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The following is the Ballad of Logan Water, which Mr BURNS supposed to be old, but of

... Tlhe follol.wng is the Ballad ofIoGarZ~E£, . which Mr Buss fuppofed tG be old, but of- wi#ich, he fays, in a letter to Mr. THoMpsoN, dated 7th of Apri i 793, thlat he recolleas only thefe twolines: I I While my dear lad maunnface his faes, Far, far frae me ?? Braes. Which two lines he -has adopted as the -burthen of a fong of four ftaizas to the fame tuae. We- can, however, ?? the lovers of ...

Published: Thursday 06 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 754 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

* ~ ?? w _7 'fL 8bra

... s ?? 20.' . Sunday, two Hamburgh mails arrived in Lon- don. Paris papers to the '6th, and Dutch Jour- nals to the I oth inst. have also been received since j our last. Somie ?? them initl ibe found l in our second p'ae The reports which have been fo?r ?? time: circulated, respecting the seriouis'.differences likely to arise between the PORTE and tihe FrncCII GO- . vernent, appear to have been ...

Published: Thursday 20 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3795 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... DUBLIN, NOVEMBER ~22. ch The mifunderilanding between the 5hiefCom-. ng miffioner of -the Revenue here, and the Right 'Hon. Mr'FosTER, continues [till the fubje& of [le, general converfation, and is fo varioufyh deferib- ae- ed, that i ray rot be unicceptable 'to you to re-. 3eh ceive as corre&t and impartial an; account of it as in- can oarrive to any individual through the channel of of ...

Published: Monday 03 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1310 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE MORNING CHRONICLL. LONDON: TuISD'Ar, ACEMBER 25. Yelterdav we received Paris and Dutch papers of a late date. The Moniteur in a letter dated fromn Barce- lona, and which drft appeared in the Yowrnal de Coin- mr-ce, ftates that Lord NELsoN's fJquadron is capturing every Spanilh veffel that falls in the \way. Apprehen. fions are expreflfed that Barcelona would be bombarded by a detachmient ...

Published: Tuesday 25 December 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2505 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ¶rio k .1:o. Moft of the :'ailv pape'' h wi, re 'teei Feiv days, teemed with paragraphs and letters, addreifef to me as- the fatler of Mafter Betty. Some of them have affhned the gentlei' hape of-admonition*; others, the more pofItive form of accufation 'and cenfure. I am advifed by fome to be'particudrly mindful of my for's health. I am accufed by others ofywantonlyimpairing it. Whcn I ...

Published: Tuesday 11 December 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 436 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... .FOREIN hA tLLGICP'C., eFROM THE HAMBURGH MAUL. PARIS, Nov. i6.-In the haibour of Nantes and tt r L'Orient, as well as at Havre, the Swedidh veffels D , have been put under an embargo. 0 It is laid' that a Courifellor of State will wait at the v frontiers to receive the Eledor, the Arch-Chancellor, l and accompany him to Paris. p The Prefet of Police has permitted, by a proclama- tion, in ...

Published: Wednesday 05 December 1804
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1277 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... RROM TUESDAY'S LON-DON GAZETTE. DES6CMiitR,. X, t1o4- This Gazette contains a Letter froin Capt. T. Dundas, of the Naiad, to the Hon. Admlilal Co owallis, iLitang the capture of two, Nos. 361 and 369, mounrini eachi one toog brats 4-pounder, and ose Mtort twelve, trom Dandiorne, bound to Breft, having on board a Lieutenant ot tile 63d regi.,nent of I nfantry, and 36 privates, btfides ...

Published: Monday 17 December 1804
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 626 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, December 27

... I. 0 N N D 0) ?? I3cccnm.2 r 27. A prliv 'ea letter ftoto rT:- riburgh, ietceived bv tbeo laitt ! i, ttaes titit I I IoI0IIpi'atC ?? tetidt to hot oort ?? atter Cnritnias to vifit his aretu oil thle coaf., ciolnplantiedi hV all thofe nll- lI'!OtlS' ?? Bi~epllties Dritlt tile armlily of the. tine, as Ied . front Ihe aliolial glards, in- vited to tor his Coronation, and defliied to i ...

Published: Saturday 29 December 1804
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2450 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... S,: C;~ i) - Gi i ;R zI itba ORt*^ Lo oe ^ ' ?? c 22- pneftienifeve ;orhie p rage with- unabated.;violence, acd -it is gernerally fuppofed -it .w ?? be e-xtirpated Utill it has a tacked ?? iverrpeafoin the. place. ;oobff t~ee.Xarths of the zhhbitaints have been ilcE it, aqd A70 ooiftl4l½rv 4died. -The fcenes. 1 of mifery and d is 4, ftirpas all de- :Po' fcription ovbelief Jt, is now'ragirg, ...

Published: Saturday 15 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 463 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ?? 7FHR L'ONDvON GAZETTE. ' : - = : = - ?? .1 ADMRlRALTY-OfQlCE-Dee. 17. 1804. h c'-Cp- ofa Letter from the - Right 'Hon. Lord Keith, I 1b-. B. Admiralof the .Blue, &c. to William Marf-ti den, Eif. daiedifn board erh- Mod'arch, off Ramif- thf 16fhsDectmnber 1804. - S .I tanf fit, for '-heir Loid~hips' Infor. mat on, a copy of aletter from Captain Foote, h Whlqis Maje(ly's floop the Fvouite, to ...

Published: Saturday 22 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 562 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ; _ . I.;. , I . - . MADaAS, 7Uyz 2i.Th ?? was s difpatdhedi expref, by the- Marquisihaving been a ,monthion Iier paffage from Bengalhas put in hei e e .to fill up her water, aind;&he ?? proceed direct .to Eriglnd; *itbouf'tduching at St-Helena. The lwa iwith the Mahrattas has terminatedtmoft .1 -. .!ourably; as far as the Britifh militariy 6af ?? is soncernied but whther Lo .eided ?? pre in ...

Published: Monday 17 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 942 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 1His Holinefs'the Pope, previoufly to his de- evc parture fropm Romrie, ?? Con fto- d ;y on the z9th of Oaobervto.whom he delivered te the following fpeech or 1d1ocltivo- in the Latin for la,.guage :- afvic YENERABLE BRET14REN, VIC I't was from this place -that the Concordat tak 'vWas egun by us, his Majelty the Emperor of Po the French then Fill Conful; and it is from (te this ylace that we ...

Published: Monday 03 December 1804
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1683 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News