Advertisements & Notices

... SIR, 3 C,,J4 t , If_ ; 7ddsie tg.~s- y NDUCED by fentines o - Y YeSt. Rodg 1rIlManity t-v my ?? ct1 c+ ?? .iih is tW relate the fg pal A requcil their ?? ter ars 4 d the n-turc of irl occupation, I was nh ' the inclemency of the weather th. -N'he. s which to rme was tluly lamcnrable f 12ted ilate of my t1lrsod.--hrnutg legs begao to fwrli. hich in% a Va.,it tjrrr C ed Is filch au alarmting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YINGSTON- UPON-HULL. , Teeting of the.Inhabitants of this Town, held at Ile ulildhall, the z If( day of Oaober, 1803, in ronf-quence of a requifition to the Woribipful ,,It 31gayoT, to confider the propriety of imme- diately forming an !NDEPENDeNT Coars Or IKCAOTRY for af7tfing ill the Defence of the Town and Neighbourhood )OHN WRAY, Efq. Mayor, int te Chair; RESOI.VED, , qf HAT iat irtb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gall and County Brewfter Seffionis f ti3E LS Devbp - ent, TI H AT the Alagirates 'will. hld their SffianS for the General. Licenfing. of Jnnepters, ridudller-s, aihd PcefinC keepieg plic.Aoz2jes witihin' ide Towun of Kingsifoz.i rpon-Hul/S and 'Coun6i of 'the ;ante f arfday the 22d ,9.y of SeptemJnerjiq,]ant, at t won o'od in the forenoon; whe'n an1'suhere cll Perfons qvwo inten d to apply for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . SoLE B2t UCTJN, C ,IANCIS OIl FR IDAY next, the 5th ?? DiJpocd fi; and votice gisveo) ,Iuchcons of Cognac Brandy, ot ecelknt flavour and qual'ity. i ?? partictlars. apply to 3BELL Lf HENDRY, Auflionecrs. Augufl Ilt, 1803. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHAKESPEARE ihi M1NYWA f SHAR&E's JEDIT!'' On Thursday, Dec. 1, wilj be pnoii lied. price 2s ?? newitatly isewvc'd'opd labelledI r VOLUME TFt i'sasr, r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIPTH 0F .SETPEMBER NILX7 i - The New STATE LOTTERIY commbtnee Drawing. . | ~SCHEME.: . Prizes of X, - 006 £.40;000 '10 000' .20,000 ' '2 .. '5,000 _ 0,000: 8 714000 : -- 8,000 -2 li ?? - Sfr = 6,000 0 . '100 _ S,000 40 , 50 - 2,000 -i'0 , . . 20 -c12,000 2%00 Tickets. £21U,0O' ,.,Fi'rst-dr3wth Titke~t, 7tr day, £i~O,0oo ?? First-dr. Tikket,;last morning 5gC00O i. ,Are'parrof the ovec Cpitais. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ?? FreeAolders of toe County of Bucks. IG E'NLEMEN, ?? T a County Court held here this Day, 1 . I wvas not a little furprifed to find an Adjourn- ment of the Bufuiefs to Buckingham, contrary to im- memorial Praffice, againft the With and Defire of all the Freeholders of the County then and there prefent; by which a Majority of them, and particularly my Friends, are deprived of exerciliug ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P R E M I U ;M S ONV ARIOCUS ARTICLES OP SCOTTISI4 MANUFACTURE. T, rrttteas J , Fdil?r-, 3sw. l4eb, r8o3 ITHF Commfirtorrers and l rufices for Filherics. 2 . Ainufaeurcs, aned Infprovemerits in Scotlanrd, tiave retuired to give the folloving Premiums this year np:?tn tbre Articles under-rneritiont r, to be lodged at the orrafe of George Tilormon. their principal : clerk, No. :3, YVor' place, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ilmlr t1Jf5 D:al).E , s S3FD BANK SHARE FOR SALE. h11 he exolofed to public roup, within the : Mr Goidon, vintner, New Inn, Aberdeen, x. ;- the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock, on Wednefday iitt xr! of February curt. I S I HOUSE oln the eaft fde of the 1ireet of C I.; Aberdeen, near the Crofs, belonging to the i the late Mr George Willox, and prefently - s' Mrs Mlitle; with the back Houtes, Clofc, S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE. CONTRACr,' Es 1'IG3TnEEN Couples of very .)13 bred Fos; Ilovnrl d vilelps fromsi two to fo~riaipld. Poi~partieuar plt ~ A adi r, Derby. Coopers Wrnted. ?? WO or Tlree good Wor1;men may moet with conifant e l' employment at leifrs. W, &T. Wotintmi>oros', Burton-upon-Trent, or at their Porter Brewery in Wolier- i:hampton..; a Burton, 9thAuguft, 1803., ' d MONEY. CS EVERIAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUBSCRiPTION HUNT. Tr'1E firft Dinner of the Sabtbribers to the D3crby .1 'Hounds, will be on Monday the third of O6tober, at the kisg's Head Inn, in Derby. D Sir H. EVERY, Bart. Prefident. Di on Table exactly at four o'clock. NWotice to Preparers anffezdprsofSIedicines,4c. T HE time for renewing their LICENCES commenced 1 ,on tie if t September in ?? Preparers and Ven- ders of Medicines, &c.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONVTRA CT, Te WT O TEAMS Travelling' betwixt Sheffield and o e- Bewdley.-- ' ' O Particeulars may be known by application to E. ANDERTON. ln -Upper Edge, near-Sheffield. ' . To Gentlemen, Smeltqrs, and others. .T TO BE SOLD 1Y AUCTION, St By Mr. WAYTE, f At the houfc of John -Hawtborne,'the Cock Inn, in Cfii- St ton, in the County of Derby, on W'ednefday the z6th -W ...