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Advertisements & Notices

... 0gECGAPlTULATION Or Ttli MOST REMARKABtLE OCCURRENCES DURING. THE YEAR 18C.3. CjfA UA7UfRY. A COUNTS received of thie final uliiojatgation 3- J of Switaeriand.-His Majel.v's Ptolclma- -i ;1 hijed. to prnhibit the taporttatiow of bread-corn from Great-Britain or Ireland to any other coutitry, wvifli eacepteirrnof maltand rice; and alfo of live rattle, F'eep, fwille, arid provifion, except to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CRIES'T1LRFIELD .WI[NTER -ASSRi1-BLIES, : . ?? ., :IgO4, i thu Old Affmbly-Rooa, atthe ANGEL INN.- ,th, Wed&Iefday, aFeb. -2. , . - ?? W'ednci'da.Y Mh~ch'21. ?? ?? W. A. LORD, l'a'u.7 * ' ?? : . ' ; ?? ?? 1.. ;- ?? . i -A AIN_ of COCRS iv zi foughS or atle 7th SSth, .J7Iand 9th -of Feb-u!y?, f,4, -at ,Lacrasrxstbe- tween the Gentlemen of Nqtaba ptonfhire,. and tbeCea- 0ltiejei' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sdef!-n i r AYUCIOmN. Leafebold:Dweling-houufe bhop and Warebouces nexttThe River 'T amnes, Wappfigvg-sall, with imreliate m offellloo. s ByMe fs.SKINNER, DYKlE. and Co. At Garraway's on Wednefday next, at II o'clock, in I Lot, by r Order of the et ligfie-a sftMr, Mattbew Fay, Butcher, A Very eligible LEASEHOLD ESTATE, ad- I IAtL varltageiufly litutteat Wipping Wall, occupyirg about 30 feet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO UPHOLDERS and CABINET-MAKFIZ5 To lie Sold by Private Contradt, rHE LEASE and GOOD-WILL of an old I T5-eftablithied and well accultorned HOU.SE in the U P1-101,- S'TERY and CABINET 'LINE (tie Proprietor lately elceafed). Thelirfiuation is in aprincipal tradinig trect jeff moitef tfe houndsl~ of tile City; immediate poif~efuon maky 1w lrsd.--Fus'thet Patti- culars may beir nown by applying. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORNI- LI, -(To he per-emptorily Sold), By IVciffrs. 81iNNi.R, DYIKE and Co. At Garrasay's, oi :'uefday Iext, at vi'welve, Valualte and %-cry defirable LEASEHOLDI A DWEil.LtNG HQ1tJI and S1iOP, No. s5, with an xtenrlve frolut of tlirt','-two feet, motl eligibly fituate on the fuutli fidfe of Coruhill, adjoining St. Petcr';i Church, lite ini the polfeilion of Mr. William shcarnlsan, Iiatter. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For COUGHS, ASTHMAS, sc. THE BALSAM: OF LIQVIORICE, an elegant concentrated liquid preparation from thie root whence it derives its name, Qlands unrivalled :for'be relief of conghs. colds, catarrhs, wlheezings, hoarfeinefs, afthmns, and other pulmonary complaints. The fulieriority of this medicine confifts not onrly in the faccefa which- accompanies it, but alfo in the - 'limplicity of its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... general RX4R TERLf MEET JG $ of It'TRUSTEE S for the HULL 1 11.Gliv CHI ?? will be held at ,/e q>ry, on- Friday the 6th day of Yanuary, ,'h>a~ilwelve e W lo k. W M. JEF3 FERSON, Secretary. NAVY-OFFICE, 2+th DECEMBER, I803. Ta i IE princitpal Uicers T and Corna Cj/Ton'rls o] his tM jfly's vavr.y cdo ere be y give, Notice, that they will receive, ytoolsuntil the 4th of January' next, for J iIRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICE FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SEAMEN, 9th January, i8o4. . T;!E Commissioners for taHing Care of Sick and ' jpiandec Satnen, Ce. do hereby gisve notice that they will lb '.,idy on FRIDAY the zotb instant, at their Office in Somerset phece, to rective sealed Tenders-, and treat whth such Persons as t ,,s be wi~llng re cenerac7 forPcefornmioig tbe andermentisned set-vices, a fer Ts~Ie lvelorsths ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITCHFIELD ACADEMY. 1 DODD refpeffully informs his Friends and RIeL the Public, that his SEMINARY will RE-OPEN, aftei the prefent receesl on Mnnoaso the i6th of January, 8o4,' for the inftruclion of Young Gentlemen, in the feve- ral branches of ufeful Literature; and he hopes by a dili- gent atuention to t:14 health, rmorals, and improvement of his Pupils, ftill to merit their approbation and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4. i5 i I : .f *- . IE Atntitl Mleeting of thie SUFFOLK sOgrMtV of SURGYEONS will be held At ?? Litn, pwichl on Monday the 23d of.Ta~ra nst, - Mr. SPARK,P resident, Mr. BARTLETT V. p,. Mr. R. FITCU, Sec. An early attendafce of the Members is requested. To GRAZIKRS, 'O be shewn for S;le at the Pie Inn. HarlestQn, or M(onday ncst, t~e 16th inst. A Capital Drove of lo)waty~ullnr ks ,and iiCifers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAMMMAR SCHOOL, .MONDdY, J7anuary A6,, 804. ,- c E.( GRAMMAR SCHff6OOL of'. gj 'GS I'ON- UPON - HULLL Opens 'again vsDaY. trmn all eretelrrid. Plait of Infi1ruaicon ratio WRIITING and ACCOU:NT:S,: (to be 'lit by Mr. LOCKING, an eminent AMafter,) as oa tln e fubjeaS of CLAISS ,:-L LITE TATURE. 2poilrllilr, as he doets tire advantage of a very airy e1 mI l e~cellent School Room, Mr. SOOI'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAL.VANiSM.$, I ' TlA OtXs Rooms, No. I, Carlilc-ltreet, Sohn.1qloare. '.~l WiLIKINSON motf ieflpcjtflly iinforms . -t 1, I;es tnd Gentlemen, thit on Monday nitst, pretifety at - 4 a Anjoek, he piirpofes to coimence his UEC l'(11TES on the ,,, i' r,g aoai iftoolitingf pritciple lit G A l.VANiSMv in wvhich . i tiirodurel his verv ixtenrive Apparatus, greatly luperior ;, :Y !iithertu employed ...