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South East, England


Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Mrs. JorNzsi has jnft received a frelh Supply of the fol- lowing MDrICINES. 7%o the Retail keuders of Proprietary llfedicines. w NEWBERY and Sons, of St. Paul's . *Church Yard, London, Proprietors ef Dr. James's Powder, Dr. James's Analeptic Pills, Dr. Steers's Opo- deldoc, Dr. Auffin's Chalybeace Pills, Dr. Hooper's Female Pill-7, Dalby's Carminative, the Cordial Cephaiic Snuff, the Effence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CTB6e SOLD' by AUCTION, by -Mr FOLKERTb 'bi Day, Saturday the 3t2h of March Iitant, xEo4, at the B/ee Bwar Inl, in St. Aldate's,1 Oxford, b'etween the' Hours of lhree and Five in the Afrernoi n; under Conditions a 'Sale then to be pro- ?? thofe defira>le and *',tenive PREM SSES, fituite in the Parilh of St. Thgmnas)' in the Subhrbs of the City of Oxford, in the Occmupsitnof I' r. WILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Ste IIVDEP4.NDANVT ALEC TORS of the Bo- I bgh of ArzisnuR2, and rREEHOI.DERS of the Hundreds tbercunto belonging. SGZNrLEMfOT, A4N injurioux Reporft hzving ean cir. t icuated that Iam flill in Parliament, and 1 that my pretent Canvafs is not ferious, but intended only to obtain a Knoevledge of your Sentiments for a fture Occa- fion, (although atany Rate Itrzyiyou ZLill give ree Creditfor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k to M' Ovcr/fieiv af I/ih PoCG. ATANTED,-Several affive healthy Girs, W V about fourteen Years of Age, as Apprentices in the Cotton Bufinefs. Twu new Dreffes, &c. Ivill be reqeired, but no Pretlitur expeaced; they will gain a Settlement.-Apply perfonallv, or by Letter, Poft paid, to Bl idalitn Smzrt, jun. '.Vrwilch. ARABLE LAND, &c. 7p0 he SOLD, Ib AUCTION, at the Horl ude of Mr. PRoc rot, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC RO OM, X-FORD, T.5EfRUARY 17, 1804. THE CHORAL MUSIC for this Term 1 will be on Moenday the %oth of February, and on| Tuecday Fiollowinj. a CiBANID .MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT; forwhich 'M.BRA1HAM, and Signora STORACE, and Mr. bikbVER for the Trumpet, are engaged. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. TLMALLAM, at the Blue Boar Inn, Oxford, on Thurrday next the s3d Day of February, 1803,-A large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , GRAND~ yeJCTION CANAL. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next of the l Alfembly of the Companfr of Proprietors of the Grand Jundion Canal will be held at the Crown and Antchor Tavern, in the Strand, London, on Tuef. day the Sth of June next, at the Hour of II ?? in the Forenoon. E. 0. GRAY,, Clerks to the ACTON CHAPLIN, I tompany. NOa. Iz, Efex Street, Strand, May 8, 1804. Dorchefler and Bix ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mlanor of Hampton Gay, rear Wooe stock. EREREAS the Game onthe faid Manor V hath been of late much poached and deftroyed, ?? as hereby gi-scn, That all unqiialied Perfons what- foever found-trefpaffing thereon will be prosecuted with the utmoft Rigour of the Law.' All qualified Perfons are iequefled to defile from fporting on the above faid Manor. THOMAS BASELEY. ZHER1AS a Commifflon of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTY AND CLEANLINESS. Toa g'weiete the Breath, cleanfe the Mouth, preferve and Wh'eiten the Teeth, ceare Cum Boils, and remove all of- fej7f e lYZcerationsa, is recommended the dmboyssa Lotiorr. T HE DRUG from which the LOTION is |Tprepared is peculiarly adapred for all Diforders of the MOUTH, TEETH, and GUMS; it was firft im- ported by a Gentleman of known Charafer and Fortune, who having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WoOr/e;c, .Kiddiegrtn, Rel!, ight Lane, and EryJ7aw BAridge TURNPIKE ROADS. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting N of the Truftees of the above Turnpike Roads will be held, by Adjournment, at the Tadict Znn, in Enfione, on Friday, the 1ath Day of Oetober next, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon, at which Meeting new Truftees will be chofen is the Room of tholie who are dead or refufe to adt, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | ylejbury, Thame, Shillingford, and Po~ftcrmb TURNPIKE ROADS. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting IN of the Truftees of the above Turnpike Roads will be holden at the Red Lion Inn, Thame, on Mon- day the 6th Day of February Inftant, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon. Thame, .FeL. 2, 1804. JOHN HOLLIER, Clerl-. TO GUARDIANS, &c. 6ATANTE ,-A Arong healthy LAD, as VV an Apprentice to a Plumber, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Creditors of the Rev. THOMAS DAVIES, late of Cuddefden, in the County of Oxford, deceafed, are requefted to fend a Statement of their ?? Accounts to Mr. Roberfon, Attorney at Law, Oxford, who is authorifed by the Adminiftra- trix to make a Dividend of the Deceafed's Effects. Oxford, Apil-14, 1804. TREDWELL's BANKRUPTCY. 77HE Comtniflioners in a Corntniflon of XTBankrupt, bearing Date the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * OXFORD CANAL NAVIGATION. N5OTICE is hereby given, That a General Meeting of ?? of Proprietors of the Oxford Canal Navigation will be holdsn by Adjourn- ment, at this Office, oci Wednefday the. loth Day of Odlober next, at Twelve o'Clock, at which Meeting a Treafurer will be appointed in the Room of the late Thonras Walker, Efq. and ?? r a ' J. DT4NSFORD, Clerk.' xfcrd Canal Oree , Y84 ...