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Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... e WANTED, A JOURNEYM-AN CABINET 'MAKERlAood' , -:WageswxilUbe given, and conifiant ovoik. *InquireofJOSEPH TOMLINSON, Alelbouii Derbtiy- .fliire. i . ~ e WANTD,. ea - \; iN A&ive'Youtit, ?? i8 -tais of age, who A can write a legible hand and has a kno wled~ of figures, to takle cafe~,of3 SHotfe'*igiaiso 'lawt' in aanothe bmncein;rnuftpr.oduceta~ iod Cliara&& for e honefty, iodulky,-and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 15,788, 18,446, 24,034, 28,961, 29,S56, Prizes ofWL HILL, tLOUGH, and BODEN, IMPORTERS OF FORLIGN SPIRITS . - -MARXET-PLACE, DERBY. R EsPECrFULLY infilrn their Friends and the Pub- R Ilic, they have on Salea large quantity of Rum, Rum A Shrub, Brandy, Genevaq, and BITitilb Compounds1 of ex- l pa n d ai up nrA ?? terms. All Favors conferred utpon them will be gratefully ac- t knowledged: and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and j Veiin,4biag, iC. . antd is a ?? ?? OQ .. . : i: be jrnniediateoy U ec . I WiTer oRADE ortee~ *A Yertr1erm MH*. M'WI I.:4 ?? ' LME. .. , r, kaz% in tb:v f t Sie@ iif aY~ A InAnE ?? r P~pit~-#.u i e inl ?? S~fiai I~~.stjI 19 ?? }tOas 55 3t. WiLIA :1N 8 . E .- l ure of thr.ecrtst 3 A t a -h 4;151id $ ,fae~n I pc$W p 41If~ tvt pa ter fpc,.ve ?? A LL Per~nszh erniet oltai the ;;ECft~f sl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAW. omfl 5yANTED tsrn'iisate]y, as an ASSISTANT in lri .-7 X~Ittornep' Oflice. a Perfona who can wrise'expedi- tine tioufly atild correilya all dbas *otuie knowledge bf colwty- ' I 'al t. - ;N - ?? ard . ?? dd`iffed to MdffS. VIPE and kAIRI ftjjI in~j~ Ueeiaontaissing ?? et1t)e tinie lih party has iecnl empl ed in the auove. Capaciity, the S4lary ex- 7al- . w4h reipeetable refcrence as to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIMBER TO BE SOLD, ID Diden Wood and Farm, near Mayfield, in tbe county of Stafford, about two miles from Afhibourne, in the county of Derby; A Large quantity of Capital OAK.TIMBER, fuitable C A. ?? wrights, Coopers, &c. &c. r Alfo a-quantity of Capital Clefty ASH TIMBER, fuit- able for Hoops, Dry Cafk Ware, &c. &c. alfo a large quantity of Capital Oak Potts and Rails. The Sale to commence on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Tolls arifing at the feveral Toll Gates here- Tafter mentioned, ere6ted tipon the ManAheld and Tibilhelf Turnpike Road, Will be Let by Ausioni Either together -or teparate, to the beft Biddef, at the houfe of Widow Marfden, in AihoveT, in the county of Derby, on Wednefday the twenty-tbird day of May nest, between the hours of one and four it the alternoon of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. CORBETT, , COPNER OF. SADLEEGATE, r r3y, 4 PREW'D with thg wvarnieft gratitude for the very ' liberal encouragemetit he has hithert~o experienced, takes this opportunity of returning his molt unfeignied thanks, and to inform his numeroes Friends and the Pub- he, that he is jult rqtprned ?? with _ 6eat affiduity fiatters hirnfelf he has acquired tlie moil kfflhioblO Ui.@ f H ljirClitttblD; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . E. 3BROMLEY, c t ESPECTFULLY. hwinornis her Fri'ndr thpit The is re- 11 turied from London with a FiSstOss AeLr.t Assonl- ZsIENT of MILLNERY, &c. which is now ppen tbr t!eir . nl~pettion,-and lolicit, a continuance of t1 ir patronage. it Derby, May 14, 1804. t A. CLARKE, .. R ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladiesof Derbv ried its Vicility, her IaUghter isjsfr returned from Len- * dols with 211 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iI S . . j } LEALJ MINE. r pO be Lf, a LEAD 11.0 E not faT from Edinburgh, ! afn very pronrifing appearaice and vety adivanie- 1ouay fitpated, it being at pre~ent Icvei frce, wirhiil a few I hunared gards ot'she fra, and WitliD one fcilsean ex- celient harbour; and in .the ne;gbish offcvrJ corl- ?? collierics. - Further ?? mn.i b4i Ud hg ?? to Meffrs.' .WVX~ ?? J .fI ~LuNS; Albov~r, newr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIMR. COKE's ELECTION. BEFRIENDS of DANIEL PARKER COKE, Efq. 1T iltetld-laving. their ?? AN-NIVERSARY DI NNER (In commetnoration of his return to Pailiunient for tbe Town ot Nottingham) on Thlurfday the 7tb'day ot Juue next, at the Black-ruoor's Head uln, whet the the Comn- paly of Ge(itle~kmell ill Ai. Cuke's ilitereft is particularly requefted. Dinrner on Table precifely at 3 o'clork. : - - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r. Sr Thofe Perfoos tho have been difappointedin their i . pplicafibn! ?? DRT^YLOR'ajUfi!Y efleemed Rz- Y - MZDVY ?? D5zAZNZSS are rcfpec fully informed that ;e they. ay noc be fupplied by the Printer hereof.- idtwithilanding' tpsis aflicie performe the moft ex. traordinary 'Cures, ir is cempofed of the mildeft en. gfedfen~si indtmay be ufcd at all feafons with per- * fert eCa* and 12fety. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be -. rat, HE CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD, by its (of- the 'Tening, healing, and- tonic Qualities, and falutary ve Effeas, affords a fure profpect of returning Strength, ich and a certain Hope of mufcular Invigoration, to thofe Zof who are-debilitated by premature or citcetffve Indul- fe- genciesie hence ?? of Sight, Vertigos, Lofs 's of. Appetite, and nmental Decay. A Body that-is ener. of vated ...