Advertisements & Notices

... NVANT PLACES. Steady, nsiddlc ie gci Couvle. The MsI..n, s A COACHM AN s /r (;sG(r;-s, and thc dWorrl-r as Cou;ri uith- ou t any cei n iran cc, arid vii tlh a gred3 rsro I mo istl *u to u n . G entleman or I adyv thisi nay lusi.--i ih c aciilrci71 Z. L. No 3, Crown-court, Nrsrre,'-we.ll, Inirrth-lcrtcrs rpoiL pa:d. X~r.XE! i N ', a YO1J'I of refipedllble Conntc- ti ias eri on ..I'!'itlNTI1CE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --- tVAVNT PLACLS. A.S LAUNDRY MAID, a young Woman, about 3a years of age, The has lived in that capacity many years, and can have an undeniable charac'ter from her laft place, xvherc fbe livcd 3 years.- Letters poftt paid,'dired'ted W. W. No. 47s Long-acre. AS VALET to a fingle Gentleman, a young Man, A . who has lived in that capacity. is perfec- matter of hair drefling and [having; can have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - nir *r 14tvNUO or btl t1(ANCI'S BUR- I wtD1rr are rcquefted to attend catly HIS MORNING-, | a1 BREN'TFORD, that thn y may et onrc by a d&ciiive Majdt- rity refncue the indepcn ence and feru rc the qrrirc oe tieh Cvrunri, 'T he Sheriffs have provided ample nr anis tn enilace frce accefsp6 the KEultings. J. (REGORY, Chlirmdn.' STATrE ot1 Trole SRSCOND DAY S POLL. Sir F'ixsctls A q Bunnrs r - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANI'S A PLACE, A S LOOK in a fniall 'genteel Family, or te Coo: tL.- and Ep [EaHotosEus for a-lingle Gentlemann a younlg W'oman, Pleafe to dirc.ft, pon paid, for 11. H. No. sap, Old-litcnet. SALES, B-*.?A~CT1ON. 6enteel FlP.Ni' VREP iTEE P'lATIE . PRINTS * andl EFYECTIS.-3Sy'lSlr. W~iNS-1:^N1.l-Y, . On the Prrmnifes tlo. 6 Criihvilreet, Guilford llreet, * IJ.MORvt..VW, at Il very nedet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AtUCTION. Convenient RISIDENCE, Harper-ftreet, withiirnmediate V l'QIT.fliO!,-BY Mr. WIN'SEANLEY, At Garrawvav's, 'I H'IS DAY, at tz v'cloalr, by Order of. the Ereecutors ol' Mrs. 'Ann goutflower, deceafed, . ,A Very ftlhbf antial and convenient LEASE UOLD A v. Brick DWEL.ING-HOUSE, eligibly fituated No. 9,onl aite at Gtde of Harper-fireet, ziear Lamb's Conduit. itreet, cnn- taifliUyg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALMS Br AuCToIN. Elegant Honfchold Fursitssre, Large Glail'4, Capitai] *TUiskey Carpets, &c. Pall Mall.-By Mr.CHRIS'lIE, At the Great Room in Pall Mall, on Tuefday tile 13th inftant, and followi g Days, at 12, PART of the elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNI- lP URE, beautilul French picr and chimney glaffes of large dimetilionos, drawing room fuit in zwhite and gold, ktreifch beds and bedding, excellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY READY I0 Al)VANC. L I, Perforts in Pofiiion (if lncomes, irifirg A from Frechold, Copyhold, or licafcisold' Eilatcs, ir Land or llnOiici, MN`oney il the l uusLIS, }ct:t Cliargei, Mfarriaec S,~tdlnlelnts, V'idows' Jointurcs, Airnlllties, ait iec Phles, Cliurch Liv'ings, or any other crrtain Incomne for iflen, may le [alpplied wVith temporary or perrinncrit frms to any alOriurt, by paying ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I . 3ALIFS BA At7CTjdV., ~Valuable FORFEIT'ED EFFECTS-By Metrs. ROBINS -C )fAt theirSpacious Rooms, Piazza, Covent Gard~ju, TI-S AY, I *. ~~~~~~at i2 o'clock, (At A. Prime and very choice aff6rtm erticof FORFEIT- laie BertiH arid Paricinre; comnpelling near Soo OUn(CeS of uI'fefldi plate, gold, lilver, ared metal watches, by' e nltmd makers, cle- IN gant diarliond rings, pins, b-racelets and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L:'i'TERS tothe T`A-RI, f CHATH-AM. 'III1 F ITTI' F 1\( '0 \`l' UTTP N bv 1-ENTRY HAL- Dj, NEJ I 5Q do f RovalI lsa~i~l il-r1riners,s rnd a E' siLienti' I '-I o:el in his I~,lojefly's Army, to tin? Right 1),'tthe Li' I of Cluirh'tns , JK . 0Ietn tGnr it, his %s% mynt aind Miailer enrlof In., M~aJclty's Orsliirct&e-. e' f'r &. tee Psiitited for 1. tcl'' itt rippofite Pu rl.iigtoin H-1oule, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V . . . 1 ' Young WOMI N, as CoOK, in, anfmall famn ily, where A a tomallo is keot; ha; ito o1 jection to cicanl par: of the houfe.-.Diret,- polt paid, to J. P o. s6, Goodgt-ltrect. A S Nutowy or ROUSES2ALD, a Young Woman, can A1 have a goo.d clar'adltr faonm her ifl lacre, in wlhich aec lived twoi years.. Letters, pol paid, a idriad to E . ?. o. 1, 1Daralce-l'teet, Red-'s.iornfquare, w~-l~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w uNTS A &PLACEi' ,`A S LADY'S kA I ID or HoUS1EMA lD,' in a famnily that A isgo'i~rlabroadpiiYoun4 Wornan, ahout: two and twenty. Direct, poiit paid, to, M.\V. G'recnh fhim No. 2zz kbrua d-ftreer, B'e.umfburv. 'S. COLDS, CoUGHS, HOARS --8)IESS, SORIK.1TilRoArTS &c.-Mrx. EPVINZ's PRUI'1' ()ZENG;Ej I' -LSE LOZENGErl fbo jutily efeemned for I their peculiar efflicay iln caring of Colds; Coughs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For COUGHS, ASTHMAS, sc. THE BALSAM: OF LIQVIORICE, an elegant concentrated liquid preparation from thie root whence it derives its name, Qlands unrivalled :for'be relief of conghs. colds, catarrhs, wlheezings, hoarfeinefs, afthmns, and other pulmonary complaints. The fulieriority of this medicine confifts not onrly in the faccefa which- accompanies it, but alfo in the - 'limplicity of its ...