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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... THE FACULTY. ANTED, by a Medical Praflitioner in the City of ILondon, as APPRENTlCE,-A YOUTH, of re 1pectable Connexions, good Tentper, and Abilities; his Siniation will be in all Relpe &s gens- teel and comnfortable, he will be inllrucled iII every Branch of the Proficion, and have Liberty to com- pleat his Edtucations, by attending the Leshures, and Pramtice of the London H1ofpirals.-A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TT TANTIR1),A CieĀ¶'er5 aive, 'YOUNG AV MAN, tho-rouigh Mafrer of his Bufinefs, alid *of an underilable Chhractaer, as .;n Affifltant to a S,.jnen Draper, Haberda:*er, and Rofir. Applyto Mr. Randall, Linten Draper, in ?? High Street, Oxford. 507ANTED,-A GAMEKEEFPRP. He V V nauft be a fingle ltano who has lived in that Cap-ad~, in a regular Farmiily, and underftailds the Breakinag in of Dogs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O be SOLD,-.A Stack of DRY FAGOT X WOOD, cut lail Winter, containing upwards of zooo Four-Feet Willow Fagots, flanding in a Barn Yard near the Cock Pit, in Holywell, Oxford. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Litchfield, Car- penter, in Holywell. A RUNAWAY. ;THEREAS JOHN KING, a Native of WV Charnidon, in the Parifli of Twyford, Bucks, did elope from his Mafter's Service, Mr. J. MILLER, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUGHS, COLDS, er, HE BALSAM OF' LIQUJORfC!, a jj tr T Bofle oa whc otains ail toe pedora,,r, ; ter of a Whole Pou Irice Rent, divulied oa it5 C; lie and ?? mayrrelied on onstreeobe Cand expedi R y Complin rt-Colde, Harfe, Whevzings, &c. and *o :a zir the moft obftinate Afthmas, Hooping Cough, or il 'olo- cc, na y Confumptions, it willif-'a ft l that cia ationalls be er expectcd from any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A FkI,AH St~ppr~y OF I a CUNDELL's IMPRO~tVED Bzl SJ ko a t*. Mrs. J noies, Ptinti1 f Oflic-,,H ,Sri T ro theI 'it'baots rfie fn:.r 1,j 1 f~ and Irelandm, ola, 'e wisb ?? C , rI LId R. CU NDELL Lress Lcave to s ta -n, rd Nobility, Geetry, and Pro b-.-w - from the cista R! idc N,u!'nile-5,fP. contirnue to ?? ho, t. ~ - ls ~d BALSAM ?? o hlt m byes had or evory rioL~ of teh Kin~gdom. CA L'T I ii ...


... JAN.A S, 1104- A General Me etilo o(f the Governors of the A Radcliffe Infiriaray will be held on Wtednefday the a ith Inltant, at Twelve ?? in the Forenoon. Propafals far ferving thle faid 10firmaly with B read,' Meat, M lt, Grocery, and other Necefiaries, for thu steat Q-arcer, are defiied to be fent in to thle Secretary on the iorh Inftant. OX F 6 1tR DS H- I R E_ GelJeraZ -Qfurler ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESSRS. SLATT ER and MUNDAY, M High Street, Oyford, have ju(t receivtl anotl~e large Supply of FORD's P (CTORAL BALSAM of HOREHO)UND, fo julbly efteemed for the Cuie ot Colds, Coughs, Aiihmas, Hooping Coughs, and Con- fumptions, not an lifisnce having occurred, though taken by mole than 40,oco Patients, wherein they have becn known to fail, fo fuperior are its Virtues over every other Medicine, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lo ,/e c /l cr ot eihe 1o0i'. \J ANTI X1),-Several healthy eaive G I R L.S, s azveOtt, Stul 's'iarsLIS of Agie, as API'TEN- TICES int thc Coto.1t B1l3 lels : allio, a miiddle-o . td W ItAfAN, as iitr. I' to lllanaage the Girls, Cook, iltid Wait, (i aitto;1J theo to Ciutrch ol the Sqtb- b Itht-!D)ay; ifi tarried, ani 11o Chilirell, the Flulbaiad m11:ay hlve mit ila lit 'Ilirylien nt. - lor P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LL Perfons.having any Claim or Demand A on the Property of the late Mr. WILLIAM, HUGHES, Bakel-, &c. late of I-{ighwvorth, in the' County of Wilts, deceafed, are requefteo make their refpeffive Claiems on or before the alt Da) of March, 18o4; and all Perfons who are ;ndebted to the aforc- faid Mr. WL. Hughes are requefqed to mnake ant inmmse- diate Payment thereof to Mr. Thomas Hughes, Ee-; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD PAVING ACT. OT[CE is hereby give-, That a Meeting N of the Commiffioners w ill be held by Adjourn- moet, at the Town Hall, in the City of Oxford, on VW'edsefday the Ift Day of February next, at 'Twelve ?? at Noon, when new Conminilioners will be eledled in the Room of tsol'e who are dead, or refufe to ad'; and Lich othur Bulliufes tranifaaied as may be thoughlt ncceff.ary. By Order of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v' 0 be SOLTD by AUCTION, by Mr. h FOLRr, on Thurrday the i6th Day of Fe. ibrnary, 804, at ?? Sepi& Ha/l tAn, in Witney, be- twcen the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, under Conditions of Saie then to be produced, - A mno'' defirable Freehold and Leafehold FARM, fituate at Ducklington, in the County of Oxford, coafitinio of upwvards of 523 Acrec, Statute Meafure, of excellent Arable, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD FAVING ACT. TOTICEP is hereby given, 'That a Meeting 1 of the Cnii~l7nrs n i!1 be held hby Adjourn- rnqnlt, at the 'rouwn lll, in. the City~of Oxford, on ;\Terednafj the lit D:y of February next, at Twelve ?? at Nloon, when new ComuIlioners will be clecrted in the Rooi of thofe whc are dead, or refufe to ad; and filch other Bufinefs tranfataced as may be thoug-ht necellilry. By Order of ...