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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... es To produce this favourite ueanimity in delusion, and to, prevent all possibilttv of a retutn to our ancient happy state, arzuments for our continuance in this course, are cdrawn from the ?? situation itself, into =hich we bave been betrayed. It is said, thar, whatever our pen5orneucs ' may have been before, all the policy we have lett, is to strengthen the hands of goveinment. . ODt the ...


... FoRErGN.-The intelligence which has been received from the Continent respect- ing Portugal and Spain is uncertain and contradittory. Some accounts relate that both are aiming with a determination to resist the encioachrhents of France.; and others that both have paid large sums to her agents, for the preservation of peace. 4 A letter from Hamburgh, of the 26th instant, says that a-courier who ...


... FoREIGx.-Advices from Sierra Leone, have been received in London, dated on the *ioth day of July, which represent the Co- lony to be perfectly tranquil, and the mili- tary works, which have been erected, to be complerrly adequate to its defence. The failure of the rice-crops had produced some distress, but the colonists, who now consist partly of Maroons, were in daily expecta- tion of ...


... FUND AT LLOYD's. - -The stop, which appears to have been put to the progress of this fund, is, v4ry. pro- bably, to be, in some measure, attributed to the remarks, which were made with respect -to it, in a former sheetof this Work; * it is, at least, certain, that, since the publication of those remarks, not more than about five thousand pounds have been brought in, even ifwe include the ...


... TO TEE EDTITOR. .A1arim, Sqi. 10, 1803'. S[RI have Just oblaiaed a sightofyour No. S- (Vol. I p. 29, wiereitl 'yxur C or espond-tnf from, Dublin of AOgusf4 6, hzis ?? mllizl instalxces of gross in- attu'vuiors and crtuinai negjec u. ilw vfrirps .aolices. given to g~overtm ler~ cunceu inng nthie .itended insu reclon July 23d. BuLAhe rnost strn.kngv and rem.3jrhkble of alli Sscemns to hiatet ...


... M I FosEItGi.-Abdul Wachab, who has, for some time past, been in possession of Mec- ca, has laid close siege to Medina. The Pashas of Damascus and Bagdad have both received orders to oppose him, and the for- mer is making preparation for that purpose, but the latter is so completely occupied with the defence of his frontiers that he is unable to join in the ?? real cause of the late incursion ...


... FOREIGN.-Some time ago,, the Marquis of Wellesley repaired to the capitai of tbe Nabob of Oude, for the purpose of making somei po- Jitical arrangemeots, The propositions which he offered were ucadilt agreed to 'by his High. ness, who hasig ly expressed 'his satisfacrio0 at the result of; the measures then concerted, by which considerable additions have been made to his revenue, Mirsa Ahmed ...


... Doree of the FRENC}; GovaaNN!SNT prohibitfig the rtry of ?? 'whick have ToUCHED at EN&9- LISU l'OsRTS. Dated Ant-vorp, I Tkertnds, The GoVernment of the Republic ?? from the date of the publication of the present decree, there shall n't be received, in the poits of France, any vessel which has cieared out froif au English port, sino any vcsel whichihas touched at anl English port.-! hie ...


... FRENCH PREPARATIOws.-Abont ten days ago the newspapers were full of de- fiance: they prayed .For Buonapart6 to come, at anticipating, in the result, a gins . rious day for Britain. Now, however, when he talks loud again, they begin. as the vulgar call it, to draw in their 4i7S; their vapouring has already ceased; and, if a French lotilia should actually get upon our coast, we shall see ...


... Slot,T Ihave read with much surprise ?? following paragraph in the TREASURY VA5IPILBT{WhiCh has been circalated with so much industry, and by succh extraorditia- ry means), entitled CuRsoRIY REMARKS upon the State of Parties. A great part of the summer of 1S0, was taken up with the general electio, which the ministers had taken heSITSTGULAR fo- solution of us'ng ae inflaence or iwierence w ...


... 4' Sir, I COUAess I look back witk astonishment, wh2n that Great Seneral [tbonapart] was roilj fileled. Ife has now tully proved his tle to heroic hsassros. Never since the days of HannibNI have such splendid events opened upon the world with such decisive consequences. It appears to rae, that the changcs produced in the feelings of met, with respect to their admiration ot exalted or ...


... , September 18ih, 1803. SIR,-The vile COMMERCIAL GREAT- NBS-, an which to place all our reliance, has so long been a favourite delusion, you have begun to ponrtray in its true colours i you have pierced the deceitful visor; you hape touched the shield with your spears and proved how hollow it sounds! Go on, Sir, to.warn the nation, that this conmerce, va- luable and praise-worthy as it is7 ...