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Ship News

... 4iptp aret. The following iig aln vxtrazt of a lktcr from our squadron off Bre it:- s -I~ llae,; ?? ?? s,-i C. Ci!, Yesteriv .-added ti.rct non- .;hips tl the ?? mv's finl, anti re u have c i itol latil t'hat it 1101V coni;p:is twvcnv ly ...


... ------- 6HiP NEWS. PLN MOUTrY, M'Y 24.-Came in the Humber, 16 guns, with tie lofs of her foretop gallanst maft, carried away in a gale, with twVo file fmugglers,oone nvith zso, and the other wvith 269 anchors of'brandy onl board. Came in from Cadiz, a veffel with wine and lrauidy for the fleet and Vidlualling Office, alfo the lipton, fionn Stockholm, with tar for the Dock-yard; fron Loun- eIon ...

Published: Monday 28 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 823 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... . SHJP NEWS. PLYMOUTH!, MAY zi.-Went into Barnpool,to wait to take aonvoy to the Ealtward, the Lady-Warren, of 14 guns, Capt. Morrifon-(anme in from Oporto and LUbhn, after a fine paf- late, with a convoy for this port, Exetcr, i'eignnsouth, &c. with 'vines and fruit, La lBacchante, of z4 guns, Capt. Dalhwood.- The f(hps for the different pors ihi the North Channei went up titChaannl on ...

Published: Friday 25 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 740 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... 94SGT VTX7TACR UP TS. XWiLsIAM 'and Jo nN 1-saC slESON, Mtchaiantsand-Gro- 'ctrs in Ayr.-Crndltors meet in Simpson.s inn, Bridge-en'd of Ayr, fst .June, IV o- cldck, to name a-aiteor; 'sine -place and hour e5th June, to le ct trustee.. ?? YSQoUiNc arid Co. Macsihants in ;Patsey.- Creditors nieet in Orr'tsinn &Ath May, one o'clot1i, to sanie-a factor, same place and hour ?? 0o-elc-t tnrtrtee ...

Published: Thursday 24 May 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 329 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHJP -NEVS. FAL MOUTTi, ARRIL 29.-Arrived this morning the Prince of Wales packet, Todd, with mail from Lifbon, fivgdays paIl'age. Left lying at Lifbn, his Majetty's Ihip Orpheus, and the Diana and Auckland packets; the tornier was expected to fail on the morrow, with mails for England. The convoy was appointed to fail from Li boe for Englauf! on the i8sh inft. Sailed this evening the ...

Published: Wednesday 02 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 913 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... . v .. rrJ MIARKET HERALD. I = eorn-EIachahge, Londer,, Monday, April 30, 1804. 1 to Our fupply:oE W~beatfrou the neighbouridg Counties on the coati for this day's Marketwas not great, yet equal to i the demand. Fine famples, a's utual, obtained rcady isle it at laft week's prics, but the drdinary were dull, though l o not cheaper. Barily and ,M1alt were rather flack, and fold heavily ut laft ...

Published: Thursday 03 May 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 713 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ,HULL SHIP NlE'WS. ' Fon-seitn fit,5/7 r. iveiJ. Maniqtie, Drhlg, from Uitbon. Jornge Noorman, Peetersi, fom Chara ote. Alin. Coit.firm New Yolk. St. Axtoti, Williams, from Roxt rdlam. F-reirgn /h185i c/ear-d Our. Hope. Bennet. for Huoda;as. Twee Gebroderr, Spaonderman, for Varel. ' Merctr y- MCras. for Newr Yor k. Thetis. Anfdell. -fr Koisni fburg. Angebar Maria, Larfer, for Ealf Rics. ...

Published: Tuesday 01 May 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 403 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... HULL, ?? 1804. A i d si n~ ,-.1 .S-HiP: NE-WS. I : ' ; . ., -H a . ' - .i,-0,AWR1VAjLS.' t At Barhsadl.he Nancy, Lamnei ofthisport, Fiorn Shiel13s ?? 'Li/s-The- L'*nd ~Duiiciao, Muidi tsid, frorm Shlel I. Preden, Slare, fiom this pSirt'; ?? Widdicorotb f'mnSidertan; Sra TIhe tjoit~ne Pre inig firom this pbrt.A 4 ot Toi4gsn. -The Anarora, I hompfon andthe K~dteefron . tlii port.- A Staagate ...

Published: Tuesday 08 May 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2310 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... MLAI1 TRibL,' Mr. VAilberforce has again antlnonced his 'Intention of fubmirting to the conlideration of Parliament, a motion for tAe Abolition of the Slave Trade. We are extremely anjious to draw the attention of the public to this mol interefling aod important fubjea2. Ulthap- pily, a ihameful, nay criminal, indifference .has for fDme time prevailed upon a queftion which fornierly awakened ...

Published: Tuesday 22 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4569 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... .A'I A- E *Do~V-E , 7'TAYV c-fc febrig as if 'the etnCy'G s 4dlopted a more t'dtive -flute of VV:arfa~te, and that our ilhipsnflit :~going hI to tniagt Slwbi) under the fir of their batteries, has, s emboldenied theren to try th~ir iArentthl, by~ coq merreisng an at- tack on our fqluadron in a calrii; n ew.s ha. been rece'ved here f that a flutilla -of aborA, 17 fall, etorlifling or -InI 1 ...

Published: Tuesday 22 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1552 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SI-Ijp Al'.LW?. Doves, MAY al.-From twelve until the prefient time, 5 P. M. we have heard a continual roaring of cautinui, without any intermiffloit. ily Conic it is conjctourd that the enemny's gun- boats have attacked out Iquadron in Boulagne Bay-by pthers, that it is a rtjoicing on account of Bonapa.ett's beinz. crownvc, wvhich is very li!E;ly for if it took plice yVltcrday at Paris, they ...

Published: Wednesday 23 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 520 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NfJPW. . GENERAL'ORDER., AntcLope, offi'Ottend, Lv~6 i3, 1804.. The C6ntrmodore takes thisopportunity, befor'e the extrnlieds of the SrIuadron to a greater dilltance from each dthbe, to fignl't his entire ayiproaacition of 'the fpirited and WlfiNt manner in whic'h the feveral attacks in the late ad'ionls were made by the tdaptait.s and Commanders of the fbis and vIftIs undcr hlk orders. ...

Published: Wednesday 30 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1492 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce