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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... SUMMAR tOF PLLJTTiCS.; .EHANOVER.--The Moniteur of thel j171h instant coutains an article, in ithe a f rote on-the English news, stating that th6 eobncil, to assist at- which his Majesty came from Windsor on the 11th instant, was eld on' the subject of the convention between Gen. Mortier and the Hanoverian Regency. 4 Ats extraordinary courier, says ?? teur, carried. this instr ent for the ...


... TO TlE CHANCELLOR OFPTHE EX12HEQU ER. SiR,-Towards the close of your Budget speech, that speech on which Iaam about to make a few remarks, you are pleased to de- scribe. yourself as being - an insig 'cant iperson i but, though, can have little objection to acknowledge the accuracy of this description, as far as it may apply to your birth, qualities, and-talents, yet, when I -behold you- ...


... . On the 5th of June, GEN; MOBT1BX, after long and rapid marches entered the City of qAwNOvER, where be found 15,o00 :new ;uskets, 5000 pair,. pf.visto,: 66 new co- vered waggons witii good hor es, IOOpieces of artillery of different calibres, a bridge equipage for passing the Elbe, hmagazines' wellstored,, and a gfoundry in:-the best state an4 'wel provided. The pubili chest, ai. though n~ot ...


... ST. DOMTNGo.-In reading the several accounts, which have, for a year past, been published, from time to time, under this head, one would think, that there must be two islands named St. Domingo; for the ac- counts to which we allude, though agreeing in dates, have constantly disagreed in every other particular. Within this fortnight, the public has, for the third time, been in- formed, through ...


... PARLIAMENTARY MIN UTES,fJromP p.875. | Wedircnday, Jrws 8.-- -LORDS.-Counstl heard on thie Scotch Appeal, Locsian, &rc. . Henderson, &c. which, after a speech from the Lird Chancel- lor, was postponed to April s. -Earl of Clan- ioarde took his seat.-.Bills before the House for- ?? to Common$ to request a co- py of the report concerning the Highlands of Scotland. -^ Oaths administered to ...


... SUMMAl Y OF POLiftIC S The room we have to spare will hardlf suffice for a. bare enurmeration of the topic ?? on which we wished to ?? Erenob. Decrce, ?? to nish wanu-- factures, will not prevent the sole of thep, manofactures eveu4in Frapce itself. W-ar never, has, anal never will, for any leng*hl o f time injure ibis branch, of trade,e. Mr. Liston's Noei o .the Dutch-goveranmenti has been ...


... IDCSMEST1 FROM! THE LONDON bAETTS. St theconerr at St. Jwarfs, the Ist avof Janie, 1,803, prieset the o's MWlost Excellent Majesty i Coesucil.. This day the Right Hionourable George Tierney, Treasurer of his Majesty's Navy, rwasby his Ma. jesty's commanatId, sworn of hss Majesty's Mos;: fonourabe PrivyCopucil, and took hs place 4 the Board'accordingly. W5hisehall, Jssra 4, 1Sn3.-The Kjng h3s ...


... Fim~LL-MP4TiRi M1N.VTES~fTMf~p. 915. T-sWrY, JIn-1i4.-LORDS.-Bils- from Corn- 1ttons ?? on Clergy Non-Residence JiL After some debate between Lords Caernar~ voi, Ellenborough, and Auckland, Bishops of llorwieh, Durham, Oxford, and St. Asaph, Duke Of Richmond, and Lord Chancellor, some clauses agreed to, and some posiponed.-Adjourned.- UOMMONS,-Third report Higblind Committee laid on-table and ...


... X: FoREG CopenAagev lMay- 2 An - rdounastce has been published by his Danishl Majesty, dated the 4t-h inst. for regulating the conduct-to he pursued by the Danish merchant ships dluring the present war. Those sailing %ithout convoy are orderedto deli- ver up their papers for inspection to any of the arnied- vessels btlonging to the belligerent :powers authorised t, make such' a demand.s ...


... I Letter frain Lieat Gen. Mortier, cossmandisg in eief; the FPreueb army, in the Electorate of Hanover,to the. French Minster it WVar.-Dated Head Quarters, Wicwhurg, Jase4, z803. CrtaXZEN MINISTzR,-l had the honour to in- form you, by my letter of the 28th ult. of the march of the French army towards Hanover. Af- ter a march excessively fatiguing across arid sands and marshy heaths, I took a ...


... FOREIGN OFFICIALPAPERS.: circular Lter from Ckaftal, Mirister of the Ie~trieoj . .: arted Paris,-,Juiw-tU 3,.iZ In the actual St3.te of Franee, and xiith the kind of enemy that we have to6othbst #rtneh'bravtiy must remnain inletive On the brink of-the ocean, if. numerous vessels do not :furnish it the mexo* of attacking its ?? is then-to-the build- ing of vesse-s that all your efforts ought tu ...


... - :I F~toM Tae LoVDOo7 G.AZE~rA.FCunsl e wkitehal4 Jin-e ?? s803.--His' Msjesty ,havinig been pleased to apposint George Earl -of florelies.- ter t~ h ?? Lieutenant of the Counktyof Dor- set, i council was tris day held -at .sis Lord- ship's house, when his Lordship took, the miths appointedto be taken thereupon, instead of the Oaths of allegiance and supremacy.-War-Ofie, Jane ?? Majesty his ...