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Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC RO OM, X-FORD, T.5EfRUARY 17, 1804. THE CHORAL MUSIC for this Term 1 will be on Moenday the %oth of February, and on| Tuecday Fiollowinj. a CiBANID .MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT; forwhich 'M.BRA1HAM, and Signora STORACE, and Mr. bikbVER for the Trumpet, are engaged. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. TLMALLAM, at the Blue Boar Inn, Oxford, on Thurrday next the s3d Day of February, 1803,-A large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD3W'Y AUCT-I0NI At thte HI tfX of Jofeph lleatheote, iti' ChurnclStern'daie, ' in the i'arith dft'lurtington, in the conntny ?? Derby,l, c on Wednelday the i5ah. ot February nextx at three! v 6ClOuk ill the afternooni, eilher together, or in ftoc, h Loisas will fuit the cootvenittcide of purchafers; I Detiable ESTATE, fituate in Chuych Sfterr-dalef A ufeloretaid, in the oceuaation ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAREWAII ASSi.MiBLY will bc: beld at thi ,A Re,! L16nl Irn: .Ow- Monda . :27th of Fcbruary-. 3ni Eriday: ? ;( of ~altih. nMonday .. zd of Apr.l' Dancwing- to comme.:et at eiglit, '.nd 41 prr-elf a ont o'Jbek. Fenruary to, So4.-: BOARD AND LODGINC. W7ANTED, in a refpedIabe miit dtdyll,, . fituated in the nei8hbpurhovd of Gofyort Or ort4.4- mosathl Jin, or near Soutbampto4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... El.ALW L1.F IO 01 oit Mr. GU1DWUN'6 Lli-E1i~. atAULn, 'I N\/TR.1~ P UL~IPS llas tile 4`1tls~ac~lonlo inform the C IL~~l,l '. ltin eon fieqaen cce of tht vcry f;Lvo a reise ri-cep Col ionan :a :'i(s. S!c ot thle F tI di It~ it 0 f P-.' (;IAXo, vI's L.F, tiid Arc ds ('n,soc~r., tic haF piopinc~! a new Ild6iidos. isi (au: 1551 iLoOC- tz2sisc.;, nelavo, v. hit h may be liad of di 'SBookfcl. Fi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i 1&; N Ev WV C LiY. This Day Is publilbed, price Half-a-Crown, ' 13 TERo the New nr ptunexampi applaufe at the TheatrcRoyal, Drbry-lane.-Writte ly-Nir CHERRY. 'Printed for Richard Ph~llips, 2. 7a, St.'Panl's (Chareh-yard; a da to be bad of all lBookfellers. - . HOLCR007'S.LAVli S. : T is ayare publilhe4, in twoelegant volum,es qart6, d-co- ra~ted with a great numbeir of Vgrcttes, witih ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -This1 Day is Psil iheti, Ill-la Is. N:EXtAMINARTI(3ivi afl tlbe STATUTES * *'&:i thic V(1.iLUTIIEERS, in which the appoinlt- -,'ibe Cfiers, thCRi'ght to cuilgraiid their Ernptions *s' l (,1r5 fr lli' co * BP a BIA' iIl'iT:.R and a VOLUlNTEER. Printed 'Or '1. Cadiell and W. Davies, Sisand. it,. DaV is Pui-;fliel. ;r 'hrzc Vcls. Iso; tricc ls. in bnards' ''IE SF.EC`)O'ND EDITiON of PRACTICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L:'i'TERS tothe T`A-RI, f CHATH-AM. 'III1 F ITTI' F 1\( '0 \`l' UTTP N bv 1-ENTRY HAL- Dj, NEJ I 5Q do f RovalI lsa~i~l il-r1riners,s rnd a E' siLienti' I '-I o:el in his I~,lojefly's Army, to tin? Right 1),'tthe Li' I of Cluirh'tns , JK . 0Ietn tGnr it, his %s% mynt aind Miailer enrlof In., M~aJclty's Orsliirct&e-. e' f'r &. tee Psiitited for 1. tcl'' itt rippofite Pu rl.iigtoin H-1oule, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w uNTS A &PLACEi' ,`A S LADY'S kA I ID or HoUS1EMA lD,' in a famnily that A isgo'i~rlabroadpiiYoun4 Wornan, ahout: two and twenty. Direct, poiit paid, to, M.\V. G'recnh fhim No. 2zz kbrua d-ftreer, B'e.umfburv. 'S. COLDS, CoUGHS, HOARS --8)IESS, SORIK.1TilRoArTS &c.-Mrx. EPVINZ's PRUI'1' ()ZENG;Ej I' -LSE LOZENGErl fbo jutily efeemned for I their peculiar efflicay iln caring of Colds; Coughs, ...

WAN TF,:%- a goodHai4 a s oi TIALLOW, ,., V'C2AN9LgR...puu toEdwiaaMata~sin taf- / Fehi~rj aS, 580 s4; s. .... .

... --i 7 e k i .. cAvIHEDRAL. XTACAN i'; a LAY- VICAiR's tLkCE; any ' .Yr fns.Ahar, zas~iag a goodT6ntra-TenOr V.Pce,' ar4 who can pocue s-good recomnicndatgp,, xs to iis .charaapr ard .k owcIdge of Cathedral Mpafiac, mry hecar further par- ticulalrs by appiying, if by letter poaxpaid 2to Mr. Bcnnct, Organio of theCathedeal THE PRINCE, Alexander Scott, Master, will sail with the first convoy for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A GRAND PERFORNiANCE, Pecridiar! ada,>ted to, cke Frefertt res. POATSMOUT,I THEATRE. n N MONDAY EVENiw-G, .t'e 6th of bruary, £8 0Bo4,, will be prefented the i6ghly popular ay of . . PIZARRO. To which will bl addrd,-tbe favorite Farce called 'jrHE, REVIENY; OR, WAGS OF -W1NDSOR. Tickets, for this iighit, to b- had only of, WVALTEX Mows RAY, Printer and Bookfviier, HiZ;h-ttreet, Prtf- lnoudr . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,~~~~~~~~~~~SA7 s Ti B IN' wfiA410 i pfiVer eahd IMMW' rwat such ofthe, t as ar.4 'defiroassr4f. -4 Private atMr randat, S3lit 6treet., JaJghpeff~a the Pttce of Walos aad Tuke qfoYork,. X T the 1ing's Theatre in the Haiatket, on tt'b. ~ays the rsth March, 1804, iill be perfifmieed a 4 cj~leo s ColCF RTof VOCAL AND INSru- ,MUSICThrhc 3t nefit of the NWw MttsICALPu ND, .~ *e z cpcelkf oE decayed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tip ST) AY n~e~t, the 91.1 ilnhant, flhere 61i be -ilsIIetre-, a GRAND IMASQ3UERADE.- Cilfoii ItissiCram cade, &..c &c. will sdftarved by Mr. WAUMD, of. New ,!eiflon at tile Floors Half a Guiirea 1%we a 'I at theI Office of the TIheastre; at Mr. :illalon. No. 9. Pall Mli at Mr. Parker's, -a', hIr. Ci nf's, No. ', F'e,'t-ftrect; I rls'et!1( cont'ar oif aioQirtHa art s1~'. i16i, Oxford,-fh.tmct ...