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PLOUGHING MATCH.—On Friday the 16th ult. the Eddiestone Farmer Society had their Annual Plough

... i h E efnat eir I | th6 Edilefto&~.Vrj~e'r S'odetyliadtei nuVaig. ?? ---lubble field, :on' Mr- Brydon's farm of H ?? ormnp-etitors, .ippeared on the field, and tookiheirfiation. by lot i-and by a fignal 'fromthe Mazagris (Meffrs William paterfon, iNorth-. - jhiel; John traig, Hattenknow; and. Jdin Ste-enfon, 'Iareiope), flarted all at onice, whikh, with the'good t nefs of-the day, h'd afihe ...


... : Iirjj?,G ' I NtiWM ARKET JULY MEETING CONCLiJDlED. Tuefdatg, July 10; 5OI fo three lear oids, colts 8it 41b, f filies~t. laft mile and a diftansce t B. C. The late Mr. Perrasis, by his will, direaed bis Executors to pay 20gs, to tbe 'Irteer of this Plate. Mr. D)awfobn's c Hipplicanpus; by Coriander . Lord Groftenor'a br c Enterprze, by Joulus Bull - '2 Lord Stawell's br c Sir David - - 3 ...

Published: Thursday 19 July 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 486 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... PIONTEFRACT RACES. j'uefaay, Sept. 1 ?? of ,ogs. each, with 30gs. added, weight forage. 4 miles. (9 fubfcrib.) Lord Strathmore's Remembrancer, by Pipator, I Mr. Deut',s b colt, Sir Charles, bv Selim, - 2 t5 & 20 to r on Remembrancer.-Won by a dif'ance. Thlie Metmbers' Plate oE 5cl. for maiden three and four year olds; three year olds, 7ft. 31b. and four year olds, 8Yl. zlb. Fillies allowed 31b ...

Published: Tuesday 18 September 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 559 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... - I r DERtBY RnttgS coNOiAVDED. Wednefday, Auguit 8th,'Nfi. forail ages.-Four mile niS. Sitwoll,.Efqr'sbrijPipstl~iu2&:y~raold5 1 1 C. Sqiith, Eflr's b h BaniMru ,Qra oli, '2 3 Lord Staniford'sicu 61Turini'oe1;5yrs o4d, - 4 2 e Mr..Lord't cli fiDce-away, gsyrs old, 3 4 Thuriday, Agugft 9t41, 5.dl.:4iihlltapes-Thiee-mite heats' Lord Starfiforrd';4e' dGAyiua%;`3 yt~fold' : ' t 1 Mr. Lord'scbif ...

Published: Thursday 16 August 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 813 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... Wedne/day, Sept. Iztb, his Majefty's purfe of boogs. for 4 or 5 years old mares. Mr Watton's b. Spitfire, by Pipator, 5 yrs old I 3 r Hon. L. Savile's br. by Sir Peter, 4 years old 4 r 3 Mr Kirby's br. Primrbfe, 5 years old - 3 2 Mr Flint's. B_ Mi&s Acomb, 4 years old z dr. A fine ?? the favourite; after the* fecond heat, Mr Savile's mare. Hunter's fweepflakes of logs. each, p. p. Mr ...

Published: Tuesday 18 September 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 457 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... I MA-.L'TON ItACES. -Wednyjdaj, o~a9er 3. : A Swepolakes of zcgs. each, p. p. foe all ages._ A ' .o l'iriles, (7 fiibtcribers ) Mr Gdalortih's Maiiai a'ged, 811. 1olb. Z Mr W. 00itchinfon'sSjinfire, 5 yrs old, sn1. 3b.- a Mr Darley's b. f. by Beainiiigbroug, - - y.y o. 7 If. 61b 2 x % to i on Marcia. Won very eafy. AHunt'erFStakes-of logs. each, p. p. ?? three-mnile heat. (7 fiibfcribers.) Sir ...

Published: Tuesday 09 October 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 635 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... IANTWICUI RAC!.. ty AVcdnefda, July d ii, u Sweepflakes of W0; with 401. added, for thrie aud ibur-y)ii Olds. *1wo-nlile eais. (S Subtcribers.) - I -- . !d Sir W. Geraird's b e by Star, 4 yis old, 7d t Slb ' i i in1 ~r. Jonesis b cTatkcr S *>rs olfi, 7ft - - 1 . 2 2 t Thul~diy baweepixakos of 10-n. each, for all eges. Three r ; 1t miles. (7 Subldribers) Mm; C. Cholimondeley's b Ih Chelbir c ...

Published: Thursday 26 July 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 783 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPORTING INTBrLLIGENCE. YORK AUGUST NIEETING-TUESDAY. SwecplIrsets of 5cg carh. 2cs. ft. crolts, Sil. fillics, 7f'. aolb. 'li la:ill mile and a half. Mr. C. Norton's h. c Q id. by Star - 1 vkr W.'s. krf 1L'rUttc, by Ovorton 2 Ld Stnsthmore's l. c. by Sir lPeter, rut of Queen Mab 1r. Walton's b. c. bly Ovrton, out of Fart well 4 Sir T. Gicoigne's br. f; by Sir iPcter,out of Lucy pl Mvlr. ...


... Sai~uraV, Aug225. no Nrs THORNTON againit Mr FLINT. mn 50Ogs. e~ciL, p. p. IooOgs. bye-Fofrmz.;&Ms. Never did we witn'efs fach an afferzlage of th people as were drawn together on the above cc- cdion; nearly ?? at lealt nearly ten th riales the number appeared on Knavefmire than d! did on the day when rorekhire 3/ervy and Beau- e jlemow?. and afterwards Bay alIl'on' ran over ol th couife, in ...


... YORK AUGUST MEErTING. FItIDAY, AUo. 24. Svmeepfalres of sogs each, zogs. f. for three years old fillies, Sit. The laft mjle and half. (Nine Subfcribers I sir J. Lawfon's bay, iiuter tO Brough, by Stride I Mr. G. Linotan's hay, Gratitude, hy Shuttle Mr. W. N. l-ewitt's bay fily, \ils Eliza Overton,by Ovcrton 3 Mr. T. Hutchinfon's, by Sir Petcr, oaIt * Alexina 4 Mr. Clifton's bay, JoIeplilna, by ...


... VAPOR TING JN7'fLLIGBZ CRE. NEWMARKET TI-RD OCTOBER MEETING. WEDNEDAY, OCT'. 31. A Gold Cup, by clgh- Subfcribers, o'r upwards, at togs. each, for hot es of all ages, , yr olds cxcepted. AcloiS the Flat. Mr. Watfon's Ligruni Vitx, aAedl 8i. iii6. I INVIr. Brown's Flambeau, 6 vrs oW, 7ft. 6;b. 2 Gen. sparrow's Caitrcl , y3yrs old 7it. 3ub. 3 I ro s aglt Filmbeaiu. Ld Fulev's Watcry, 8it. s1b. ...


... iDINUR:qH IpACE. TbisdayourRacesbegan, when ?? Pntrf'of. '50 GMineg: -a: run 'for &ver tbh '1Sa1 of Ai3+wxa 01 ~yoe, by3? f , - ' . r Gfwald's b'ay'geldiilg, hvy Scorpion i 1 fe *Mr Henderfon's hbfinuc m. anler Lalie t S- - M&r CiCnegie'a chofnazgeldiog, Hon4 Carlo A dr. Ah A Farmer's br. h. D'Enghien, by Bangtail 4 @. Mrf ohnftone's chefnut horfe, by Acafio s. dr . 'Mr, kicaid's'bay mare ...