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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTY AND CLEANLINESS. Toa g'weiete the Breath, cleanfe the Mouth, preferve and Wh'eiten the Teeth, ceare Cum Boils, and remove all of- fej7f e lYZcerationsa, is recommended the dmboyssa Lotiorr. T HE DRUG from which the LOTION is |Tprepared is peculiarly adapred for all Diforders of the MOUTH, TEETH, and GUMS; it was firft im- ported by a Gentleman of known Charafer and Fortune, who having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * OXFORD CANAL NAVIGATION. N5OTICE is hereby given, That a General Meeting of ?? of Proprietors of the Oxford Canal Navigation will be holdsn by Adjourn- ment, at this Office, oci Wednefday the. loth Day of Odlober next, at Twelve o'Clock, at which Meeting a Treafurer will be appointed in the Room of the late Thonras Walker, Efq. and ?? r a ' J. DT4NSFORD, Clerk.' xfcrd Canal Oree , Y84 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANOR O1 HOLTON. j HEREAS the GAME on the faid Manor has been much poached and deftroyed, and in orrler to reflore the fame to its former Head, it is ne- celfary to preferve it. Alt qualified Perfons are re- qiefted to defilft from fporting on the faid Msnor; and all unqualified Perfons whatloever, found trefpaffing thereon, will be profecoted with the utmoft Rigour. E. 1ISCOE. N. It. Steel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEXT MONVDAr2. MORE CAPITAL. PRIZES and LESS TICKETS. Three Twenty Tbhoiiand PI¢emd Pr;:zes, Threw Ten enbodni Poutd PJrizes, T1,ree, Tve-Thoufand Pound Prizes. No Prize lefs than aol. IfQO DAr2, the 2,44 of THIS MODVT;T, B EGINS Drawing the GRAND STATE O LOTrFERY * which contains a -reater Propur- tion of CAPITAL PRIZES, to thc fmall Number of Tickets, than any formtr Lottery. SCHEME. Na. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ChsrI wy ity, WV CZ, Enjionead 'dGreat ToW TURNPIKE ROADS. TOTICE is herebly given, That a Meeting NL? of the Truftees of the atbove Turnpike Roads will be held, by Adjournnent, at the c.ll Inn, in Charlbury, in the County of Oxford, on Friday, the zift Day of September Inflant, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon. By Order of the Trufiees, SAMUEL CHURCHILL, jun CHARLES LEAKEE Ckra.- S&pthembr zh,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CoRArACTT, A. very defirable FREEHOLD BESTATE, in- dofed and Tithe free, fituate at Ford, in the Parifh of Dintoi, near Ayletbury, Bucks; comprifing a Farm Houfe, with Barn, Stable, and other Out-Buildings, and four Clofes of Arable, Meadow, and Palture, in a Ring Fence, containing together about forty Acres and three Roods, lett to Mr. JouN KINsGHaM, on Leafe for a Teri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ig t N I Z s FRrFFICZ L'om8s~rd.S&rec L 0 N D O'N. 1 HE 1tm Support which the PHcEtVx OFFSCi continues to receive earm its numeros Fciends !emands the Thanks of the Dire~tors. The Modes of infurihq FARMING SToOrt, praetifed by this Otfice have been, and will be found on due Exa- mitation, br adapted to the ProteCtion of that Kind of Property a. particular Explanation of which, with Re- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL INN. T hbe SOLT) by AUCTION, by NMefrs. T CHURCHILL & TURNER, on the Premiffes, 01 FRIaDAY next the Seventh of Septemb:er, 1804,- All that capital well-known and good-accufforned IN ?? fitatu on the Great Road from London to Ire- land, at a Place called Chapi on the Heath, near Chip- Ping-Norton, in the County of Oxford, between Oxford andl Birmingham, and on the Road to Worcefler; to- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND JUNCTION CANAL. OTICE is hereby given, That Application N is intended to be made to Parliament, in the enfuingSeflion, for Leave to bring in a Bill,,and to obtain an Adl for tuaking feveral Alterations and Amendments in an Adi made in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of His prefent Majeay, intituled, An Aft for making and maintaining a navigable Canal, from the Oxford Canal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bn buoy, Brailr, and S3hjoin TccrnpiA e Road-. HE next Meeting of the Commiffloners Tfor the faid Road is appointed to be held at the George Inn, Brails, in the County of' Warwick, on Woednefiay the z6th Day of September next, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon. Banbnry, WALFORD and CHURCHILL, .Any? 3o, 1304. Clerks to the Commiflioners. N TVICE is hereby given, That all Perfons N who ihall be found ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXCFOIDSHIIPE 3 EOMANRv. T4HE WOO`T'FON,4,UNDRED NORTH TROOP ?? tb Imilterfor EXEROISE, at NORTn'AsTolt, on Monday the 8th Day of Odeober next, at Ten ?? in the Forenoon. 'OLDFiELD BOWLES, Captain. CHARITABLE INSTITUTION .Far the REXLIEF of WIDOWS 2and ORPHA0S of Poor .CI.ERGYME2 vwithin tire Diacf5 of, Wftorceftor, in D9id of sbe Diiriibition annually made Ay the Stewardi for the Meeting of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARWICKSHIRE.-TO WIT. H-TAVING received his Majeily's Writ, corn- L nimanding me to caufe to be elected one Knight to reprefent this County in the Parliament to be held at Weftininfler on Thurfday the 4th Day of Odlobei next, I do appoint a Meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, to be held at the County Hall, in Warwick, on Wednefday the 26th Day of September Inrhaet, at Twelve ?? ...