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Advertisements & Notices

... 4. i5 i I : .f *- . IE Atntitl Mleeting of thie SUFFOLK sOgrMtV of SURGYEONS will be held At ?? Litn, pwichl on Monday the 23d of.Ta~ra nst, - Mr. SPARK,P resident, Mr. BARTLETT V. p,. Mr. R. FITCU, Sec. An early attendafce of the Members is requested. To GRAZIKRS, 'O be shewn for S;le at the Pie Inn. HarlestQn, or M(onday ncst, t~e 16th inst. A Capital Drove of lo)waty~ullnr ks ,and iiCifers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U RCHANI's BfANKRJUPTCY. Li. 'ersons who stand indebted to the Estatcof ALv CHARLES BURCHAM, late of Stowmarket, butcher. a blnkrupt, are required by the asaignees of ?? hankrupt's estate to pay theihespective debts at the 1h'ank of Messrs. Crowe, Sparrow and Browsn, Stow-svrket, Suffolk,, an ur before the 19th day Aof April next . after wvvich day, such accounts as shill remaip unasettded, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IMALTSTERS. rT'Q be Sold-, A.HORSE MALT MILL. ForSur- Jt:hex particulars enquire at Mr. Hunniball's mnill- 'wright, East Bridge, Cokcbester, cr at Dedham Turn. .pike. >; XPTDTICE is hereby given, .That Stoke Bridge, in. )LN this townI, wviit be imp~assable fir hirties iand car- yigsan Moaida, the 5tb day of Nov. inst. aadlwiI so C{rhttlutIC il Pitbliv Notice is giveao to the conltraijy. ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IPSWICH,- RACMS ?61TiLI~lbe 'n Tucsday, Wed nesday and Thursday th Sd, 4h and'5th of July 1804.. T NiOMAS COOK, Esq. I ' ?? GEORGiE¶YRES Esq. Stewards. g. The 1Horses to enter at the Ship a5 usual. MIET'P4LLIC S rA INs iii SCARLET C LOTiS. ToEn G~ndlpnecn of 1/ihe Xiwt ',KaZoltdeer4c. - taHE1REGQQENTAL POWDER. i venced by Mr. T E BYMkI, chemist. 4Holborn-hill, isArticulariy' .tecmmeded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lj I ' Oth ro'i& 'resplect4tullit i ?? , ,!I?;t!jtj~rts~fl)8ssidd ts~tiinitys~tlat-hlwta jntmhbd Priciittlsi rowis, aiit ?? heir ,Jriixnage andtl sep*pbrlt. ?? : e . - - JOHN 1IOVE. .. Lb1jo2j EIIrlU'BiANIWC ?? o wiTHfERDREN, ETUR&8s hlfs sincere Thanks to his Fiion4s.,for 'the. very liberal support wilich he, ?? iteefhe ntered into the above bIst&le5F aasdres peciful'ly informs thoac persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Li E eon Inn scipi 1b Lio~n Inn,, on Thi r4ay thes '25d instaxt. J- OirOIYTkE }E S ;d T HE Creditots ofCI JOHNACAL'VER4ate of irjis- 1wort, S uffilk; deceased&>; (comiepcod since the assignment eif his effectsq in 'Nor. 18023 are're- SUvtled to meet ?? Wiite Horse, on ThutLday tbe 1I6ts inst. at.Thiee oclock in tile afternoon .to re- :i6vc3 adividendof-the anmditnt of the last sale,-as far .2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sold by Al4nddlcd cA fJia'mv'r, Gud Grncs . ' B ' ireek-slre~et, istsmdici. Ehave frequently callcd the Attentiol bf car V readers .o notice the cxtraordinaty cures per- formed by the lirstol Medicinesitlie CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD, in those who ate so Un(fLunIate as tb laboor umder any bodily inf trinity, an'd Shall, til hero laurels gain Fi or ravag'd tields atd Ltiousanas slain; And shall his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BRd P1if CLU B tsll he At the White Lion, is Iriday ?? Au . inst. Dinncroat3 o'clock t A . , Au ! in ?? plaiq Cook wanted immediately, t a P1obh 1lchouse. Enquire at the Running Buckj is-t '-n1 1804, ANTED- Aa App couce to a Surgeoln aud ! Apothecary, in good practicc. knaridire of tl. prrnter .~Lei sera ?? jpaid. 4 ;r AN D In a (otleinaln's Family ini the Cuun: Vv try Agood Cook, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 2;lo i i hlJEP/ qf 7 ~~ ?? PROPHIETARYI ;ME DiCINES. i E ERY.atSon5, of St. Paulas Churcih-yard, 1. . oudo~ prop6iet4tsa of Dr.. JamesEs Powder; Dr. 'Jarees's $naieptic PlUs, 'Dr. Steers's, '>edeldoc, Or.. Azisnbs't haly~beatesNl5, Dr. Hooperls Female piU5 Das}armtnatifC..§hC Cordial,-Czpliai~e Snl, 5be Esaence'of Coltsfoi'ot,-anda variety. s other ar-tic7 cf- 'r~pute, hiavriaF discovered, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OlCE itshercy g ?? Wtntenrl- N cd to be siatle to Parliament in the next Session, for an Act for deepening, widenintg, cleansing, alter- in-.and dtberwise irmproving that part of tne River Or- w'ell, within the Liberties 4f the Townwand Boroughs of Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk. whtch is situate in, adjoining to, or abutting upon tbe several parisies of St. prter, St. Mary at thle Key, St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C {C\) rt}4 J,~oZl iBenevole~t! MeiTcal t'tt ie'tey, r lH c iext Meeting of this Society will be hbld at TiH'..te'eorgc inn, eedharnr-market, qn Monday ft 24th instant. R. F&iLEMAN, Sectretafy, # Sirwifir, ?? 1Sol 104. To bc l.E or SOLD by Pf.ivATE CONTRACT, : Freeho!i4 Premiscs, situate in.BranLord stircet '.Atconsistitsg of a dwelling-house and garden, il; 'the occupation of Stcphen Allen, ...