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Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD3W'Y AUCT-I0NI At thte HI tfX of Jofeph lleatheote, iti' ChurnclStern'daie, ' in the i'arith dft'lurtington, in the conntny ?? Derby,l, c on Wednelday the i5ah. ot February nextx at three! v 6ClOuk ill the afternooni, eilher together, or in ftoc, h Loisas will fuit the cootvenittcide of purchafers; I Detiable ESTATE, fituate in Chuych Sfterr-dalef A ufeloretaid, in the oceuaation ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !YT, M~fiA h.~Y N anesand ' f dconne ffio onss JI0pSF, de o erpde tmenf,~ wlchcincifidesidt0it ii onanioshdf~ lzed~c uf 'eFeoales of theH flotifiti'd, 'fi intendagi enlc tvle~ ' arioe& 'C~e~ni If' Mteferving, masking lees,.,ard PjJeklqng t~4.xie~lottes, FE t, Freil is principalfy 'feriijl4 tb oegh the ijidtairyrof the- finl ~; fleghbouing etdU udtirlait ll that is rqq~i o( fita onsint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -WANTED IMMEDIATELY, . INJALA5r EYrA XLY, Refpe~tablemiddle-aged, ?? n, ofgenteel A nizinners and of good conteitions, as HOUSE- KEEPER. Se niuift be complete oriiftrefs of every branich of her department, which iticludes the direition anid fuper, intendance of the Females offthe Ho ufehold, the care and management of' valuable Furniture, &c. Confethionoary,] Pretlerving, iuhkine Ices, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'a - I Pp ?? Th eeaitttife'aftrid pariliairof the Fate. .; SQLOM ?? ABSTAAG, NT LQTION TS an elelqal clare for E]Upsiorn on the Face and Skin d ParticuieargttPiarple, Blotches-, Tctcrs, Ringworms, Latrn, SunLuinN. Freckle ShinSIeS, Psickly Heat, Red- An(s of the Nofe, Nock, Armni hC. ac. Scorbutic and .;Cit an'eos Eriaptiofs At leer,.altcraptoi o' ?? the flmple ap iicative of this ?? 'nipht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1)HIAVMATIWM'S; jllee, and Gout1 AII'edlion, % . wyitbh ,;eir. Qual concomitants, SpalnB, or hying , 'aitiw, P Vat ulencty.n I~ndiefpn^,ad gner4Pebilicy,(osi, z ginating in whatever, (ourc$) are Frieyed and frequently cur-ed by Tlhiieods sEsaendeJ a1 4 ~ rd PiZs,afterevery v other means hadftilr;.' : The. Fsid Essence ofM1usta&rd, '(uoedwih -thePillsln s rhofe cchiplaints where recefrry)1 il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? and London WVAGGONS. JAMES HOLT & Co. beg leave to inform their friends J and the public in general, that their WAGGONS r will in futine fet out from the RED LION INY, DER BY, a Every Friday morning at 8 o'clock, throught BulBTON alid c AijlEISTONR, and will arrive tit the AXE ITN,. ALDERyLANBURY, LONDONV, . Ou the Wednefday -morning following; from which place thes will return every Friday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN. APPRENTICE to ?? SROkM4ICERx, in - ,A Derby.-Enqiirveof te Piriuter if lsy letter, pot . pad., Tithe Free, L~WiY, A TO BE L1.T, ON &iS4,i jj.T , Aind entered upon iniuedinelv, - . ?? about XtE;!.U0SA$D AMI;ES ; df Lime-fioiie New-Inrldfed IA did, Pailtr Wi qf , -lartinglon, in the county of D'b et o ul Tlhe Land liesoon both ?? Road leading io from Aliborne to Bn ?? TenIants may be accomt- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR-COUGHS, H4OARSENESSESi &C., ?? LOZENGES ol TOLU, fojuftnly celebrated' for their fuperiur Eficacy in immedi. ately rernoving all Couaghs, HoalfeneffS, Sore Throats, Shortnefi of Breath, Dsfi,~zions upon the Lungs, Sore- nefs of the Breia, &c. And TWO TINCTU.RES; tbeone for Cleanring and pre (erying the TEETH, and effeclually Curing the Scurvy in the Gums, preventing the Tecth 'ror further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I DALESTORTH ESTAT1$. 'T~HRES'TPT at ,I;A.iLESTOtlH, etlvertifed in the IL,fi 'fhctjpage',r~tlipa ppr, tobe, $old by. Autioii at the .Swani 11in, 'jin .~a'Ps'id,,n thle Ik f~t4 4t ebraa~ry iift[ant. is difpafed oJ' by Prir~te, ?? ?? WANTE'D, A N .APPR1tN~utCFto a cuits ?? A , to the Prhiter., it, by Letter, pait paid. - WANArD II; DERthY. t N APPR'ENTICE to a DRUGGIST.-Enquire A ,of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t; - C E L EB 3AT E} D.W O1) E N r Thi5 Day is pb~li~fbtl, in One. Large Volume, Oaavo, n pric, 12s. infbiara, iiseatly printed -ol a fie wove pa. c - and erbellilhed with fie elegant Engraved Ifeaos, ot..from original Defglis, viz. MArY QUEiN OF Scoas, -al LA.sxy JANE Gr EY, LADY Ru SEIf, JOANt or A-nc, and MADAIRE-DE SEVIGNE, Proof Inpredlons. TO a accommodate -tli Circulating Libraries, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BURTON-U PON-TRENi'I' ASSEABLY. 1 IE nrext will ble held at 'the ssllall, Fs lriday the 2 - 24thl of February issliatit. : te hIrs. PYC. Lady PatronefI * - t * Mr; AI 4l~it8%tewrd. ?? fro' gurtort-tupont-Trelit, Fehruary 8, i804. RIVER TRENTl NAVIGATION.Y 1 O'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a General 1) N Ateetijis of the Compassy nf Proprietors ol'the River att 'I'rent Navigation will he holden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. EDIVARDS, HARPER TO TIIE EARL OF UXBRIDGE, R l ESPECTFULLY informs the Inhabitants 6f Derby, 'and its Vicinity, that he inteids performing on the ORIGINAL TRIPLE WEL:CH HARP, Several OvaiiTUR18, Englilh, Scotch, Welch, and Irilh Asas, with his own Variations On Friday the 10th lift. ih the Great Room, at the King's Head Inn. To begin precifiely at 7 o'clock. Tickets 2s. 6d. eaclij to be ...