Advertisements & Notices

... This Day are P61iihed, price .i; in bnarrt, U SEFUL', Hill-N s thore who are ?? with RUPT URES ; e, th Nature, Ce, and Conleqnl-nc.s (f the Difr afes and mn the Vmp irical Praerictc (if the prisent day; by T.. SIHELDRAKE, Terus--mskcr to ?? WelIndiffler lif- p'tal.- London: 5Irintcd f.r .the 1uthor, al;d fold at his houte, Ns.So, 'Strand, between the Adelphi and 'sork Bui.dirls ?? her nuly be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? At-WttS'3r'8TION. By M1r. JAMES D NhV, At his Aution Room, in Chrris-hert,'Brk.el8dey-Tquare, THIS .m -ahd followinig day, ' i--.&ve :v 'clock, TFIE ?? I-Iot3'e~hold Furniture, a pair of pier. 1.: ffi -s, very fine plhtcs, 91'iflelei ly 43, a eerniney giiifs. .7 by .4, apierditt,,- 90 by 48, and.- feveral of frtaller ediniell-- ,ions; Largr inirrorsJ verny ialu sble riuld and filver ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r+ fl. pp'RINS, Pfcn'tee of tl'e M1.i7 ?? B Z\C ORS, rotii'tS, that hle it:so Cmlfittt. thei- -/ ,,to hli; Agenlt, 13. Sm~ith), CSh citi:, d lnl p. P lly ?? to sat isi y every III(: 1RV e;cedjile :er 'I -sl including the TI ut ,Os o. i: r WC abc 0111111111c tbtliat as ei.i 1.lh cccvis row , ?? .. jI rjflnl and Incal Affcilions (tlhlate l la lo ?? ?? hjl:i r JCItilt Idea tl:lt they ?? ?? oi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANfTPr A SERJ.EAINT for thle Rn i s. Clt-'t TLegion c :avalry, onle *vho has bccn itt rhc W eiglarS, aln wh 4jmplctcly understands his DC. 2piYly to Mr Frederick ,vjIEE:TI-NG of the Trustees of Tvnrc Bridge ,,ill lie hidd at the George and Dragon, it Gatezilcad, A 4larat t4ic 5th Day of Januar; I . r ?? at 5I i tilc Trcasurer's Accounig, and on othcr i;'3 NATII CLAY I ON, Gk fzand Tr-azjrr. ...


... 'HE next G'eneral Meeting of tise Lieutenancv w.!E T he htld by AdJournaneut, at the House of John Brus. skill, innkceper, in Lishop-aucktand, Gn Thursday the tetbi Day of Novcmbcr next, in the Foreioloesn By Order ?? HUTCHINSON, Clerk of the General Meetings Barnard-Castle, z~th Oc3cber, 18133. HIIE Tenants of the Honourable and Right Reve- T rend the Lord Bishop of Durhan, from whoni (cpsl/v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL INFfItMARY. SPECIAL GEANERR1, BOARD CAvwill be held herte on Th-buray nexi,. ,t twdqele o'cloci, to take into conofderation' tke propriety of ,efltahlh/ing a Fever Ward in ti/e .Irm niary . Ry, brdei',. ?? - LAMBERT TATE. ,>1z tsav 27.1803.: Nosrth' .Cdingham Inclofure, ,: - Oti.c' '¢bi H i~XT 'i Ce,''e,'appoinee~l for. - carrying into exectuion an A4 of Parlia- ment paffied in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Land-Tax 'R edepion.t TI IS Majeily's'. .C oer fori thr fl Affairs of Taeser, RHrelb G. V.E No 1TiC.Fi s on._the..zy4i day of 7IUL -iIaEt, the ?PR'EFEREv;,_4n Ihe *REDE MPTIONof LATD4r4x given by the tzd Geo. 111. cap. -I i6. to Proprie. tors and others, ba aing an. sntere in .EjgateC wilt epire; 4-fter that period, 9bc Land-Tax remaining unredeemed, 'Wil ?? to any perfon Toffinrrg to pur e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEACE OR WAR. THls impornant queffion has. recently been the general topic of converfation; but,.while, we confider our general happinefs as a people, do not let us forget the perfonal fafetybf thofe who are unfortunrtely flretched on the bed of ficknefs, and who-may not know where to apply for the recovery of healt!. The fuccefs that has attended the admi. nifiration of Dr. BtoDuu's NERVOUS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Greenland Whale Oil. TO BE SOLD: Y AUCTION, .. BrB£LL i HENpRY, pt the EXCHANGI.. in HULL, On ?? Aug~~/ISO, 1803, at one O'clock, :.BOl~ Twenty Tont i'df GftE L8. Vwm1AL.E OiL; (three Tons in a 610 ' ' firli ,,,t wil, be 'pcreroptorzly fold, ,qnd the >dCiralifo, if the pri~ce m~eetvs the apptobatiott of NSfdlcn - ?? . American l'imober. Bv BELL & I1E>'DRy, Ml Ellif'in, Parker, and Brown's Yard ...

* 9 4 * * * ' * : \

... -t^ .TV' - * Print - -U rfe-.-Sr's - A NEW STREET AND f f>P TUJtiTPTKt. ytc~ FEUD OUT Cl ABf -* 7 N SF F. , _ O tbc o;airy THE limit? the Sat ft. ccti*r NoHieiArt, HefiTflH. atid wart f for on fcncr cf Supply, and other the ccur.* hand, has been !ar.g fh ard com planed herd- tf-of the ptvpofcd Tern pike Adi the-idiabitairts. The tnoft eJijtiblc, am? iiieii tor the (aid county. Row depeoamp in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * S A L E or I. A N DS. .io he f. l'd by public roup, within the houfe of William, vintner. New nin, Aberdeen, upon Friday the aid day of 'September curt. hetwict the hours oF : 11d 7 afli nloon, (it not previoifly difpofed of tvi veit bargain) T .'141 : I.ANMY and ESTATE of CULTS, corn- fhritdig l'ii;us f Cults, afler and f/ier C,:!', ly s.nJh As, &S:itb's Lroot, and other Crofts witl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILITARY INSTFRUCTION.' f-'iAPTAIN FII)DIE', late of thre CorS of Pye.ol i ~t SEngioers, poxpofl's to inlirud a fcew s oung Can cn tlemen, who intebd making the Army their prufllon, ti in the elements of Perti firation* fln i25Wflg P/isOeec-f i' rut Wrish, &: . Alfo in the moft aprroced mc- thod of Surveying large Tradls of Country, ard keep- ilng a regular Field oook (a pralce but feldom or I ...