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Advertisements & Notices

... i tl e _ hick PORTSMOUTH. fol- TO BE SOLD BY-PRIVATE CONTRACT, ghc A Modern well-built FREEHOLD DWEL- ome LO LING-HOUSE, fituate -' St. Thoman's-ftreer, in hav- Portfriouth, lately occupied .by Mrs. Snell, containing very every room and office requifite for the refideince of A Gen- ice. tleman's family, with excellent dry roomy cellars, and am having the peculiar advantage of a Side Paffage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T o Let, a large -dry CELLA..-Apply at 1LNo. 50, -Highreet Portfroutb. . jANTS a:Situation; as Purfer's Stevard, a ferlol who' has ferved iupwards'of feveo years in that capacity, w'ith an unexceptio6able charader.: For particulars apply totthe Printer. 171,TANTED, a WOMAN SERVANT of. al . Y W Works, for a fmall Family, where there are no Children, Ihae -muft underhland Cooking in a planv way, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o'~ the lae ~rr: le 3y,Yl W. Lawno Highfre,1ntaPrft~ t me_ be fet !Id And all ']?rosi~~te Ot~fi a~e -rcqtefled to rv'ttle teracut ired Orn) the above date For the cojjv~_a'icnc fPr -fi' gin r i arFreh~am,, 1' P.rfof Wialioh the. at tllh HOure, wvho is empoW~erez te, ~eeryet HE ~ adverti~l., in >the-~ff~ ae Trdilialeat, lorton'. iiqtr'Gorport`. ii to be SOLo g at A UC.lO by Mr. jPHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAREWAII ASSi.MiBLY will bc: beld at thi ,A Re,! L16nl Irn: .Ow- Monda . :27th of Fcbruary-. 3ni Eriday: ? ;( of ~altih. nMonday .. zd of Apr.l' Dancwing- to comme.:et at eiglit, '.nd 41 prr-elf a ont o'Jbek. Fenruary to, So4.-: BOARD AND LODGINC. W7ANTED, in a refpedIabe miit dtdyll,, . fituated in the nei8hbpurhovd of Gofyort Or ort4.4- mosathl Jin, or near Soutbampto4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COALS FOR BARRACKS, Barrack-Office, %Sth hMarch, 1804. rYTICE is hereby g'ven, that the Barrack Master l General -ill, on or before the Tst day of May next, receive ?,pralsjfron: such Persons as way be 'willing to enter into Contracls Jr s;i ymg urhe several Barracks in Great Britain, firm the jty, 0sc4., to the 24t6 :jane, 1805, with such quantities iZ,,d and sufficient NEWCASTLE or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ft B9~~~~~~~(44O ~ Me,;ja 1 di + o vta repit r$te to mnehisttX . d~eiult iof t. Trai Cinen anromd P otidis B~orough, tO,.Aakethe: ER-me Z9 ofieaio.X h'ereby appoint MuNoAx next, p1iseyt j m. thus u tteilBlosul, ot th fame . to . deai , rw 'Aril7 sSn04 'We -F PO0T TO BE S9 LD BYEil' AuCrON . -h By Mr. COLCLI.%. '- ~~AR~oftheH&EYvzth AaY4 ; ,-\ i)D Hl4t~sDA he tFURNIT d ~~HfJA; ILASS;,-&c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,: Mt I2AC5NAM5ARA, gratefufor faf .:- b' S]*tahes!,,libertk.;rq,inforrwllsFf.f aV04i P ubl c in general'~hat hi i5rtervcd rFnm his late s fid , C near therPoint Gates, Poifnioutlt, to t:ie v RN_- en,%S oppopfll, where-hldhas laid inma Stock of n dermentioned, which he is determined to fell oa th o terns poffible, whether in finall or large quantities, e4 Port ,, , . ,, d L . ,Wie. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 TANTE fl, an APPRENTICE to a BOOK- . WV BINDER.-Apply to Mr. Clapperton, Vo. 14, $ritain-ffetr, Vortfea. oo To Btocknzakers. sici F ROM one to three hands might have confltant the .l!employ by application to Mr. William Woollgar, fen. iou Welt Cowes, iHe of Wight; or Mr. jofeph Woollgai, %val Blockrnalker, Gofport Beach. All reasonable travelling belb zpernces will be paid wi-t TH~PORTSMOUTH ...

WAN TF,:%- a goodHai4 a s oi TIALLOW, ,., V'C2AN9LgR...puu toEdwiaaMata~sin taf- / Fehi~rj aS, 580 s4; s. .... .

... --i 7 e k i .. cAvIHEDRAL. XTACAN i'; a LAY- VICAiR's tLkCE; any ' .Yr fns.Ahar, zas~iag a goodT6ntra-TenOr V.Pce,' ar4 who can pocue s-good recomnicndatgp,, xs to iis .charaapr ard .k owcIdge of Cathedral Mpafiac, mry hecar further par- ticulalrs by appiying, if by letter poaxpaid 2to Mr. Bcnnct, Organio of theCathedeal THE PRINCE, Alexander Scott, Master, will sail with the first convoy for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICE FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SEAMEN, 9th January, i8o4. . T;!E Commissioners for taHing Care of Sick and ' jpiandec Satnen, Ce. do hereby gisve notice that they will lb '.,idy on FRIDAY the zotb instant, at their Office in Somerset phece, to rective sealed Tenders-, and treat whth such Persons as t ,,s be wi~llng re cenerac7 forPcefornmioig tbe andermentisned set-vices, a fer Ts~Ie lvelorsths ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITCHFIELD ACADEMY. 1 DODD refpeffully informs his Friends and RIeL the Public, that his SEMINARY will RE-OPEN, aftei the prefent receesl on Mnnoaso the i6th of January, 8o4,' for the inftruclion of Young Gentlemen, in the feve- ral branches of ufeful Literature; and he hopes by a dili- gent atuention to t:14 health, rmorals, and improvement of his Pupils, ftill to merit their approbation and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le . poitively the laf weeklothbe Codepany'.s performing shjs- .1 0 + Seafoh. . , ' r Bv Desie. of Geet. .Ihaclacke. FA 1For t hez BENEFIT of MMrs. - WARREN.. .POTSMOUTH THIEATRE. f N MOWDit;Y Evenmg, Maythe 2Stb, 1804, e ' wili~e'prefeatted Mr. Morton's favourite Comedy of L, A CUUE, FOR THE; H4ART ACHEI Tbcfollowing COMIC. SOd.YGS by M. iI'l rot: End of A4,t Knowing jooy-and the Shew Folk. ...