Advertisements & Notices

... IT . H L L Vcffie 0O. fogr Sale, &c. Forr ELSINEUR & LtBECK,- The Prufinn Brig ADLER,- JAN. A. LEEUW, M10afler, Is now loading, and will fail in about fourteen days. ANTHONY WILKINSON. 1gulI, O&toher T8&1804 : For T(0NVAlFNGELA,,: , . IThe Hamburg Ship VRAW ANNA, Capaitn J. W. SINGSTACK- - ?? Is now Ioadiug for thefaveC port, -and will fail in a few days. - *(.-AYDES, LOFT, GE00 v Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be LET, (GENTEELY FUJRNISF1Et)) SMALL HOU10 E, m SyTse$ Stret i For parttculai ltv. uirc of M9r. Gecorge Daoiel, '1-stationer, Ptuoltnltrw and B'}qokhtilder, - h(,>;sir Rcaiorg. 'C,~ve~fatirno atnd ?? To be LET -- An l eite es timm atai ly. LL that *vell known B R IC K§ YA RD,. irD tc at zWINT5NGHAM, il hle t oI isty of ; n il tie occupatiln of Thonas .Batton- ihe ',th all'the M Th I £8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... general RX4R TERLf MEET JG $ of It'TRUSTEE S for the HULL 1 11.Gliv CHI ?? will be held at ,/e q>ry, on- Friday the 6th day of Yanuary, ,'h>a~ilwelve e W lo k. W M. JEF3 FERSON, Secretary. NAVY-OFFICE, 2+th DECEMBER, I803. Ta i IE princitpal Uicers T and Corna Cj/Ton'rls o] his tM jfly's vavr.y cdo ere be y give, Notice, that they will receive, ytoolsuntil the 4th of January' next, for J iIRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a MEETING of the tA.>ASHIP-OIsERS of the Port of Null, held at the Guild- F Jail, the 2 2d day of Maj , I04, r Y b pullic adverti/emenet, in purfuance g o the IWorlhipful the Mayor, req onfidtaiion the propriety of Peti.; * hn th onoilura.ble bhe CobMIoNs ofithe i 1Kinegdom of Great-Britain and Ireland, . poranlnet fenlled, for the Repeal. of the s 9parliaerant 8fpending the Nravigation and on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e WANTED, A JOURNEYM-AN CABINET 'MAKERlAood' , -:WageswxilUbe given, and conifiant ovoik. *InquireofJOSEPH TOMLINSON, Alelbouii Derbtiy- .fliire. i . ~ e WANTD,. ea - \; iN A&ive'Youtit, ?? i8 -tais of age, who A can write a legible hand and has a kno wled~ of figures, to takle cafe~,of3 SHotfe'*igiaiso 'lawt' in aanothe bmncein;rnuftpr.oduceta~ iod Cliara&& for e honefty, iodulky,-and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTTOXETER ROAD;- 1OTICE is hereby Giren, that the additiontl Tolls IN gralited by an AR of Parliament paifed ;in the pre- lent Seafion, Intituled Oc An At for re-ivhig the terrm, 1 ?? and contitiming, altering and eiihirrging the powers of Is two Afts pulied in the 3Md 3ee ul of his late Mrajeftv, and th ih tie 3d year ot his preenit i1ajefty, fo far as the fame R relatc to repairing ind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,: Mt I2AC5NAM5ARA, gratefufor faf .:- b' S]*tahes!,,libertk.;rq,inforrwllsFf.f aV04i P ubl c in general'~hat hi i5rtervcd rFnm his late s fid , C near therPoint Gates, Poifnioutlt, to t:ie v RN_- en,%S oppopfll, where-hldhas laid inma Stock of n dermentioned, which he is determined to fell oa th o terns poffible, whether in finall or large quantities, e4 Port ,, , . ,, d L . ,Wie. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 TANTE fl, an APPRENTICE to a BOOK- . WV BINDER.-Apply to Mr. Clapperton, Vo. 14, $ritain-ffetr, Vortfea. oo To Btocknzakers. sici F ROM one to three hands might have confltant the .l!employ by application to Mr. William Woollgar, fen. iou Welt Cowes, iHe of Wight; or Mr. jofeph Woollgai, %val Blockrnalker, Gofport Beach. All reasonable travelling belb zpernces will be paid wi-t TH~PORTSMOUTH ...

WAN TF,:%- a goodHai4 a s oi TIALLOW, ,., V'C2AN9LgR...puu toEdwiaaMata~sin taf- / Fehi~rj aS, 580 s4; s. .... .

... --i 7 e k i .. cAvIHEDRAL. XTACAN i'; a LAY- VICAiR's tLkCE; any ' .Yr fns.Ahar, zas~iag a goodT6ntra-TenOr V.Pce,' ar4 who can pocue s-good recomnicndatgp,, xs to iis .charaapr ard .k owcIdge of Cathedral Mpafiac, mry hecar further par- ticulalrs by appiying, if by letter poaxpaid 2to Mr. Bcnnct, Organio of theCathedeal THE PRINCE, Alexander Scott, Master, will sail with the first convoy for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICE FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SEAMEN, 9th January, i8o4. . T;!E Commissioners for taHing Care of Sick and ' jpiandec Satnen, Ce. do hereby gisve notice that they will lb '.,idy on FRIDAY the zotb instant, at their Office in Somerset phece, to rective sealed Tenders-, and treat whth such Persons as t ,,s be wi~llng re cenerac7 forPcefornmioig tbe andermentisned set-vices, a fer Ts~Ie lvelorsths ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITCHFIELD ACADEMY. 1 DODD refpeffully informs his Friends and RIeL the Public, that his SEMINARY will RE-OPEN, aftei the prefent receesl on Mnnoaso the i6th of January, 8o4,' for the inftruclion of Young Gentlemen, in the feve- ral branches of ufeful Literature; and he hopes by a dili- gent atuention to t:14 health, rmorals, and improvement of his Pupils, ftill to merit their approbation and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le . poitively the laf weeklothbe Codepany'.s performing shjs- .1 0 + Seafoh. . , ' r Bv Desie. of Geet. .Ihaclacke. FA 1For t hez BENEFIT of MMrs. - WARREN.. .POTSMOUTH THIEATRE. f N MOWDit;Y Evenmg, Maythe 2Stb, 1804, e ' wili~e'prefeatted Mr. Morton's favourite Comedy of L, A CUUE, FOR THE; H4ART ACHEI Tbcfollowing COMIC. SOd.YGS by M. iI'l rot: End of A4,t Knowing jooy-and the Shew Folk. ...