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Sunday's Post

... ?6afloap#- VD-6 t.? 71FlE state of our diplomatic estabiishment, * with respect to Spain, does notappir to be generally understood. John Jif khamp Frete, 'Esq.? ?? tie~togrt'of Nadrid, reiurped to this Coauboiy a ibut, thriee maonih;.ago,,'ald is DoW in tUW. He.leftbe- bind him isi~i brotlier,B. .Frere, lEsq. ' 'dAffkites 'a1iltg, with Mr.P Hunter, ?? Oener i .47r. B. Fare is i ...

Published: Saturday 29 December 1804
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 808 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... llILITARY; OfFMCERS PAtY. : | SrR,-A paragraph having latelyaqppered i all the daily papers, corrfidently sttibgvihat a-, board of generalofficers had beeirered to assemble, on the subject of inerease of pay to the officers of the army'; and-that the sevraY rates had been actually fixed. You may easily conceive what sensations df -such intelligence created throughdut ebey rank of the ...

Caledonian Mercury

... C : ., . F : Z : : . . . , C- : - f n- ED1INYB UR GH ---IDEVEMBER 1. . An attack hhs beer-madeon Calais on Sunday. t last, which from all accounts, appears to have IS been attended ?? statement j- has ydt been 'published, and recollecting the 'eag.. gerated and confused accoiinfwhich were cireu- P? lated of th ae te 3 gat the late attempts made by fireships, &C. against the enemy's flotilla ...

Published: Saturday 15 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1196 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... hn e Yefeiday being St Andrew's Day, the Grabd sta he Lodge of Scotland, the Members 'and Grand inT n- Officers, ihe Matters and War-Aensrof the Edin- ant ,rs burgh Lodgesi and Proxies from country Lodges, Fo t ?? in the w'tv Church Aille'at fixo'H clock, (tie reft of the Brethern ?? ir; the on outer Pardiiient Houfe) to elea.t the Office'Bea- tife he rers for the citfuing year, Oheir the ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1351 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 1> W~b~~ plc a ?? u e ~ ~ e g chang e it.~or ie~ropified f'a r ' iitte metiag utta ' expanaionwa 'To e~ ~~aiv eengamoa t h ~m~.i~~tott~ m~oictr,~a-M -re fph ?? rny1, ?? eet(e 4iis fatal ~~e For ~s;rnt nif igxoi'adb W t rec~e~o-'on. iiexhy' Jidcm, ?? gthani -if frti ow ?? -tr~ ~ b~-srtis c~ntd, wretr 'SC 'e.IiiIt~i~in~4ii -rzf-~l~fe bodiplajirff an ~ ?? ~at~es'werecompekd t ~~ ~e Chriftemng~ ...

Published: Monday 31 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 81 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 01* 41, i?L . O . lower., 4-1 w , - j - i, , I , l-, I .1 '' J _v ,, SrocKHoLM, Nov. 29.-General Armfeldt is ap- Pointed:Coimarnder ini Chief bf, all the forces in Swe- duih Pomerania. 'he King has paffed o6er ffom Stralfund to Y(aadt, and was, 'a day, or two ago, at the country feit of'CGe- nera[-Toll, in Stearn. It is' reported he will not re- turn here, but proceed lo St. Peterfburgh, to ...

Published: Tuesday 11 December 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1196 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TIBE MORNING CHRONICLE. - LONDON: THUISDAr, DRCEl BER 20. Yefterday arrived a Hamburgh Ma41, with letters and papers to the toth. The Coronation at Paris ap- pears to have pufepended politieal fpeculation on the Continent; but we may expeft tkat now that this im- portantevent has releafed the thoughts of BONAPARTE from his own concerns, it will enable him to proje& fomething new, or at leaft ...

Published: Thursday 20 December 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 632 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... BOA4PAR T nnd the IRISH. Nothing can more forcibly illuftrate the charager of Bonaparte, than his' condu't towards the.irifli exiles in Fiadnce. Fiom the firft' moment of his elevation to tie Confullitip, to the cermlinatic of. the laft wvar, they were uniformly flighered. Their application for iiid, whether to affill their di'afficted fi iends ijt Ireland, or to relieve their own wants, ...

Published: Tuesday 04 December 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1302 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MOIRING CHRONICLE. LONDON: FRIDAr, DECEMBER 2a. One of the Minifterial Papers, and that fuppofed to be mnit 'Immediately c6nneieted wit4 thM1 about Go. vernnient, The Sun, now-gives out tbat'Mr..ADDING. TON is to be Peered and Penfioned. For what, gentle reader ? For his long antfaithful fervices in thc Chair! What, only for his fervices in lix Ckair ? This mo- tion of approbation of Mr. ...

Published: Friday 28 December 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2686 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... f)INrDoNl. DECEMBER 0 ' | i fj lS morning arrived the Hambiurg 'maiJ due on Sund-4y Lit: 'lh I I£4Aj^s1uF~ Matr, gi jeott r 12-Nothing could be!mnre &,d than thr ieire~gence we reCeixet, vefter. ,jthe capturr, On the 5th of 0.9rlber; Off Ca.liz - ''iahl laden Spanith Ihips of War, from Lima I buenrs Ay'Cs Suchi aD event ampeared, indeed. as an exple(-1 had airived kere from) Coolt, drol one or ...

Published: Tuesday 25 December 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 719 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FROM tHE LONDON GAZETTE. a Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenratt of the A County of Caithness. est Battalion of Caithne4s Vbluntee* Infantry.' To be Lieatenants-Ensigns Arthur Sinclair; James w i TWVliamson; John Davidsoq, vice John Caitbelf, pro. moced; Thomas Swanson, vice Donald Sinclair, resign- ed ; Jamtes Davidson, late of the 3d battalion of Caith- dre'sivolunteer infantry, vice ...

Published: Saturday 29 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 891 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... -q? - -, ?? ?? -1. ? ?? , d-l-- .1 - I .. I ?? ?? I* ?? ?? ?? ?? w- t*IC4 pucas eh A'i-vce-Cholmiey prmoe hsstex ?? 4tli D ILt-LuteitantWilliam Powe'vr to' be Cap- ta of ca' troop~, wthout, prhage Cdrnet J.Wallin-' g Lio e Lteaiiit, wsthoui purchae Til-v' tto ~ Cornter, vie aliree. ?? UC.E Radcliffe to be Cap ' tain oE a troop, ni ce Atky'ns, decreased. thLsght. D'ra~oons--Lieut'enant ...

Published: Monday 24 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1691 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News