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London, England


London, London, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IMTHfS. i On the grth ult. at 14111 Houfe, the Lady of Captain Fife'! Hruse lMlitchr!3. nt ..daettr. Yridlay morni Ig, at hu houTe in Upper Grorvenot-ftreet, the Cretitfs of Altvnatarle, of a'datighter lOn WtX(iefday l:1t, tl:;, Lady of Henry Charles Litchfield, Efq. of JLhn flrcet, ]~eford row, of a foil. On the 2zd ult. at Vienna. L ower Auftria, Robert Wood, aged fire years and kivght ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D.4i$ ll 0 RD. Rji.ST_ L2 i~xtrar. from a Lett. ft l:,,o °a ° loo! fifq. oJ Korlhvniberla?,ld, to 1 mes I ~oo.,lrji, .Profrj/jr oJ C/nm jry in Ik'e UnnIrrfq of Plnnly;un .ii,,ca, Fdb. 6. 1c Your old friend ijr. 1rie rtcy, di-d this morning without pain, at eleven o'clock He weould have been 71 hiad he lived till the i ,t of next monthltl. le ontirnued conmpofed and k..ieefful to the end. HIe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - '. n'.uuaem. Lmv.J CO Or~ Frida, in Guildfordftreet, Mrs. C. Boller, of a fon. On the sth initant, at the Vifcounteefs Dunern\q, Major Fer- guffon, ot the Ayrlhire Militia, to the Hon. Henrietta Duncan, daughter of the late Lord Vifeount Duncan. On the 3d inftauit, at Leith, John Cheyne, Efq. M.D. to Mifi Mac Cartney,davghter oF the Rev. Dr. Mae Cartney, of Antrini. On lturirday laft, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 27th irft. at hiso houfe in OlacLvillc-ftrcetl the Lady or lltrbrrt Jrener, Efi L I D f a daugiter. At Bat han lodge, in the C(ounty ot Hcrts, the l.ady of Tkrpmmai, iiaworth, hf. of adaufghter. On Saturday Jofeph IVazztighi,. Ffq. of Sloaneareet, to Hifa Hodgec, of Mfnillaok, W fl ftcr. On I hurfday laft at Croydon, Surrey, by the Rev. Dr. Ireland, Richard 1l-all, Efq. ot Portland plac ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. V: 1 ady of Sir Charles UVatfon, of a dasaghtcr. . nrt Ways at S t. Gorge'g, Blonmib ury, by the Re v. Frerd - . hmk o' ,Charles lchmnonftlone, lfq. eldeft fan (if 'iir Arebhiald Ftanlonitone, Bart. to Mife Louila Hothamn, yonngeft .:-hrr ot Siir Beautn~ant Hothain, onc of the Barons of thi Ex - cl,~ quer OI; thsc Ith rFlaft month, at Carlton Hall, Nottingarnmllire, Jofrl SaRIVigt, Efq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IY1A V i-S. On thet 17th inft. at Elberwater, the Lady of thc Rev. Hi .U Byron, of a fota. On Saturday, the Lady of W. H. White, Eret: orA feoli On Wednicdav, Lady Graves, at hih Lordlhip's Hrfrr. itt. Qeen.ftreet, Mlay-fair, of atfnand heir. a duhturfrdaylail, Mrs. John Iliddulph, of Charmpion l:iI', aE a daughter. Saturday mornibg, at St. Jamses's Cliurch, the Himn. COIunrd Steuart, Ion to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIIRT)IR. A few days fice, at her mothcr's hoiuf, in BeelcIcy-lfrect, Portman-fUherC, r he Lady c f TIIULImas Byron, jun. Etq of a. On tht T3th inflant, at Edinburgh, the lady of lieutenant- Cohlioel Rotbcrtlio M lacdoaldd, of Kinlochi inidartt, ot a foil. (Oi tuudsay, il ChCndos:ltraet; CavelldiflP 4(iare, the Lady of Ro70crt V yncr, IIq. (if a fon. - On Vofid;y evening, in RulTell fquarc, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IIR TH On Thurfday laot, at Horton, near Northampton, the Hon. Mrs. Gunning, of a fon. M-ARRIE D. Yefterday, at Upminfter, Effex, by the Rev. John Rofe Hol. den, R. B. Wyatt. Elq. of Newington-green, to Mifs Efdaile, cldelt daughter of James Efdaile,Efq. of New Place, Upminfter. Saturday, the 21it of July, at Camberwell, by the Rev. Win. Jphion, C'harles Spyers, Efq. of Kibnnif'ton, Hants, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTH On Wedrnerdayiat in UpPer Gewer-flreet, the Lady of Ben- jamlin IHall, ECq. ofa Ion. aMonday, ill Lower Grofvenor-ftreet, Mrs. George Anfon, of I Lately, in Goneetei place, Portman-fquare, the Lady of Robert ChamberLin, Efq. of a fonl. On Sunday, the Lady ot Lieutenant-General SouterJohnhfon, of a daughter. At Lroniore-hoefe, Ireland, the Lady of the Hon. and Rey Pierce Meade, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O.. the 4th inftant, Mrm. G. Cowie, of Finfbury-fquare,ota fon. 'Vburfday, at Twickenham, the Lady of John Dcan Paul, Bfq of a daughter. Fridaylaft, a! Bonghton-plaee, the Lady of Lord Southaotp- ton, Gencral of bripade, of a fon and heir. Lately, at Bilton, the Lady of the Rev. 3. A. Curtis, of a fon. !'AARRIED. Yefterday, at Chichefter. I'bomai Lowry- Skelton, Efq. to the lovely andt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Saturd;Iy, Mrr.. I. Tohonlton, of Drury-lane Theatre, of a fon.; YcAlerday, Edward AMIofcG, Efq. of Finfhury-fquare, to Mifs Rofe joachien, nicce *f Abraham Goidfrid, Efq. of the faale place. Yetllerday morning, at Nlary-l-bone Chureh, by the Rev. Henry Colborrie Ridley, the Honoiurable John Scott, eldeft fon of Lord ElB'dor, Lord High Chanccllor, to Mif6 Ridle-; only daughter of Sir Matthew ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... JJ idaT, the Ulidy of Dr. iane, of Cleveland-row, St. Jamce's- ofJ -'i (1411Vht)er. ')n Wcilnefday hit, the Lady of br. Maaqucen, of Parlia- wcnt-t r'ect, of l fon. Oai tednefday ]aiE, at Bat!~, the Lady of George Wyke, Efq. ofas dau14it.~r. OR rL1~telaw laft, in Portmian-ltrecr, Portman-fquare, the Laly ot lAhrI iHaw1kinis, I.fq oi' a uai~ghter. On Saturday, at St. Mary-at-Hill, John Tilhy, ...