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Advertisements & Notices

... Yt1iw ; tYFeVer- No. 4qo, CfARING.CRQSS. rt t ]~R. WiLLICH, late Phyfician tq the M SA.~XON AieAriADoD at ?? Court of Grat is Britain' anrid Author'of the Dqme(ic Ellcycloftedfaf' a 'l Traieo egimien arnd Diet. &e. &C. cc aprw f and recoilnreaends;tO the inilnndiate notice of the ?? .Pa it Iarge;('(and thofe in particular who are going ;e to'the Weft Indies, America,'or any other part of d' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G M ' C1R T 'i , -::A ,E ; ,IGAME- CERTIFICATES. tAST.RID1NG OF YORKSHIR:E. -A LIST of CERTIFICATES illued in the Riding aforrfiaid, with refpect to the muty, between the aft day of July and the 5th day a September, 1804, purruant to the afts of Patlia- int, granting a Duty on .fuch Certificates. - Name:, Additions, and Places of A&orc. Arden John, wine-merchant, Cherry Burton Ayre San'uel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l Meafurc of Limie. e n the OWNERS and OCCUPIERS 2;A~filS i, tir Oinifions of SOU TH and MID- L'd HA dODEgbisS, htld at the Old Sun, in jon, the 7thl May, 1S04. ISsA CSOL VED, ,it dppetr el -o tihe MKeitbng, ft r,. ! g ficribed in the Statute 1 tb l ; i- e proper 1ega1 BujJbi fbrr i lling 1iuie and Coals; whiics Biofliel is fj, fl.ojing dimetfions, t'iz * Eight inches j quarter deep; eighteen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0gECGAPlTULATION Or Ttli MOST REMARKABtLE OCCURRENCES DURING. THE YEAR 18C.3. CjfA UA7UfRY. A COUNTS received of thie final uliiojatgation 3- J of Switaeriand.-His Majel.v's Ptolclma- -i ;1 hijed. to prnhibit the taporttatiow of bread-corn from Great-Britain or Ireland to any other coutitry, wvifli eacepteirrnof maltand rice; and alfo of live rattle, F'eep, fwille, arid provifion, except to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For COUGHS, ASTHMAS, sc. THE BALSAM: OF LIQVIORICE, an elegant concentrated liquid preparation from thie root whence it derives its name, Qlands unrivalled :for'be relief of conghs. colds, catarrhs, wlheezings, hoarfeinefs, afthmns, and other pulmonary complaints. The fulieriority of this medicine confifts not onrly in the faccefa which- accompanies it, but alfo in the - 'limplicity of its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT . H L L Vcffie 0O. fogr Sale, &c. Forr ELSINEUR & LtBECK,- The Prufinn Brig ADLER,- JAN. A. LEEUW, M10afler, Is now loading, and will fail in about fourteen days. ANTHONY WILKINSON. 1gulI, O&toher T8&1804 : For T(0NVAlFNGELA,,: , . IThe Hamburg Ship VRAW ANNA, Capaitn J. W. SINGSTACK- - ?? Is now Ioadiug for thefaveC port, -and will fail in a few days. - *(.-AYDES, LOFT, GE00 v Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be LET, (GENTEELY FUJRNISF1Et)) SMALL HOU10 E, m SyTse$ Stret i For parttculai ltv. uirc of M9r. Gecorge Daoiel, '1-stationer, Ptuoltnltrw and B'}qokhtilder, - h(,>;sir Rcaiorg. 'C,~ve~fatirno atnd ?? To be LET -- An l eite es timm atai ly. LL that *vell known B R IC K§ YA RD,. irD tc at zWINT5NGHAM, il hle t oI isty of ; n il tie occupatiln of Thonas .Batton- ihe ',th all'the M Th I £8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... general RX4R TERLf MEET JG $ of It'TRUSTEE S for the HULL 1 11.Gliv CHI ?? will be held at ,/e q>ry, on- Friday the 6th day of Yanuary, ,'h>a~ilwelve e W lo k. W M. JEF3 FERSON, Secretary. NAVY-OFFICE, 2+th DECEMBER, I803. Ta i IE princitpal Uicers T and Corna Cj/Ton'rls o] his tM jfly's vavr.y cdo ere be y give, Notice, that they will receive, ytoolsuntil the 4th of January' next, for J iIRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a MEETING of the tA.>ASHIP-OIsERS of the Port of Null, held at the Guild- F Jail, the 2 2d day of Maj , I04, r Y b pullic adverti/emenet, in purfuance g o the IWorlhipful the Mayor, req onfidtaiion the propriety of Peti.; * hn th onoilura.ble bhe CobMIoNs ofithe i 1Kinegdom of Great-Britain and Ireland, . poranlnet fenlled, for the Repeal. of the s 9parliaerant 8fpending the Nravigation and on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAMMMAR SCHOOL, .MONDdY, J7anuary A6,, 804. ,- c E.( GRAMMAR SCHff6OOL of'. gj 'GS I'ON- UPON - HULLL Opens 'again vsDaY. trmn all eretelrrid. Plait of Infi1ruaicon ratio WRIITING and ACCOU:NT:S,: (to be 'lit by Mr. LOCKING, an eminent AMafter,) as oa tln e fubjeaS of CLAISS ,:-L LITE TATURE. 2poilrllilr, as he doets tire advantage of a very airy e1 mI l e~cellent School Room, Mr. SOOI'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HrU L-L. Vefels Lazd Ony for .Sale ?? 5~~o R The Arnerican Ship , K : lANN, :: . Captain WIL.LIAM COITr, ' ?? (A Codlnare PI'rader,3)' W il bi readv to VeeRive:Guids foir the above City in ten diys. and will pofilively fail-on at the. aoth J'anpary: . . ::RICHARD TOTTIE. : Hull, Degernber'io,, i8o4., : !: . . -For >lJ.S1 QYI.;. The New: Brig : ~ 3 - .MA RY, 9w?: e :>taptiaMrl - iT0OrN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M,,=MAR SCHOOL, BULL.. Rev. J61-IN SCOTT, M. A. zsTER of the GRAMMhAR kSCHOOL, ' having eail gcd the afrilance t-f Mr., !G, (vho' h1s ?? long known and ap- n the'.Vowia sr a 'Ieacheir f Wditing aad' ) Gives Notice, That tlp School.will open er the Holidavs. on Moniday the r6th inft. nliftruaiot% of Youth in WRUIIlNG and' N'lS, in addition to tliofie BElpahes of. hich have hithertti; been ...