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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... . PRINCE OF WALEs.-In two former numbers ofthe presentvolume t, we thought it our duty to remonstrate against the con- duct of ministers, with regard to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales; and, we derive no small satisfaction from .perceiv- ing, that there are very few persons, who do not, on this subject, entirely concur in our sentiments. To rcfuse the Prince a com- mand, while the rest ...


... TO THE EARL OF SUFFOLr. MY LoRD,--At a crisis so important, so momentous as the present, every noble- man should follow the praise-worthy exam- ple set by your Lordship, in recommending, to our Gracious Sovereignl, measures best calculated to defeat the intentions, and ren- der abortive the attempts of our presump- tuous and enterprising enemy. The plan, which has been recommended by your Lord ...


... TO THE RT. HON. R. ADDINGTON, &C. SIR,-Hiis Majesty having, by his gra- cious favour, placed you at the head of his councils, your opinionsderivefrom that si- tuation a degree of authority, as well as a fa- cility of circulation which would not belong to them in your capacity of an individnal.- It follows as a necessary consequence, that it is your duty to be unwearied in the inqui- ries, and ...


... Order of His Brifannie Majesty, in Coincil, for grantbiqg reprisak against the Ligurian and ta/ien RepRublics. Dajed, August17, 1803. At the Court at St. James's, the 17th of August, 1i03, present the King's Most Excellent Majesty ia Council.-Whereas in the countries styling them. selves the Ligurian and Italian Republics, measures of hostility have been adopted against his Majesty's subjects; ...


... I TO R. 9. SHERIDAN, ESQ. L P.?. SIR, -The tlird charge, which you thought, proper to prefer against me, and which I think it right to refute, was, that I was labouring to produce the aunnibilon of tAiS National Debt, and thereby to bring about a -violafion of al! public ?? I en - ter on this refutation, I must take some no tice of the motive, from-whicl you braught forward the charge, and1 ...


... SUMMARY OF POLlTICS. VOTE OF THANKS TO THE VOLUNTEER CoRPs.-Thij is, perhaps, at once the most foolish and the. most fatal measure that ever was adopted even by the present mi- nistry. Of the motives, from which it was brought forward and from which was con- sented to by the ministers [ shall speak by-. and-by at present I beg the reader to fol- low me through a few observations on the. debate ...


... ITNIMARY OF POLITICS., fCO~tINENAL PoWaaS.-Tbe hoes, which were,- some time ago, entertained of our obtaining the co-operalion of a pirtvof the continental vpowers, seem', rnowv to have varnished. ?? is resolved not to mofe; Russia is afraid- to stir wvith ;ministers RsucH as-we have at present, and Prussia, though mnce upon, the point of Inmarching an army to the protection of'Hanover, ...


... NYotice of the Block ode of te P*,ts of GenOa rr'd Spreza, hr the Ships ef i; B fta-,ic A'luiJesty.-_L) d Dawn- ing, -net. August r3, 1803. TIle (inf has beea pleastd to cause it to be sik- nifiel bV the Ripht Honourshle Lord Hawkes- burv, his Mrjtsyv's Principal Secr-etary of State for Foueig-i Affairs, to the Ministers of Neutral Powers residing at this Court, that the uecessary ?? have ...


... To. -Tg H UB.IC,- Emboldened Iy the example of X SH-E RXinAN, Mr. Heriot :and some other proprie, tors of newspapers have repea:ed thie tcar if m~y endea~vouring to- exsi~e 7rulin7 miie fleet, to which Mir. Feriot has added o ther charges, and has goine so far as to point -66t ihe punishment, which he thinks ouglbt to be inflicted on me. On Satorday tfihe6t instant, be published, in his paper, ...


... SIR,-Since you published in your Re. gister of the i6th ult. that part of iny letter which relates to St. Domingo, accounts have reached this country, both from France and America, respecting the state of affairs in that island. The French, as might be supposed, speak most favourably of the si- tuation of their troops there, and describe them as enjoying a certain degree of tran- quillity; and ...


... I FoREIGN.--The King of Cochip Chi- na has published an edict, granting to Log- lish ships free permission to enter all hbe potts of bii dominions,- and exempting them from the payment of port-doties, and every other species of impost.- In consequence of a representation, made to theH: Grand Signior, by Gtn. Brune, the Ottoman Am ba=sador, whose depart ure for Paris had been some time delayqd ...


... TO R. B. S-IER1DAN, ESQ. M P. SIR,-All those who have read, or heard of, the debate, which took place in the House of Commons on the 5th instant, will, 1 imagine, consider it to be, on my part, not only a right, but a duty, to make some remarks on it; and, as you took the lead in cavilling against certain parts of nmvv work, the reader will, I am per- suaded, think it perfectly natural, that I ...