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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... . CRCULAR NOTE A2StID To-THtE YORewN M NlSTait$ RtStD1Dt'T AT f~~~~~TZ C'',, arl OUaT. ' 1~ ' SiP~DoWning-ftrecet, April ;0, I864. The c~grieuce which all Europe mul: have had-of the con- dalc tf th goyerltlaenr of France, vauljdshavc induced'hijia7 jefty tire2; any clfarges which might liave bqen hrbught by themn' na^ f'bau I~s gdver~rnent, with flence and contenpt; if trj vlrq e~eraogdinary ...

Published: Wednesday 02 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1668 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... IM PBRJAL P4R1dLI4MENY GREdT BRITAIN AND IREL.dND. 1IOUSE OF LORDS, MAY 9. The Britilh and lfif l oan Bills, the Additional Sugar Duty Bill, and liveral other Bills, were brought froan the; Commons,. and read a lirt time. On the Motion of the Lord Chancellor the Jndgment of the Court of Seflion in Scotland, in the appeal Hunter -Y. the Earl of Kinnou'll, &c. 'was affirired. On the Motioni of ...

Published: Thursday 10 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2358 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... From be LONDON GAZETTE, Mly 15. At the Court at the Queen's Palace, the 14th Of May, 1304, prefent the King's Molt Excellent Majdiy in Council. This day the Right Honourable George Earl of Winchilrea and Nottin 1h1m, Groom of the Stoae to his Majefty, and the Right Honourablc George Thynne, conmmonly called Lord George 'hynne, Comptroller of lils Majefty's Houfehold, were, by, his Mlaje)l's ...

Published: Wednesday 16 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 836 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE; MlolANIIVG CHA'.IWICLL . LONDON: SA TUJRDA r, Pll,2r -6, We yeRerday received American Papers tD t11C 2d of May, inclurive. The following is an extract of a letter received in this country from a gcntteman well qualified to judge of the fubject to which he alludes. Ex:ran of a lete rfrorw New lork., A/ay i, iSo4. Lalr evening I received a letter from General Dt.f- I SA L I N es, (lating, ...

Published: Saturday 26 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1403 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MaORNIVG CHRONICLE. LONDON: THURSDAl; 1121T3. We lament to fay, that no eCffESual progret U- been made in the arrangement of the Govet was expe~ted that Mr. PurT would have bee ted to his Majeay's prefence yelterday inri'g' which cafe that gentlemrtn wouid have nodaub t before the KiNG a juft report of theStare tion, both as to its internal and fareigr aft5 thereby have flewat the ...

Published: Thursday 03 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1310 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... TAIE MORNING CL-ZR UNILE *LONDON: I ~~~~TNL'1^r~2', lJtrA7. I |tTehaye tie mortification again to inform our read. ers, that no arrangement has yet been formed for the New Adminidtztaion, thoutih every pelfon muff feel how cruel this moment of I;,fyrence muft be, inod how denrirnental to the plublic cau'e. On Saturday, while foame orcur cotemporaries were announcing tbat new wriLs were to be ...

Published: Monday 07 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1850 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL PARLi4MENT r GRBAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. : HO1WSE OF LORDS, MAY 24. Farthervidence was adduced in l'upport of the Claiintrit in the Rous Peerage. i'vwo Private Bills were brought from the Commons, and read a firt time. Mr. Bragge Bathurft, attended by the Commons, appeared at he Bar, and requelted a conference with the Lord s rufpedting thp Amendments made by them in the Volnnteer ...

Published: Friday 25 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 731 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... L.O A . . Vedrd4 fflbtning the Ibilowing Oentletieh thet the .saacellor of the ExcbeqUer in Downring-flrevt s A k.t Mr A. G oldfmid, Sir W. Curtis, Mr Robatts, Meffes. G. Ad C ThellI'on. Mr. Ward ond Mr, Aiflabie. Mt 'Sr Francir Baripg, Mr. Angerfteiou Mr. Angerfcein, jun. r. X~attye, r. Ayton and Mr. Ellis. r 'L.ord ¢ainaird, sir R. C. Glyn, Mr. Boldero, Mr. a ,. .fDordien and Mr. -Tritto.- ...

Published: Tuesday 01 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 559 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FORRIGZN I2VT71GL1GENR-..;E 3tf THE HAMBURGHI AND DUTCH PAPER~S. PARIS, APRIL I13.-The MoAionifrcontains the Tol lowing note prefented by the Ba;ion de Montgelasi Mi- ilter of the Elector of Bavaria to Mr. Drake. The'Underfigned, &c. hias the exprers command of his EOec- toral flighnels, to communicate to Mr. Drake 'the annexed print- ed iZlcnrb, and to itate to him that 'thd sr'igirai in .llr ...

Published: Wednesday 02 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5022 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... tOPttcN 1fcA2. 8.r. PETERShURGt', May Y.-A -Copyr f tie fol.- low ing Refcript tf 'ws Imp-erial Majeltf to Count Mar- ibto, Counfellorof State, dated Febrbu'ry r5, was rend' ia the Direding Senate by Prince Peter Wa~fihievitti Lapuihin: RESCRIP I'. a Count Arkpdil lanovitfli-Sinct I recalled otit from your poft art Paris, where y'ou difcharged your duty with the greateit teal, and to my entire ...

Published: Friday 25 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1231 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE AlURIVINi N - - iC'U . LONDIo-'T: TUE n3 Mf Lafl night, in the EHoufe of Cormons, r. CSs Bou ritrr gave notice, that it w h p SP tention, on Friday, to fubmit to the I1oup hi fpecting tWe Military Defence of PCo an. ADDING rON afced if the plan as th!e I PITT lhad formerly propofed ard \iC S u ; fwered it was, as far as he wnderfload, Ifearl eh From Mr. A.'s quehion, it fecms as if le 'Y ...

Published: Tuesday 29 May 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 737 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News