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Advertisements & Notices

... ilmlr t1Jf5 D:al).E , s S3FD BANK SHARE FOR SALE. h11 he exolofed to public roup, within the : Mr Goidon, vintner, New Inn, Aberdeen, x. ;- the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock, on Wednefday iitt xr! of February curt. I S I HOUSE oln the eaft fde of the 1ireet of C I.; Aberdeen, near the Crofs, belonging to the i the late Mr George Willox, and prefently - s' Mrs Mlitle; with the back Houtes, Clofc, S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Afr li S'pp-Y if ESSTNCE OF AMERICAN SPRUCE, TusT arrived fronm Quebec, warranted upon oath Genuine as imported, and felling -.a-hohtfu and oe'ih, at A. CRITICifSHANK's New Patent Medi- cine and Drug Warclioufif, Exchequer Row. Aber- deen %where may be had, tIris g nui:e, the followving medicines, viz. Ce-ndd1o's A'proved Ba!fam of hfoe. a medicine in- initcly fuperior to anr vet difcovered, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P R E M I U ;M S ONV ARIOCUS ARTICLES OP SCOTTISI4 MANUFACTURE. T, rrttteas J , Fdil?r-, 3sw. l4eb, r8o3 ITHF Commfirtorrers and l rufices for Filherics. 2 . Ainufaeurcs, aned Infprovemerits in Scotlanrd, tiave retuired to give the folloving Premiums this year np:?tn tbre Articles under-rneritiont r, to be lodged at the orrafe of George Tilormon. their principal : clerk, No. :3, YVor' place, ...

* 9 4 * * * ' * : \

... -t^ .TV' - * Print - -U rfe-.-Sr's - A NEW STREET AND f f>P TUJtiTPTKt. ytc~ FEUD OUT Cl ABf -* 7 N SF F. , _ O tbc o;airy THE limit? the Sat ft. ccti*r NoHieiArt, HefiTflH. atid wart f for on fcncr cf Supply, and other the ccur.* hand, has been !ar.g fh ard com planed herd- tf-of the ptvpofcd Tern pike Adi the-idiabitairts. The tnoft eJijtiblc, am? iiieii tor the (aid county. Row depeoamp in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * S A L E or I. A N DS. .io he f. l'd by public roup, within the houfe of William, vintner. New nin, Aberdeen, upon Friday the aid day of 'September curt. hetwict the hours oF : 11d 7 afli nloon, (it not previoifly difpofed of tvi veit bargain) T .'141 : I.ANMY and ESTATE of CULTS, corn- fhritdig l'ii;us f Cults, afler and f/ier C,:!', ly s.nJh As, &S:itb's Lroot, and other Crofts witl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILITARY INSTFRUCTION.' f-'iAPTAIN FII)DIE', late of thre CorS of Pye.ol i ~t SEngioers, poxpofl's to inlirud a fcew s oung Can cn tlemen, who intebd making the Army their prufllon, ti in the elements of Perti firation* fln i25Wflg P/isOeec-f i' rut Wrish, &: . Alfo in the moft aprroced mc- thod of Surveying large Tradls of Country, ard keep- ilng a regular Field oook (a pralce but feldom or I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ghbreen Frtve Oftict,- MAisaenAr c-srrt rETr. FSTABLISHED for the hifilrance of HlOnfits Buildings, Manufalcories, Goods, Merchandi2e, }:'hm. Stock, and other property, in any part of this 39ingdom. The Diredlors, relying upin a continuance of the f:.pport which the Office ha3 hitherto etpericnced, can affirre. the public in genera!, th-t nothing will be wanting on their part to reelvr the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6', ,,c.rT;2i 'T1-i11vpuoidc 'Sl3 b Llli to he ACAIEiViiy -N,'were 'Li., II cnine b the Pret- cv 01 to' ccc x - i c 'f-bolch~ars to the nunsbpr&Pof9e Hunodredc and wnh ::: nt (105n ohso heir educ ation, ticqn i~tt.' tis w-l' sc no thciq, as ott icwter, occafitons,' with fitchi f.cinity :itd correctnsef, as afforded at once - isai .11,1 ev Cl OCicc-f e nr owni.- profit iucOO, and.D 0., Nestle. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHE FARAN1:'.S MArCAGAZINE. ;y Meffis. Ansrus a8 Loti, A!.xr Brown, anrd John Burnett, Aberdeen ; Ifauc Firibtbh, Elgin; John Young, Invernefa; and J. intlach, Banif; Containiing 74 Shecti Letter PreE, handfomely printed in S to. (Price Two Shiiliings,) T7H E FARMELU-FRS MA,?GAfZIN?-E; A PtainODICAi. 5S'03K, [EXCLUSIVELY DEVOTED TO AGRICUL- TORE AND RURAL AFFAIRS. No. XVI. (Pi:bhyred QgrterlY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUYING SMUGGL9P GOODS. Exce Office,- Edinburgh, i9th April, 1803. 1 CH OMMISSIONIRSof EXCISE takilng in- 1 t to confideration the lofs fuftained by the revenue and the fair traders, by the great quantities of Foreign I Spirits, Coffee, 'rca, Cocoa Nuts, Tobacco and Snuff 1 clandeflinelv imported iinto, and of Spirits illegally made and fold in this kingdom, and that many deal ers and private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d I tdBSTP U'IES FOR TME - MILITfil e | JUCl young mtn i as are wili. ro ente a Suiili- 1 tutes iln the Mliria svill find the grcateft eiconu- Y nigerment, and recf e thie laghiefl bountie;, bv apply- ing to Colonel Duff, at Fetterdlo, or Charics Munro, tt writer in Stonch teen SALE oF XPAR2 or II-1CGMSTON- BE.tRlHi1.L, AnO UIOUSE hIN ABiRDEEN. n To be expolbd to fale by public rout, within ...