEAMS Travelling' betwixt Sheffield and o e- Bewdley.-- ' ' O Particeulars may be known by application to E. ANDERTON. ln -Upper Edge, near-Sheffield. ' . To Gentlemen, Smeltqrs, and others. .T TO BE SOLD 1Y AUCTION, St By Mr. WAYTE, f At the houfc of John -Hawtborne,'the Cock Inn, in Cfii- St ton, in the County of Derby, on W'ednefday the z6th -W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tjj~,,'a? . vtitce~ Mat'tyn WREL'`12 D -ifthis !tion.-r at tens o'dock in t&,.forcnoon,'~Wf heFP~ D to- &YU a tle .Pry.Offir-e, inl iis h1ejsr Yar, rer Pvrssex-sa,, fcvural Lots of OLD STORE$ Ct j s~r4(lid Coiswvr l ~pr t~f l O U.RP maFA .vt C:PS liOh P i aersz.T ricGgpj *1 ~ J~;:riii~,&Fc. st'bett a,~y Persolis uriffljl to 6 F brorA j i~~t 'vrrr thersn tre 'working t-r ll b daj -I' %z e; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T :ESE are to give notice, that on Monrday the .. !Sd ir~Jlane, Ccxt o'dlork in the fore no I2 fiul be riady, at my 0ftc, to receive Tenders (fealed up) from and tredt 'w.b fiab Perfens as are %Whiling to fiupplv bit Mfajeflyr Steoes, at tbis Port, on a ft.nding Contrafl, -witb COPPER, POWDER, amd STOREROOM LANTHERNS, of difl~rent Dimen- .foons; patterns of coDicb, may, be jeirn at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH- OF BILLEIGHEURST, Sssar.!. W, ANTI.ED insmediately, a fober, fteastvi7 and i m tindultrieuas MAN and his WI FE, (not havi,g nd more tfa~l two cnilidren, but more agreeable without an. ) * to fuperintend the managemuellnt of the Family in the Poor- ts houreu. 3or particular. aubly to Mr. John Towfe, Over- tle ieer of the laid Pari h.-'dirirnghtirft, Sept 2.4, 1So3. of LL Perfons having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... his TO. BE SOLD BY PIRIVA'rE CONTRACT, And, LARGE LOG of fine HCONDURAS M.A- d HOGANY, now lying on.Mr. March's Q>ay.-Di- mennio'ns-13 ficet-27. inches-- feet 4-Contents Si9 1is feet Broker's mcafure. Enquire as above. Cofport, June iS, rSo3. ain . _ ,' !. irn- SIJRPRISING EXHIBITION.. ,id, BHE INCOMPREHENSIBLE CYLINDER m- .L and 1NVISIBLE LADY,. which has excited she aftonihlment and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h 0IG oie Security - C fu ' * XNone' are genuine, without lsving SA Liverpool,' engraved in the Ramp: aiid Ten P - cRwdrd, for every bottle fold 'withoutn a 4lanb t S paid one corivicoli° under Aa of Paiart4imen th' Geo. Ill. ClI. i6. before any Jultice of the Peace heP f Dr. SOLOMON's FORDIAL BALM OF GI -fE .invraluasble reftckrative ftas'beirt admitn0; T .,, . ipvate praIgice, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. WJLSON'~s'~anaer. 1,na ofP'TN- vrfeo rti~iiabeing 0' ,ira,5AL,,by ?? h i'rn cb~,cify B. T3 ?? leto ofAE Catndosand, V.ver Anxiou.~l o~~ioet h amiienint f..agenr~rA ubI'c, 'Wo 0 ha' Pitroie- ?? forty ~year*; bgstoaqao hmta ?? nowq fifthcd;,pidadt~d~~ uejt,~W N~ iin en-ig~uis,WhI6h4~ &n ~ 4~)~ fh ri-kiizdiireth~ exie. obe feen t:00 at Nocsi3,,ndeight atNigy. . Trhe VluifeuRIO~P4-ln the xi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? li~otaAa~ th II ID MAW ooh Ni %14a1t rr Pr4 Piiro a ; o~e-, Of h TutrU ~~afien -~~~prd~ft,.0,xti$ W erui .F b $Ott Uug's and $I epx c~o~~ ~ttbt*ItbWjocaof tp beat qausllty, to fek Tic4tob bt Xdrnifrlol,~ as well as ~ ?? ~b Tw~ ejott43,dof futfoirnli iwill~at~ei;'t i Tae he% b EOThfatRTtha'dot&fVIe aT Yo.ur , ?? o ttef O-E:.1ETo Kan. rl~feS an RSAI)w6i, a ui TT havpZ11hL which' r avc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gr.~~~ff~7 ~ ~ br-PLACAS. A1 Iea~d iD«m~ free Fr'om irnciibranecsb uin~v ?? i4, Ce ibrbad, wi*;~s for a Itu~tiF iVI,9 .K ences will i b4ve, 'Ad^IeI po p'a-id,'for A. C. No. i.3, a- , ter..iirt, Strsa'd. y - ?? P ,, A ~ ~~ ,Young. Max froma the codntr~tto LI. lo¢t:eLrC Etp cIS hxfies, or~isuntcrs;.N~tea have an unice. nitble~clata~b~fat 7 l;0i:' Itpla~ee, witerc li Ipev*d fie yars.2f' ?? ?? t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;j4jH is6e fic~ TO-moR-0WW, when wil6 bepe furined, for the' lin-t tinmc, ai entixr6 N~ ev 'Orind 'S KO (VPP.A, With Ib;ufA~fa~dlylotgl~ettg 2F NtNDO in MVESSIGO E~nd of tfie c f ut e ~etf 3nlent Epiflotliqite, in one aclt, comptie aiaofGUtc~i IA]Foist DE BATAVIA.' hAid of the OpranwgadBallet, inl three ad~s,'a foctotipioNfd liyNorrf/Galst x VedL RT E- 'i'ieket' tor be had at Mr Kclly's Mufli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Coo, 1 nldja ,ged YWom1a, wliortot'I Inqu~1r isqrre at Alir.Macpher.'us, Seedita~n No, i6j -Q ?? rcet . A -.S F6TMATIC inareuk1 aniiy an*alive, young, 1 Mn , awt, ETiIM ilebi~i ?? ltpid fo .Z ?? N zoqa6 .Oxford Ilteqt, wil Ieufta~V 7,(de CA-e- otD reer~ l zidfhsona~bi Nm'w ONE. IV HO R of diIfGI reof deferijptionsi, avi&*arrated-of' pi -th&`beft ?? aiid W~orkintanihip. -Aifo~a very good ...