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Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE. CONTRACr,' Es 1'IG3TnEEN Couples of very .)13 bred Fos; Ilovnrl d vilelps fromsi two to fo~riaipld. Poi~partieuar plt ~ A adi r, Derby. Coopers Wrnted. ?? WO or Tlree good Wor1;men may moet with conifant e l' employment at leifrs. W, &T. Wotintmi>oros', Burton-upon-Trent, or at their Porter Brewery in Wolier- i:hampton..; a Burton, 9thAuguft, 1803., ' d MONEY. CS EVERIAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tjj~,,'a? . vtitce~ Mat'tyn WREL'`12 D -ifthis !tion.-r at tens o'dock in t&,.forcnoon,'~Wf heFP~ D to- &YU a tle .Pry.Offir-e, inl iis h1ejsr Yar, rer Pvrssex-sa,, fcvural Lots of OLD STORE$ Ct j s~r4(lid Coiswvr l ~pr t~f l O U.RP maFA .vt C:PS liOh P i aersz.T ricGgpj *1 ~ J~;:riii~,&Fc. st'bett a,~y Persolis uriffljl to 6 F brorA j i~~t 'vrrr thersn tre 'working t-r ll b daj -I' %z e; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A]T G E , .L D oyI Si 3B 1,i ts. io. - ?? of't'heir UNVTORY, who knay fofltlr, or by e their £xetltnerit -i the 'Pkblic 'Service, --BROOK. WArSON EI~T. in the. Chair, Tie Chairrnan -reported, 'Ibtt in Addition to the 20,0001: ste per C'ent. Cuifolsi givn by the Suibrcrlhers to f his Hotife, ./74, n1 f741,'zl. 45. 6d. had already been fuleribed ,of wrlich '4*1liras of 28,00ol. had been paid at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day are P61iihed, price .i; in bnarrt, U SEFUL', Hill-N s thore who are ?? with RUPT URES ; e, th Nature, Ce, and Conleqnl-nc.s (f the Difr afes and mn the Vmp irical Praerictc (if the prisent day; by T.. SIHELDRAKE, Terus--mskcr to ?? WelIndiffler lif- p'tal.- London: 5Irintcd f.r .the 1uthor, al;d fold at his houte, Ns.So, 'Strand, between the Adelphi and 'sork Bui.dirls ?? her nuly be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEACE OR WAR. THls impornant queffion has. recently been the general topic of converfation; but,.while, we confider our general happinefs as a people, do not let us forget the perfonal fafetybf thofe who are unfortunrtely flretched on the bed of ficknefs, and who-may not know where to apply for the recovery of healt!. The fuccefs that has attended the admi. nifiration of Dr. BtoDuu's NERVOUS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Greenland Whale Oil. TO BE SOLD: Y AUCTION, .. BrB£LL i HENpRY, pt the EXCHANGI.. in HULL, On ?? Aug~~/ISO, 1803, at one O'clock, :.BOl~ Twenty Tont i'df GftE L8. Vwm1AL.E OiL; (three Tons in a 610 ' ' firli ,,,t wil, be 'pcreroptorzly fold, ,qnd the >dCiralifo, if the pri~ce m~eetvs the apptobatiott of NSfdlcn - ?? . American l'imober. Bv BELL & I1E>'DRy, Ml Ellif'in, Parker, and Brown's Yard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILITARY INSTFRUCTION.' f-'iAPTAIN FII)DIE', late of thre CorS of Pye.ol i ~t SEngioers, poxpofl's to inlirud a fcew s oung Can cn tlemen, who intebd making the Army their prufllon, ti in the elements of Perti firation* fln i25Wflg P/isOeec-f i' rut Wrish, &: . Alfo in the moft aprroced mc- thod of Surveying large Tradls of Country, ard keep- ilng a regular Field oook (a pralce but feldom or I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. CHrtISTIAN's, new Edition of Sir WAII. BLACKSTONE's COMMENTARIES. This Day is pmub/ly/le, IHandfomelv printed in Four Vols. Olavo, Price za. 25. in Boards, a nsw Edition, (being the Fourteenth) of 0(1MMIPNTARIES on the LAWS of A_ ENGLAND, in Four Bfooks. By Sir W'ILLIAM BLACK(STONE, Knt. One of toje 7sIflics of his A1 f ji' Court of (Ccilrnon Plws. With the laft Correcdions of the Authoe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,th of tly -d ers lV6 ree id Ab, .11 er, ?? he mas, ity ed !ly A, I in ey at ,e- d. ?? fa y,Y te re n- d, ;r-, Y. tf, lit of Ai-- Money TWgnted. ANTED upon MIortgge; ree feveral Strms of W AJ400, j51)00, and £. 00', apon Security of very eligible Freehold Eltates &ate in the County of Nottirighams.- For pariceilarsapply to eIefir. SMIITI and FORSTEP, Solicitors, Newark. * Newark, Sd Augutd, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To bcgio Drawin theiSth' ffSeptenber, 18s3. The.Scheme tie ctaiis' 2 ?? Prizes of £.2, ?? - 8 ?? Pr z*f4i 00o . . .. . 1,0,000 12 : I .. . ;PRINTERiMr. 3ACE O ?? i ?? isappoinmed hy Ai t Riern I V ahd Shgwesof'the above iLottLry, I 4thi. Old Oi4ce f; . S~ l;aezd.C c Pqou~tr~gbLodon,, ?? The *reset LotteryconsMsRoI' onlyt24,000 Tgkets,! ,ao ?? the- prizes i;i.1 ; .I A' 3jt .otiuii ;ef ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T SE are to give notice, that on 1VEuATF$5DA Y t -ie f. tbis mnetb, at ten s'ldok in the forcnon, Ilhali S tttaly, Ct ,y Office, to receive Tenders, zcaled up,fro, and PR g,,a;Sh,. suthb Persons as are coviniig to srpply bis AIcjsty's Bor ?erdi r:) 5n a stand irg contrabl, voitb STAMSHAW CLAY. foni ,;it fajesry s Ta7d, near Psrtsmousb, this gtb ofduguit, in F 2803. C. SAXTON. int talc ,ujT N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAUXIlt ALL. Xjnder the Patronage bf his Royal Highnrefs tbt Prince of Wales. r-ry1iSjE.venng, ;n i ?? the BIR'TI' of. his J, Ro~yalkighn'cfsthe DUIKEof ORI, will hea Magnifi- C.ot FE.''E 'I'hg Partlculkrl of whlich *ill be given at lr..e in .tie Bil8 of' the day. Adraiffion 3s.-The Gardeus arc Open every Ivenhiig. 4A Ne b A' I IO AL BUR IEI'TA SPECI TACLE. Under the Patronage f lher- Grace ...